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swim bladder disease?
I have a female platy that seems to float to the surface whenever she stop swimming. But her equilibriam is fine. She is completely upright, and has b...
Beefshank808-Nov-2005 05:37
Camallanus worms revisited
Hello again, I recently have had a bad case of Camallanus worms in my 10g tank (darn small tanks with their problems) and have receieved the medicine...
So_Very_Sneaky308-Nov-2005 05:23
Guppy Desease Mystery
This is a true story. About two months ago, I had a female guppy who had babies. I noticed a growing white "bump" near it's stomache. It grew slitly l...
jonthacker308-Nov-2005 05:20
Clamped fins
I found that most of my guppies had clamped fins. I tested the water and found a slight spike of NitrIte. I did 20% change of my 60 litre tank. Now, I...
niko001308-Nov-2005 04:37
scary problem in two tanks
I've had four unexplained fish deaths in the past several weeks -- in two separate tanks -- and I'm starting to wonder whether I'm looking at the begi...
LMuha308-Nov-2005 04:19
UK MEDS - help on internal parasites
can anyone recommend a good internal parasite med avaliable in the uk? preferably safe foe treating a tank containing botia....
hembo666208-Nov-2005 04:16
sae's with stringy poo. help
hi there, my new siamese algae eaters have started excreating dark coloured poo that trails them as they swim. there only babers, about an inch each...
pos51205-Nov-2005 21:37
Gold Barb Lump
I'll let the pictures do the talking. Noticed this last friday (june 17th). Fish had peas only on friday, nothing over the weekend, peas again on mo...
Babelfish1305-Nov-2005 12:50
female guppy on its side
ok im not sure of water parameters because it isnt my tank... its my science teachers tank, and the feamle has a welt on its tail (not the fin) im no...
fishyhelper288205-Nov-2005 06:11
White Stringy Waste
It's just been a week since I started my aquarium after a break of 6 months. The aquarium currently has 2 golden, 1 opaline, and 2 red dwarf gouramis,...
warrion_20001004-Nov-2005 09:05
Cory in death spiral?
I'll preface this with the fact that I haven't been here to observe my fish closely for the better part of five days or so. I was pretty much here to...
kitten304-Nov-2005 06:18
Bristlenose Pleco losing color
I bought a Bristlenose Pleco last week. I have noticed that his dark color seems to be fading. When I came home for my lunch break a was alarmed to fi...
inlikefish401-Nov-2005 19:13
Black worms from the CAE gills
My 5CAE are not very happy and i don't know why.Also i lost 1 angel and 2 callistus. They were staing at the surface, and the callistus were swiming i...
dukydaf301-Nov-2005 17:02
endler mystery death
Hi All, A few weeks ago one of my male Endlers in my 15g (tank 2 in my profile) went missing. I checked all around the tank but couldn't find it. He...
upikabu801-Nov-2005 11:21
fish scratching often lately.......
Lately I catch one or more of my fish, mostly the guppies, scratching against ob jects or gravel in the tank. I've stared and stared and I can't for th...
Aimerz201-Nov-2005 04:25
Ich with snails
I just spotted 2 salt grain like white things on my dwarf gourami they appear to be ich however I have snails in the tank so I am not sure what I shou...
bcwcat22401-Nov-2005 04:12
Euthanising fish.( not for the faint hearted)
Pages: 1, 2
Ok, while trawling the forums, it came to my attention that some people are rather at odds as to what to do with a terminally ill fish.Rather than see...
longhairedgit2531-Oct-2005 03:45
sick con
hey my female con is sick again this time popeye last time it was fin rot my question is are some fish more to sickness then others i also have...
deschazkody530-Oct-2005 17:20
Quick Remedy
I jsut noticed that my lil von rio tetra has ich. I swear he did not have it this morning. Is there something I can do very quick that will help him?...
dvmchrissy430-Oct-2005 15:04
sick ram
Ok so 2 days ago i cleaned my 20G H and did a gravel vac like I normally do, added 5 gallons of new water and some Novaqua + for the chlorine and ever...
uniqueyat729-Oct-2005 17:56
White Bumps
I jsut bought 3 rainbowfish last night and they were fine. One of my best friends works at the petstore and she picked them out while I looked at plan...
dvmchrissy929-Oct-2005 17:14
Phosphoric Acid and Garlic
So... I've got fish that I want to treat with garlic food...and I have minced garlic but it also has phosphoric acid in it. [link=wiki]
Babelfish1629-Oct-2005 08:09
effectively treating an angel in a 75G
Hi everyone, i need suggestions on how to treat an angelfish for finrot in a 75G. He's on the larger side and I have no \QT tanks available over 10G a...
rewd329-Oct-2005 07:19
sick ancistrus
My small ancistrus (he's about 3cm) started to stand in a corner of the aquarium trembling, I see some little with spots but i don't know if they are...
