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SubscribeLonely panda - lonely no more?
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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Be advised Kitten, you haven't seen nothing until you have 8 in the aquarium in one go

Imagine your photographed frolics multiplied by a factor of about 10 and you get Mata Hari and the boys

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
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Now I just have to figure out which one is the one always jumping over everyone... that's gotta be Tigger. And maybe instead of Christopher Robin, I can dub the shyest one Piglet?

~Meow. Thus spoke the cat.~
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*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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Pooh, Eeyore, Tigger and Christopher Robin!

There you are Kitten, your Pandas all named!

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
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I know... one of the ways I tell them apart. I still haven't come up with ideas for names yet, but I've found from observing that the once-lonely one is REALLY black, and the other three have varying degrees of black. I don't know when/if they'll color up, but it's quite obvious that of the three new ones, one has more black and one has less black on his dorsil fin than the one in the middle. The lonely one also is practically pearlescent in the white areas, and shows a healthy pinkish hue. The others still look pale, almost deathly pale, though at least one of them is getting better.

I can't name them One, Two, Three, cause those are the ever-so-clever names for my black neons. Comes from when I first got them and I was trying to find them all and kept doing head counts...

Random thought... the lonely one reminds me of Eeyore, always alone, always "no one likes me"... *shrugs* but now he has friends, so I don't know that that's particularly fitting any more.

~Meow. Thus spoke the cat.~
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wow......hey btw am i the onli one to notice the awesome. intense black colour on that "once-lonely" panda?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
Well, I certainly hope you find someone who can take them... my friend's program wouldn't start until late September and I probably wouldn't have the opportunity to visit until sometime after that. However, if you still have them at that time (can't imagine that, they're so adorable!), and if they're willing to take that trek, it might work. *grins*

~Meow. Thus spoke the cat.~
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*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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Probably not a good idea (sigh). Otherwise, if I don't find a buyer close to home, I'd take you up on that. But the flight home alone will take 7½ hours. Add the journey to the airport, time spent waiting to board, time spent disembarking, getting the Pandas through US customs, etc., and it might result in less than happy Pandas in the shipping container. Even if you can ship them in circumstances that will allow them to breathe during all of that time (i.e., pure oxygen in the bag).

Might be worth E-Mailing US customs & finding out about fish importation in advance. Because if they know you're importing something, and are seeking to clear it with them, it might make the process easier on the day. Not least because they might want you to pay an import duty on the fish. And if that's cleared in advance, and you have the paperwork to prove it on the day, then you might be lucky and get through Customs speedily. Remember also that drug traffickers have used fish importation as a means of smuggling cocaine in the past, which will complicate issues enormously.

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
Weeeee! Baby pandas! I can't imagine how adorable they'd be! Tell you what... my friend just got accepted to University of London for his masters... if and/or when I stop in for a visit, maybe I'll take you up on your offer.

How hard do you think it would be to take them back on a plane with me? Somehow I think I'd be stuck in customs far longer than I (or the pandas) would ever want to be!

~Meow. Thus spoke the cat.~
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*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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male uk
Double post.

It's 6:30 am on 11/03/2005 as I type this. Bang on the button.

Kitten, those four Pandas that I told you about above? They're spawning again. Just seen Lady Emma Hamilton (that's what I call the female after Joe Potato suggested it in the chatroom ) burying an egg in the Java Moss.

Mix them with your Pandas and you'd have quite a gene pool to play with.

This is getting silly

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
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I bought three pandas a month or so ago, only to have two of them die (one after two weeks and the second a week later) of unknown causes. The third one is hanging in there and seemed to be doing well. However, when observing him today, I noticed his barbels seemed to be getting shorter. Water parameters in the ten gallon are good, and are in fact, nearly identical to my twenty gallon, which houses my other cories. As you can see, my trilines have lovely barbels...

Oh, hello there! *wriggles barbels*

So I thought about it... well, why couldn't I move the lonely panda up to the twenty gallon? I've got four trilines and a lone agassizzi that are doing well there, and the agassizzi schools with the others... maybe the panda would enjoy the company of other (if certainly much larger) cories?

So I scooped up the somewhat depressed-looking panda and introduced him to the other tank and his new buddies. He took a bit to settle in, but now he's much more active. And he seems to like his new buddies, too!

