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Can feeder blocks kill fish?
I put a small vacation feeder block in my 5-gal tank containing 4 healthy cherry barbs. Three days later all were dead. The filter was running. I ha...
monicalewis403-Aug-2005 23:20
white worms in the aquarium
I noticed that white little 0.5cm worms are getting out from the DIY co2reactor which is cuplated to Aqua el filter. I left my aquarium opened and at...
dukydaf102-Aug-2005 19:14
HELP! Dying danios
Hey everyone, I have a 10 gallon tank that has been set up for a long time. Suddenly, all of my fish have started dying and I'm not sure why. The fi...
Tiamet2B602-Aug-2005 13:41
Dead cories
I recently bought 6 schwartzi cories and 2 of them died, but one kind of laid on its side before it died. Is this just stress or something else?...
ericm831-Jul-2005 07:10
black nolly with sudden white spots
hey- i just noticed that my black molly now has white spots on itbut only on one side of the body.. ph is 7 n everything else is normal... can anyone...
blazergirl331-Jul-2005 05:22
Sick with Ich
When treating ich, should i take the plants out of the aquarium? i've been treating ich in my tank for about 2 weeks now, and it seems to be getting w...
i_spaz_out231-Jul-2005 05:03
Fish with fungus.
I recently lost a female blue acara from my 15G. The fish spawned last week, but babies were unfortunately eaten. Yesterday, I discovered that the fem...
JQW330-Jul-2005 19:16
Frayed Fins - Glowlite Tetras
My parents have a 25g tank with 10 glowlite tetras and about 8 serpae tetras. The glowlites seem to have a problem with their tail fins (along with a...
zer0-60530-Jul-2005 14:24
beat up fish
i have two red eyed puffers and one of them beat up the other one he's still alive, but has a bunch of cuts of him and looks really weak. i put a barr...
mitcheese130-Jul-2005 06:29
white rams!!
i just did a water change, and turned on the filter again, i looked at my rams, and they are like paper white!! the only color is the black they cant...
fishyhelper288530-Jul-2005 04:50
Sick Guppy
I wasn't in a hurry so I cycled the 90g with guppies and applesnails along with using eco complete substrate keeping the ammonia down below 1ppm. It'...
sham230-Jul-2005 01:08
Dwarf puffer not eating
ok so im watching my bf's two DP and one is eating and the other looks really skinny and isnt showing much interest in eatin. Ive tried frozen bloodwo...
beachbabe13185430-Jul-2005 01:02
How does one cure hlle and is it contagious?...
esandbergger629-Jul-2005 09:55
Is Melafix safe for clown loaches?
In my 55 gal cichlid tank, my zebra cichlid hasn't been feeling too well. For the past few months he has had some type of parasite (I think) and he k...
fishiedude429-Jul-2005 04:51
Splayed Angel Fins - what's up with that??
I have a 65g hex with 7 (or now, 6) angels. Lately, several of them (but not all) have splayed fins. Recently, one who looked very very healthy save...
rasboramary029-Jul-2005 03:53
something is seriously wrong in my tank...but what?
I have had a string of very mysterious fish deaths in the past few months. First, we had a queen arabesque pleco die because she quit eating and noth...
jenbabe256729-Jul-2005 03:49
silver shark changing colour
I have a silver shark that has developed a dark colour around his head to just past his gills. It looks like he's been dipped in paint. This has only...
james747328-Jul-2005 22:56
Swim bladder problems?
Can fish live long with swim bladder problems? The gourami in my dads tank has it (im assuming) I moved a gourami out of my tank, and put it in my d...
victimizati0n227-Jul-2005 23:35
fish gasping after antialgae solution
My fish started gasping at the surfece at the moment that i added AlguMiN in said on the instruciton that the tratement last for 3-4 weeks and it is...
dukydaf327-Jul-2005 20:54
My Sickly Little Clowny Passed Away
Please help. Here are pics of my littlest clown - Spotnik. He's been in quarantine for over a week. I dont know what to do with him, he's grown in len...
ClownyGirl1427-Jul-2005 01:06
Skittish Rainbows?
The other day I came home from lunch and my GF asked me if I could see any fish in my 55gal. nada zip, they were all hiding, and occasionally flip out...
Curare426-Jul-2005 03:45
Neon Tetra Mouth Growth
Gang, I recently stacked up my Neons, from 1 to 5 and then to 8. A day after I added the last 3, I noticed a strange growth on at least 2 of the 8...
LITTLE_FISH1026-Jul-2005 03:20
rosy tetra with red lump at the side
ok..just saw one of my rosies with a red lump at its side..i dont know if it hit itself hard and bled or is it a tumour?? another one...rosy again......
tankie025-Jul-2005 17:33
bottom goldfish
one of my 3 goldfish is very "unlivley". He spends a lot of time just laying at the bottom of the tank. I have put some disease safe stuff and some...
tanzy325-Jul-2005 17:13
betta constantly ill
I have had the worst luck with Bettas lately, Peaches grew two lumps and died, despite briefly imporving with VERY clean water it didn't last and she...
goldfishgeek1125-Jul-2005 12:44
Sick ram?