Smaug728-Oct-2005 20:52
sick panda cories
I've got some panda cories, and i've had a couple keel over recently. the first 2 showed no signs of any illness, just suddenly dropped off. but the l...
cynical328-Oct-2005 01:20
Tumour and the hungry SAE (graphic warning)
OK, so i have a rosy barb. About 4 months ago, it started growing a tumour. [img]
Callatya627-Oct-2005 18:53
peacock eel not eating
my peacock eel is acting very oddly. instead of his normal behavior he is now swimming in a spirral and laying upside down. he looks really thin. he...
Crazy_Coyote427-Oct-2005 18:50
3 Neon Tetra deaths
I have recently bought 5 neon tetras to add into my 10 gallon tank which has 3 long fin zebra danios. Shortly after acclimating them I had one of the...
Punksvspops525-Oct-2005 03:24
Cruel to remove Angel from 65g to 10g quarantine?
I had kept several angels in my 65g. One large adult and several "teenagers." Now the teenagers are adults and I had to give several back to LFS du...
rasboramary923-Oct-2005 04:00
Camallanus worms again!
Hello everyone, Well having battled Camallanus worms once in my aquariast career, I recently discovered that my Paradise fish has a very bad case, and...
So_Very_Sneaky423-Oct-2005 01:58
White spot question
Hi all just a quick question i got a small outbreak of white spot (all this damm weather flux's here atm). when i started treating the white spot it w...
Patchy622-Oct-2005 12:01
White film covering angel
Over the last week I've lost 9 of my 10 adult angels. Overnight a white film will cover most of their body. Once it appears they last anywhere from...
jsparkman1421-Oct-2005 17:17
quarantine tank filtration help needed
i need to move a juvenile discus ( 3" ) to a quarantine tank(2.5usg), i have a suitable heater but the only spare filter i have creates too much curre...
hembo666821-Oct-2005 07:03
What does it mean when ur fish rub against rocks and sand? My dempsey and jewel cichlids do this once and a while and i have never seen any other fish...
highjinx321-Oct-2005 06:43
sluggish oscar
55usg ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrite: 20ppm ph: 6.5 i bought a small albino tiger oscar a few months ago and he got cloud eye within a couple of days...
chris10171120-Oct-2005 03:22
My Aquarium 's Becoming The Tank Of Death ...
Pages: 1, 2
Well, after the losses i deocumented in an earlier thread, somethng has gone SERIOUSLY pear shaped in the Panda Fun Palace™ ... Now, I've lost...
Calilasseia2519-Oct-2005 07:34
I just bought a few cichlids the other day and they have seemed to b fine. the other day i came home home and found one dead... figured nothing of it....
highjinx616-Oct-2005 22:21
Sick Flame Dwarf Gourami.. or just being attacked?
Backstory: I first noticed white spots on my newest flame dwarf gourami. Bigger, flat white spots, almost a discoloration, and defentally not ich. To...
erik7816-Oct-2005 22:17
in our community tank (70g, see profile for stock) 3 of the 4 discus are hiding in the plants and showing a distinct lack of activity and loss of appe...
hembo6661416-Oct-2005 01:14
wasting away rainbow
A few weeks back I posted about my dwarf neon rainbow (female) who seemed to be wasting away. To update...I've treated with Jungle Parasite clear (tw...
questor814-Oct-2005 18:24
Starving Pleco
My large common pleco (5+years) has recently started showing signs of starvation. He is the only algae eater in my 55 gallon and has kept it pretty mu...
MO1314-Oct-2005 07:34
Red fin Bala
My bala sharks fins are slowly turning red from the ba se up if this is a bad sign how do i treat it?...
Crazy_Coyote1613-Oct-2005 22:56
Royal Pleco upside down
I nticed the other day my Royal Pleco was on it's back under my stone archway. I feared the worst but as I approached it with the net it got up and sw...
c-nine013-Oct-2005 00:53
Eyeless neon
Hi everyone when i was floating the bag of neons i just bought i relised one has no eyes, at first i was gunna put him down. but thought i should ask...
Patchy612-Oct-2005 17:09
Strange, molly specific disease, can anyone identify?
Over the last the two mollies in my community tank have started developing a rather curious disease. Both mollies are male and about 4 months ago one...
Dr. Bonke412-Oct-2005 17:04
can fishes get tumors
i have a female sword tail for around 6 months, with no helath problems in the tank. but i just looked at her (the first time in awhile) and... her...
bettachris612-Oct-2005 15:13
Cory's eyes are blowing up
My cory's Eyes are blowing up.. what could it be? could it be a sign of old age or what?...
Guppy_man1012-Oct-2005 15:02
molly finrot
my male silver molly has a black lining on his back in tail, its not smaller and he and all the other fishys are ok should i be worrying??? hes a...
dish dude112-Oct-2005 14:53
KOI - holes missing out of flesh
THIS IS NOT MY FISH I CANNOT TREAT THIS FISH. I simply thought it was interesting. This fish was in a quarrantine pond at a dealer/breeder. Can an...
Callatya712-Oct-2005 13:35
Ich on blue ram
Okay, I knew that ich would strike me sometime, but I wasn't expecting it to be in my prized 50gallon...(]:|) so, the other day I bought a female blue...
fairynr411-Oct-2005 20:00
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