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  L# Cycling question
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SubscribeCycling question
Fish Addict
Addiction Hurts!!
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Registered: 28-May-2007
male usa
Hello all!

I am still cycling my 20g parameters:

I am curious as to when I might see the Nitrites begin to come down to 0. I have been treating for Ich for quite some number of weeks now, don't know if malachite green affects nitrites or not. I have cut back to once per 8-9 days for 25% WC. I occasionally add a LFS bio boost product designe dot assist with the cycling.

I currently have 2 Tiger barbs (the leftovers from the scourge of Ich) in the tank.

How long do y'all think it might take before the nitrites begin to come down (2ppm for a few wks now, ammonia has been 0ppm for a few weeks now)? Is there anything I can do to hasten the nitrites descent?

Post InfoPosted 18-Jul-2007 01:21Profile PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female usa
Your using liquid tests now, right? so it should be accurate. Under normal circumstances I'd say bump the temp up a few degrees and do a couple small water changes. That sometimes helps get tanks unstuck from the nitrite phase. Problem is you probably already raised the temp with the ich and even if you dropped it back down it might be too much stress on already ill fish to raise it again. The malachite green usually doesn't affect a cycled tank but I suppose an uncycled tank without established bacteria could have issues. It might be doing just enough damage to the bacteria to slow your cycle down. I think I'd do the water changes to bring the number down and relieve some stress on the fish so that they will recover and you can stop the ich meds soon. Then hopefully the tank will completely finish cycling.
Post InfoPosted 18-Jul-2007 01:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
Addiction Hurts!!
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Registered: 28-May-2007
male usa
hey thanks sham, I will continue with a weekly WC (25%) and keep the temp in the low 80's and see what happens...

thanks !
Post InfoPosted 18-Jul-2007 01:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male australia au-victoria
Do you have any live plants in the tank? If not get some floating water sprite.
You could also be transfering ich to that tank be carefull I would increase the temp and add extra airation and when the tank has cycled I would treat the tank for ich otherwise your new fish will be infected.

Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info

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[link=Betta 11Gal Desktop & Placidity 5ft Community Tank Photos][/link


Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 18-Jul-2007 02:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
Addiction Hurts!!
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Registered: 28-May-2007
male usa
the tank is at 82, has been up in temp for some time, have ben treating for Ich for some time, white spots gone since saturday, and will continue treating for probably two weeks past the last white spots seen... I am adding now new fish until I am cycled and have had two weeks free from white spots!
Post InfoPosted 18-Jul-2007 02:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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