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SubscribePin Holes?
Fish Addict
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Registered: 03-Feb-2007
male usa
Hi all!

Im sure some of you remember my betta and its ripped tail. Well, the tail is completely healed, and only slightly less colorful due to stress. Now my question is, my betta has little pinholes in its tail. They look kinda like cysts but are only one sided. Its kinda like a hole in a paper, when you poke it, it leaves an upturned piece of paper, like a crater. I think it is more like a cyst as it is protruding on one side. It is totally white, and has bee there for a while now. I have treated the tank with a dose of Melafix and Wardley Ick Cure. Im not so sure its ick, because its only so concentrated, but i woulod rather be safe than sorry.

Can anyone identify it? Im so sorry, i cant get a picie of it. He is pretty much just looking like he's tryiong to get out of the tank.

PS: Latley he has been trying to force his way down the bubbles from the bubbler, and he ends up struggling to get out. He will try for like 20 seconds, then just give up. I also would see him inside the Hornwort stuggling to get free from its trap. Im just wondering if these had anything to do with it, and what should be done.

THANX sooo much!

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Post InfoPosted 15-May-2007 23:17Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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Registered: 21-Aug-2005
male uk
EditedEdited by longhairedgit
Sound like hes feeling itchy. Could well be an exteral parasite like ich or a small burrowing fluke. Sometimes you do just get a few whitespots, then about a week to two weeks later theyve reproduced, and everything is covered in whitespot.

See if you can get that picture, and see if you can source a nice general purpose antiparasite like esha exit or similar.

Heres whitespot on a kutubu rainbow if youve never seen it in the flesh before.Might help for comparison.
Post InfoPosted 16-May-2007 07:08Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 03-Feb-2007
male usa
Oh my! I dont think it is whitespot. It is probably pinholes, because i have noticed it against the light, and i saw right through it. Plus, the whitespot stays on, then off as it reproduces right? Well, ever since the ripped fin of my betta, its been having these pinholes for months on end; all in the same spot!

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Post InfoPosted 22-May-2007 01:20Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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Registered: 21-Aug-2005
male uk
EditedEdited by longhairedgit
Well, in that case it might just be a spot of tricky healing, a lot of fins only grow or repair wel from the basal tissues near the caudal peduncle, the mucous layer will try to bridge the gap in the tail, but swimming etc might keep tearing it.

Perhaps try a little melafix occassionally just to make sure the edges of the hole remain disease free and get the best chance to heal, aside from that I guess youll just have to live with a fish with a hole in its tail. I had a guppy with a small hole from a bite for months before it healed.At least its not a serious injury.

A lot of bettas get splits along the entire length of the tail that never knit back together again, hence a lot of them looking like theyre pulling a load of streamers around behind them, even my blue betta has one,you never see it until he really flares up.
Post InfoPosted 22-May-2007 05:46Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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