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  L# Need Some Ideas For (Fake) Plants To Use In A 10G
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SubscribeNeed Some Ideas For (Fake) Plants To Use In A 10G
Small Fry
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Registered: 11-May-2006
Well i tried and failed at real plants so im gonna go back to fake plants. I want the tank to have plants that would be found in northeast US creeks and really any kind of stream or creek. any ideas of plants i should get?

btw, i used to be a member here but forgot my login name
Post InfoPosted 11-May-2006 21:17Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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female usa
I'd go with a mix of hairgrass, aponogeton, and ludwigia. Even though none of these plants is actually native to the US, they look similar to the plants I find here, anyway. Actually, I believe cabomba is also considered a noxious invasive plant in New York state around Long Island, too... These are all redily available in the plastic plants section of the pet store, and should actually have those names in the description. Go for tall plants, and get more than you think you will need if you want a natural look.

Hoping that there must be a word for everything I mean...
Post InfoPosted 12-May-2006 15:50Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Queen of Zoom
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female usa us-maryland
Here's a link][/link] to some info on US native plants. [link=Here is a link to other biotope resources. Maybe you can find some helpful info at one or both of those sites.

Good luck

There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Post InfoPosted 12-May-2006 17:00Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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female usa
EditedEdited by GirlieGirl8519
Well i tried and failed at real plants so im gonna go back to fake plants. I want the tank to have plants that would be found in northeast US creeks and really any kind of stream or creek

I'm a little confused. He says he is going back to fake plants, but wants to have plants that are found in the US.

Do you mean fake ones that look like real plants found in the US?

I'm confused.

If you have the right light, substrate, and plant choice...keeping plants alive is easy.

Post InfoPosted 12-May-2006 23:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
Posts: 2
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Registered: 11-May-2006
yeah i meant fake plants, but the ones that are supposed to look like the real thing
Post InfoPosted 13-May-2006 01:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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