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 Freshwater Aquaria
 Water Quality
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Bio Spira
Has anyone here ever used Bio Spira? Did it work for you? Were you able to find it at a local store or did you have to order via mail? Just wonde...
ELT8881722-Jun-2007 01:38
Ph Too High
Tested my Ph Level in the tank it's pretty high 7.5 The local tap water ph is naturally high because I tested the ph of the water from the tap and it...
antman08015719-Jun-2007 20:23
Using Rainwater
I had been looking at ways to lower my pH, and after posting on here, decided that an RO system was the best way for me to go. While I've been looking...
waldena418-Jun-2007 23:20
Water changes, new rookie fishkeeper here...
I'd love to get a clear explanation of how to correctly do a water change... how much how often. I recently set up a 20 gallon freshwater tank and I...
ScottF309-Jun-2007 04:03
Goldfish in 10 gallon
I got 6 goldfish that are from 1 1/2 - 2 inches in a fully cycled 10 gallon. If I do a 25-50% water change daily will they be O.K. until they are a bi...
shadowtheblacklab1208-Jun-2007 01:10
coralin algea, other saltwater residue bad for Freshwater?
I just picked up a used 75 gal tank real cheap, there is a lot of white residue leftover from the previous saltwater setup. I scraped most of it off t...
Iceterran506-Jun-2007 04:28
II Test Kits - A difference!
When I joined here 6 mo. ago I posted a topic, "Help with PH debate!" I was using "Jungle" test strips from wal-mart......brand new & not outdated. E...
fish patty727-Apr-2007 19:03
Please Help
today i purchased on of the test kits for my 55g. The only thing i have ever tested before was ph. I decided to get it because i have more fish in my...
$ilver dollar127-Apr-2007 07:48
Bad test results
Hey everyone!! So I finally had a little time to day to do water tests and let me tell you I wasn't pleased with my results. So here's all the info I...
tigermom1125-Apr-2007 13:47
Nitrates High. I need HELP!!
Well, today I've decided that I wanted to do a pH, Hardness, Alkalinity, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate test. Here are the Test results: Nitrate: 160 o...
Fishrockmysox1719-Apr-2007 22:38
Activated Carbon
I'm familiar with activated carbon but i was still curious as to what are the specific effects that it has on water quality. i.e. hardness,alkalinity,...
amazondon419-Apr-2007 16:02
Bad water
So I've had my tank setup for about 5 years. I've been busy with work and haven't had time to do water changes for the past 2 months and now I can’t g...
justin84418-Apr-2007 13:51
I have very high alkalinity making ph changes very difficult. i have a water softener pillow that works very well but still doesn't affect my alkalini...
amazondon416-Apr-2007 04:14
Lower the Ph
How do you lower the Ph from 8.6 to about 7 or a little higher? I use tap water so I need to lower it for the new fish I am going to get. I don't want...
MoFish911-Apr-2007 06:19
Water and Whitespot
Hi there. Sorry for the long post but I thought i'd come for some advice. Im new to this hobby and recently purchased a 30L Bio-orb tank. I know not...
Colt45705-Apr-2007 19:46
Scared And Confused..........
Hello, I have a 29 Gallon Freshwater Aquarium, and the Water Parameters are pH-7.4, KH-107.4ppm, GH-125.5, Ammonia-0.50ppm, Nitrite-0.25ppm, Nitrate-...
Zachary4567503-Apr-2007 13:31
Hi, Has anyone used a product called Nitra-Zorb by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals? Any opinions on its usefulness? It is apparently able to be recharged fo...
Gone_Troppo1001-Apr-2007 17:56
Time between water changes?
hi guys I did a water change last night (i did a 15% change) and today i have been doing some work in my tank i have removed a fair bit of carpeting...
juwel-180325-Mar-2007 18:54
Epsom salt
I was speaking with a gentleman from one of our local pet stores today and he explained to me how you could add epsom salt into your fish aquarium as...
Cichlid Keeper220-Mar-2007 23:06
Aquarium With Green Stuff
My aquarium seems to have green stuff in it. I am somewhat thinking its some algae. However it could be some mold. I am wondering what could that gree...
marisun719-Mar-2007 06:00
White hair algae
I have a 10gal. tank with cherry shrimp that has been up running since last November.The water is at 75 degrees,two 20 watt xenon lights that stay on...
cjp218-Mar-2007 20:01
Microbubbles in the water
Are the tiny microbubbles ok for the fish? These seem to cloud up my water, and look very much like particulates. Any advice? Peace out dudes ....
GobyFan2007118-Mar-2007 08:09
What is the best water to use when filling your tank? Should I use regular tap water or filtered water? Is there anything I should put in the water or...
shannon20_011817-Mar-2007 06:13
Blackwater ... umm well, water.
So, I just read an article about proper black water aquariums. It said that I should remove the filter carbon from the filter cartridges as it tends...
ipsomatic9917-Mar-2007 06:07
Bubbles from substrate during WC
Hello all. This is the first WC I've done on my tank in about a month and a half (I've been away at college and there's no one at home who can do muc...
