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SubscribeMy cory laid egggs!
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male usa
Mine breed on their own on a regular basis.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
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male usa
I doubt that it was do to a current, that she laid her eggs. As far as leaving them, I did once....and then slowly watched them eat them all. I think I'll be taking mine out.

Of course, being that there is over 140-150 known types of Corydoras; there could well be ones that prefer to lay eggs in a current. I know that my peppered don't; and they only lay after temperature fluctuates. To my recollection, they have spawned 10-15 times in the past year alone.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
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my peppered corys also bread a few times, which i have to say was from temp. flucuations
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Report 
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female usa
You don't necessarily have to change the water temp to get your cory to lay eggs. Mine have lain eggs before just because I changed filters and produced a stronger current. If you notice, your cories are probably laying eggs in the places where the current is strongest anyway. Leave 'em. The current helps to keep the fungus away that plagues cory eggs.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Report 
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thats him tessa how easy are they to breed, i am thinking of waiting till they get the 30 gallon back, they may like that better, sand bottom, all i need to do is aquascape it, i finaly have a design i like, i am going to get more, i have one, but next time i go to wally world i will pick up 2 more, and each time i got, i will get 2 more till i have like 7, and im going to get 5 bronze for my sisters cory too, but dont tell its for christmas "shhhh"
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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female uk
No probs Keith its easy to get confused with all those corys out there LOL I always do.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
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Concentrated on the eye patch.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
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female uk
This is a panda cory. Its quite different and a lot smaller. They are my fav cory.

tessa38uk attached this image:
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
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female uk
No it looks more like the Corydoras schwartzi to me I have several of those. Take a look at this link yours looks as if it could be one.

[link=]" style="COLOR: #4040FF[/link]
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
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male usa
Your picture looks like it might be a Panda Cory.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
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female uk
One of my Albino corys just laid loads of eggs but all the other fish have eaten them all Now the poor cory is laying still with its head buried in the pebbles I guess it was all to much for her poor thing
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
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male usa
I use my finger to remove them from the glass, plants, etc.(they should stick to your finger if you 'swipe' them from the glass/object). I'm not sure what guppies, and platies have to do with this. With plenty of hiding spaces like that, some cory fry may survive without becoming lunch. Do you have a place to raise them seperately?

I have heard of several species of Cory who do not canabalize their eggs. There is a website specific to cory identification; the last I heard there are around 150 known types of Corydoras. Any other questions, just ask.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
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theres the post, and how easyare they to breed? i got them for 2.66 each
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Report 
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i have a question, ah, how exactly do u get the eggs from the glass?, or what if the tank has lots of young guppy and platty fry, there is also 2 female plattys, and a female betta, the tank is HEAVELY planted, and in some spots it is nearly impenatrable, oh, and this is a 10 gallon, the plants are live and fake, all green, the gravel is blue, there is some spanish moss behind a cave, and near the side of it, there is another cave on the other side of the tank, the spanish moss makes the current go strait, not down, ah, i think i covered everything, oh, and my mamas do noteat fry, i think they are against it or something but, if they r on the glass, behind some plants, and none of the other fish seem to mind, can i leave the eggs in there? im not saying i do have eggs, but i want to breed the species i have, i still havent figured out what species they are, i will google it, and post a pic, maybe u can help

PS, oh and sorry for hijacking your post

Last edited by fishyhelper288 at 20-Dec-2004 19:40
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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female uk
WOW Keith thanks so much for all that info I will watch out in future to see if I can spot a female that's about to spawn. I will watch closely and try to save some eggs I have a little treatment tank I could raise them in. I raised some platys and sword tails in there once.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 09-Dec-2003
male usa
My peppered cories have spawned quite a few times( I am currently raising 2 seperate batches, with another group ready to hatch). I have seen it documented(and it has been my experience)that cories will lay there eggs when there is a slight change in the temperature of the water(we're talking 3-4 degrees here).

You may begin to notice a female(females have a more 'rounded' Dorsal Fin, and are wider-bodied...even when not pregnant)'cleaning' areas around the tank; such as the glass, plants(especially plastic), etc. They are 'grooming' areas in which to lay their eggs. As she begins to push the eggs from her body, she will 'hold them' between her clenched pelvic fins, while she looks for a place to lay them. Cories seem to prefer silicone in the tank corners, plastic plants, and inner walls of some centerpieces; because the eggs seem to adhere to these surfaces better/easier. After she lays all her eggs(could take up to 2 days), she will be very tired, and find a place to rest. I have had a female lay up to 120 eggs before!

Because the males will fertalize the eggs as the mother lays them(he will follow her around very closely), it is necessary to remove the eggs as soon as possible to another tank, because the Cories will eat them!. I use small plastic cups to hatch them, then transfer the fry to a ready tank...after acclimating them to temperature first.

When placing the eggs in another tank(or a plastic cup or container)try to re-adhere the eggs to the sides of the container, as this will help prevent the eggs from fungusing over and dying(viable eggs should feel like little "bb's", not soft). Adding the proper dose of Methelyne Blue(Sp?)can help ward off fungus, though I have never used it. At an average room temp. of 72-74 degrees, the eggs should hatch within 4-6 days(the eggs should turn a 'parchment' color as they age, if any eggs become white they are most likely dead).

Try to keep the fry at a temperature of at least 72 degrees, up to 80 degrees. Do not use a power filter, unless you have a sponge filter over the intake(not hard to do); fry can be easily swept into the filter and die(believe me). I run only a sponge filter in mine(with some Anacharis to help with water quality and shelter); later I start up a small power filter when the fry are too big to fit into the intake grill. If you're going to have any gravel, I suggest a VERY minimum covering(we're talking barely enough to cover the bottom glass)of it. Some people use a bare-bottom tank, but I find the fry like to hide in the gravel for about the first week(so don't get scared if you can't locate any). Make sure to keep up with regular water changes; some people suggest a few times a week, but I've had exceptional success with the regular schedule of once every 2 weeks.

Now for the food. I use Wardley's Small Fry(liquid)food, make sure it's for egglayers...not livebearers(though honestly I don't know what the real difference is). If you want to make some, here's how: Take some shrimp pellets and grind them up. Next take some cheese cloth, put some of the pellet grindings into it...and run it through water. Either squueze the liquid directly into the fry tank, or into a small dispensing bottle for later use(don't let it sit too long). The solids can be given to older fry later. When the fry are a month or two of age, regular pellets(whole)will be fine. I have never used live foods; such as BBS, or micro-worms, but wouldn't rule them out.

When the fry reach an average age of 2-3 months, they should be big enough to move into one of your tanks; or sell/trade to you LFS.

Good luck next time with them!

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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female uk
Well its funny you should say that Keith My heater broke about 2 weeks ago and I did not notice until the temp drop considerably as it such a big tank so there was quite a change in temp but as it is such a big tank it would have been gradual. As for water changes :88) I do a 30 % water change every week.

Well oz196 as it happens I have no idea how I got her to lay and no I have no idea how to take care of them since this is the first time I have ever noticed any corys lay. I can only think it was what Keith has suggested the change in temp.

Last edited by tessa38uk at 18-Dec-2004 15:37
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
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male usa
If you just did a water change, or the water's temp varied a few degrees...that is why they spawned.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
sorry about your loss. I wish you better luck next time. By the way how did you get them to lay eggs? And do you know how to take care of them?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile Yahoo PM Edit Report 
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