Hiya, who're you? Are you my mommy? Panda with Triline.

Daddy? The agassizzi is the biggest of my cories, but the lil panda seems to be hanging around him when I look in there. ... maybe the big guy knows the best hang outs?

I certainly wouldn't mind filling out these schools, and I know I should, but I've been trying to find more agassizzis for ages (I couldn't resist this poor lonely guy who was stuck in a tank full of tiger barbs for at least a month at the LFS) and pandas are few and far between. Besides that, I'm currently broke. However, when the opportunity presents itself, I'll certainly snatch up more!

So... you think this is a good solution for now? The panda seems happier in just the few hours he's been in his new home. The betta girls (this is my betta community) came to investigate him to fulfill their curiousity, but no one's bugged him at all. I just don't want to lose this guy, too... I've wanted pandas for a long time, but I'm not having much luck![/font][/font][/font]

~Meow. Thus spoke the cat.~
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female usa
Well... I did it! Went back to the LFS and found out that there were three pandas left from the same shipment (don't ask me HOW they stayed in the store for a month!), so I snatched them up. After acclimating them, I released them near their new buddies.

Two of them were quite pale and breathing quickly... scared to death, I guess. The other settled in right away and went to join my panda. One by one, they settled in and then the fun began. Wow... I guess four is the magic number for these guys... even my original three never really schooled around. But these guys... as soon as everyone perked up, *VROOM* around the tank in wild acrobatics!

Playing leapfrog...

Oh boy, new friends! The original panda is easy to tell apart, he's the one with very black markings, facing to the left. The other three still seem a bit pale.

This is hilarious... I didn't notice the triline peaking out of the hole in the decor until AFTER I downloaded the pics from my cam. Agassizzi keeping watch over the new kiddies.

Over the sandstone and throoouuugh the algae, back to Daddy we go! Pandas on a grand tour of the aquarium, I guess. My panda led the new ones on a merry chase around the tank, stopping to frolic over the piece of sandstone I have in there. They wound up back by the agassazzi, who I've now dubbed "daddy." [/font][/font][/font][/font]

~Meow. Thus spoke the cat.~
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*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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male uk
Pity you're an ocean away Kitten, I have four you could have if you were closer to home ... and they've spawned several times too, so you'd have breeders with a proven provenance to boot!

Such is life ... trouble is it would cost me so much to air freight them to the States, it would actually be cheaper for me to buy a 7 day holiday in Disneyland and take them on the plane with me! Such is life ...

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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I'm glad you said he was small. I was looking at that photo of him with the other cories, assuming he was a full-grown panda, and thinking, "My God, those other ones are GIANTS!"


Kathy (who is happy your panda now has friends, even if they aren't family )
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Cute lil bugger, ain't he? Small, though! I searched diligently for him this morning before momentarily giving up... only to see him taunting me later. Like "nah nah, made ya look!" Must have been hiding behind one of his larger buddies.

He's definitely more active now. He was energetically rooting through the gravel, looking for tidbits of food. If I didn't think the betta girls would steal his food (see my thread, Greedy Guts! in the labyrinth lounge), I'd pop in a few wafers just to watch him get all excited over them.

Calilasseia... how'd you know? If I can find more pandas, I'll jump on them. And hopefully have more luck with them then their predecessors. *goes to peer reluctantly at her bank account* ... and is pleasantly surprised. Maybe I can swing a few more pandas.

And whose gender were you confusing? Most definitely a "she" over here. Don't know many guys who'd voluntarily go by "kitten"!

~Meow. Thus spoke the cat.~
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*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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male uk
She already knows

I told her to get more Pandas even if it means living off bread and water for a month

Which I suspect she may be doing shortly ...

Now all I need is someone to come here and tell me that I've got Board member genders mixed up yet again (this is a running joke in the chat room ) and the thread will be complete

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
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congrats sounds like ur panda is indeed much happier - but if possible try to get more pandas...In my experience, *and i dunno how they know*, but corys seem to be able to tell they're own species, so i think that panda would be much happier if it had at least 2-3 more pandas for companions
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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Are you going to buy more Pandas to keep him/her within a school? Very loverly markings and easy to see.


Last edited by keithgh at 10-Mar-2005 02:01

Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
Even though he is the only one of his species in the tank, your panda is probably happy not to be the only cory around. I hope that you are able to find more.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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