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 L# Aquascaping
  L# Pyrite
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Posts: 5230
Registered: 23-Aug-2003
female usa
Has anyone heard anything about pyrite being safe/unsafe for aquaria? I can always go the "coating with epoxy" route but it's nice not to ....

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:26Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
Joe Potato
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Registered: 09-Jan-2001
male usa us-northcarolina
Pyrite will oxidize in water and it will produce a brownish iron oxide residue.

It can be harmful as well as unsightly because, if your water isn't well-buffered, it can cause big pH fluctuations, as well as release other nasties.

"metallic-looking minerals like pyrite (fool's gold) or galena need to be
avoided. metallic-looking minerals are usually sulfides, but can also
be arsenides, selenides or antimonides. They can oxidize under water,
releasing acids, potentially toxic metals and other solutes."

Taken from

Joe Potato

Last edited by Joe Potato at 18-Feb-2005 14:02
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:26Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 28-Dec-2002
male usa us-colorado
Pyrite is an Iron Sulfide (FeS2). It, and any of the
pyrites will affect your water. Pyrite is an important
ore for Sulfer.


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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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Registered: 02-Mar-2003
male canada
i have iron pyrite in my piranha tanks
ive never had any ill effects from it
jsut positive results in colour
i have had 2 tanks identicle with red belly piranhas in both one with iron pyrite n one with out
the tank that had chunks of it the fish have much briter n more intense colouration n vibrant metallic red throat n chest n belly n chrome flakes on the uppper part of the body
the ones with out it r still nice looking fish but no comparison
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:26Profile ICQ MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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