I need some help figuring out what my ram has. I got her 3 days ago with a male. They ahve been eating well and swiming all over in curiousity. But no...
gauntlet425-Jul-2005 03:10
sae fin rot
can any one help me as to why the tail fins on the sae at the top look like they do they all used to be fine dan76 attached this image: [img]ht...
dan76324-Jul-2005 04:39
African Cichlid sudden death
Ammonia = 0, Nitrite = 0, PH = 7.8, Water Temp. 82 A long story very short. This fish like one other cichlid I have has been living in a smaller 10...
Iron Mike324-Jul-2005 04:03
My shrimp keep dying :S
I have had some shrimp in a tropical tank now for a few months and all has beens fine. The begining of this week I moved them into their new home wit...
minigod224-Jul-2005 03:25
Blue Gourami can't swim upright
My Blue Gourami, who is like 4in long is having trouble swimming upright. In examining him, I see no external problems and he looks completely healthy...
WiseIves323-Jul-2005 23:28
tetra does not know which way is up
hey all, I kinda need some help. I have a brand new tank with 3 tetreas in it. It used to be four but one another one is swimming really...
esandbergger523-Jul-2005 19:44
Clown Loaches turn for IIIIIIIIICCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Hi @ll, And here I go again. I have just bought a 100 Litre (about 35 US gallons I think) from a close friend which came with a number of fish, one wh...
bram40541622-Jul-2005 03:24
is betta boy ill or am i uninformed
Hey all- my betta which I bought and received today looks as though there is black stuff surrounding his gills its almost like organs pulsating... if...
blazergirl321-Jul-2005 05:30
Betta has persistant ICH.
ph- 6-7 ammonia- 0 nitrite- unknown nitrate unknown temp 29'C (Since ich) Hi all, The problem is I have a small 30 litre with a 25W Rena Cal heater,...
bram4054821-Jul-2005 03:55
yet another sick clown loach
I have never had much success with CL's. I love the things but they keep getting sick and dieing on me. Because of my current debacle, I now know what...
simpkia1521-Jul-2005 03:52
Tiny White Critters
Ammonia: 0.5 ppm Nitrite (note the “I&#8221 : 0 Nitrate (note the “A): 0 pH: 7.6 Temp: 78ºF Tank Size: 2.5gal Stock List (Quantity/...
Danioman721-Jul-2005 03:44
Pricey Fish Meds
I like to keep meds on hand at the house because I am so busy sometimes It can take a few days to make a stop and the LFS. Maracyn, M2 and a lot of t...
ufgradufish321-Jul-2005 01:27
Neon tetra with Pop eye
I noticed today that one of my neons has pop eye. Is it contagious? I have no idea of how long it has been like that. About 6 months ago I went thr...
dbenn320-Jul-2005 04:14
Silly Fishie
My female betta decided to take on a piece of food that was too big for her. Her mouth is stuck open now. Although she doesnt seemed stressed it has b...
Lindy620-Jul-2005 00:12
bloated betta? is this bad?
I have had my betta for 11 months now and he has been doing great the entire time. In the past week he has developed what looks to be a bump on the s...
feltr04619-Jul-2005 14:33
ick only killing cardinals
About 2 weeks ago, I had an outbreak of Ick. It effected at least one fish of every kind I have (rummynose, cardinals, corys, ottos, bettas, platy, ra...
Beefshank1819-Jul-2005 09:35
Nitrate spike...sick fish
Hi, For some unexplained reason I've had a nitrate spike in my tank. I'm doing daily water changes to try to fix the problem. Can someone suggest a...
mesonic1318-Jul-2005 21:46
I'M CURSED WITH FISH - What am I doing wrong!!!
Hi @ll It's official, I am officially cursed when it comes to fish. I have been a fishkeeper for 2/3 months now and I have lost 2 betta's (Achilles &a...
bram4054718-Jul-2005 17:40
Ick help
Ok so i just stocked my brand new 60 gallon tank with some tetras (24) and 4 gourami's .... the tank has been cycled and all ... and after about 4 day...
nagash45318-Jul-2005 14:24
Strange deaths in sister's tank
Over the past few months, the danios developed oddly bent spines (they looked like a comma, with the head on a normal level, and the tail/body curling...
kitten118-Jul-2005 07:39
female betta w/ dropsy
is there any efective way to treat it? so far i treated with melafix, quick cure, and now im trying salt, is there any home made concoction i can mix...
fishyhelper288217-Jul-2005 03:28
Has anyone tried this product...
... 1. Protozin 2. eSHa Exit + eSHa 2000 I'm gonna ask if this meds are very effective against "cloudy eye, white spot or red spot, itch and some oth...
ronnfive515-Jul-2005 17:23
Red growth!
A few weeks ago I discovered a small red bump on the ba se of my green severum's right pectoral fin. This was unfortunately the night before I le...
Dragonchild214-Jul-2005 19:00
Gourami Fish Dying Off
I have a 29 gallon established tank with good water quality; (I test often) I have 6 giant danios, 2 balloon mollies & 1 gourami left. My black m...
TroyB514-Jul-2005 07:21
Please help my Parrot fish
Hi all, I have a Parrott Fish in my 180 gallon tank. I've had him for 2 years this September. When I got him he was the largest of a group of small Pa...
spyder413-Jul-2005 15:24
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