Joe Potato617-Mar-2007 05:59
Confusing Water Parameters: all 0??
First of all, I just started into fish-keeping about 7 months ago or so. I have a 55g freshwater community tank and a 5g tank for one female betta....
scooterscooby201-Mar-2007 20:24
Organic digesters
I was wondering if anybody is using organic waste digesters.My LFS recommended a product called Lysofoss which is a powder version.They told me it wou...
Ace201-Mar-2007 19:33
Meteor field-particle filled water
in my dad's tank, we just put in two plecos so now our water is filled with particles. WHat are they?...
GobyFan2007727-Feb-2007 11:32
Test Kits
Can someone recommend a test kit that would cover all of the essential ideals of fresh water tanks...without breaking the bank? We've had a horrible...
keeper923-Feb-2007 20:37
PH keeps dropping, should I do something about the low KH?
Hi there, My 75G tank has been set up for 6 months now. PH has been dropping steadily from 7 (reading from tap water) down to 6. There's approximat...
RickyM621-Feb-2007 05:31
On one of my tanks, i have recently seen like 50 or so little brown bugs that sit and jump around on the surface of the water. When i was doing a wat...
aquapickle27420-Feb-2007 08:27
Water Softeners
I've been reading about how there's a lot of toxins that come out of a hot water tank. Especially during the winter when you have to mix a lot more ho...
Bar-B 411-Feb-2007 04:16
Funny Fly's
I havr had my thank running for six years now. And have noticed these flys or bugs on the in side of the hood and glass which holds the hood up. nev...
Tusker310-Feb-2007 23:16
Amquel plus and Novaqua plus
Anybody here like these products, I have heard good and bad reviews on these, would like to hear others opinions, shoot this may not be in the right a...
AquaClear_Fan210-Feb-2007 21:34
Keeping the temperature down
Hey there At the moment, due to soaring temperatures and a lack of insulation on my place my aquarium temperature is getting too high for comfort. i...
Troy_Mclure910-Feb-2007 07:13
PH help needed.
Because of money constrants at this time, I need some advice. I was just given a 26gal tank, bought cansister heater all that bjah bjah stuff. I'm bee...
djrichie205-Feb-2007 22:57
Ph Test And Water Temp
I did a ph test for both the tank and the tap last week and the tap ph seemed strange. Last week it was ~ 8.0, a little higher than I remembered, wh...
Doedogg831-Jan-2007 08:12
Chlorine/Chloramine Remover
I've been using a chlorine/chloramine remove that also gets rid of ammonia when I'm doing my water changes. Is this slowing down my cycle? I've had...
ImRandy85730-Jan-2007 23:25
Hair Algae
on the glass i seem to be getting what looks like hair algae. but it only grows on the front pain of glass. i noticed that i get a brownish algae on...
sodaaddict841529-Jan-2007 05:49
High nitrate levels not going down
A little over 2 weeks ago now I tested the water in my 55 gallon community-planted tank and discovered my nitrate levels were reading at almost 90 ppm...
Cichlid Keeper525-Jan-2007 07:53
Gravel affecting PH
REDPHANTOM1519-Jan-2007 20:10
Another paramter question
Yeah I know we see these all the time but I think there's something strange going on in my tank. 5 platies, 10 gallon tank (about 4 weeks old) temp -...
ImRandy85219-Jan-2007 00:51
Green Water
My beau has been having a problem with green water. He used Crystal Clear and it cleared the water, but it since has returned. Nitrites and ammonia ar...
sydsfish416-Jan-2007 21:54
Water paramters...pH problem?
Hey guys I'm just wondering how my tank is doing. I tested for the first time and this is what I got. Where am I in the cycle? pH ~ 8.3 ammonia bet...
ImRandy851102-Jan-2007 13:11
Water Testing
Are the testing strips good enough to test my water attributes or should I spring for the ones with the test tubes? Also, does an airstone really hel...
ImRandy85623-Dec-2006 22:35
Cloudy Water
i posted about 3 weeks ago about cloudy water and what not. well i asked for help about cloudy water. i was told its a bacteria bloom and my tank was...
sodaaddict84323-Dec-2006 01:34
Cloudy Water
I got a 35 gal fish tank over three weeks ago and after the second day after adding fish the water got cloudy and its still not clearing. Three fish d...
mw429322-Dec-2006 01:24
Water Clearness and Sunlight
I have a 20H in my bedroom with access to indirect sunlight (at least, as indirect as I can make it--I have blinds closed over the windows at all time...
Silver_Fish815-Dec-2006 01:41
what to tell the aquatic nitwit
hey. today i was incredibly frustrated at a company we had. they have a 10 gllon tank with 2 large comets and a common pleco. its been 5 years and th...
M.A.G.1901-Dec-2006 15:54
In one of my fish tanks, the water looked a little cloudy, but when i looked down the top of the tank it was clear. I found that there was some short...
aquapickle27323-Nov-2006 09:59
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