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SubscribeSkinny clown loach (and interesting link)
Fish Addict
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female uk
I am fairly sure this has been discussed before but i can't find the thread so sorry if this is a repeat,

I have one very skinny clown loach. he eats and swims and generally seems ok but is very very skinny to the point of being bony.

I remember Garyroland saying that sometimes clown loaches just failed to thrive. I wonder if it is that?

has anyone ever had a ropey looking Clown loach and got it better?

i am treating the tank with prima fix and melafix. i did read in a search i did read about adding garlic to the food.

i also read on another site that they frequently come with a worm like parasite and this can be cured with a sheep medication!

I tihnk i will try the garlic thing. he is still eating i don't want to give up!!

any experiences would be good.

(water test all at 0, have just done WC that's why there are no nitrites (is that the "last one" that's meant to be left?)



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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Report 
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That sickness in CLs has been around as long as I can remember I think it can be introduced to them by feeding them Live Blood worms which are known to carry many parasites.

I have also heard about the garlic method but I am sure I have never heard of any true success in using it.

In cooking it is garlic first for flavour and last for health. Also if I am correct it is good for the blood & heart and possibly many other things.

Using that I would say use it raw.
Dont use the processed stuff it contains oils.
I believe you can also buy Garlic tablets.


Last edited by keithgh at 31-Jul-2005 22:57

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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GFG you might want to stop by and check with clownygirl. She had one that was skinny she named GaryRoland appropriately and he is now a good size guy, she might have some good adviceheidi

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male australia
Hi, how many other Clown loaches do you have?
It is very important not to keep them on their own, atleast 3 Clowns should be keep together.

Clown loaches will jostle for a pecking order, the one that doesnt win will often lose colour and also may not get as much food. its also worth noting that Medications affect Loaches more than other fish, as Clowns dont have scales you should not use as much if any at all (StressCoat can kill some Clown Loaches), Try feeding live food for awhile and make sure the water quality is right.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male australia
Hi, see the link for conformation of Loach death when tank was treated with Pimafix and Melafix.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I do have lots that have recovered, but I also had one skinny fellow that I lost. I fear I added the internal parasite to the tank by introducing Rams. The cure, well, use the best parasite med u can find in the market and then leave it to the clown, feed him lots, and try to avoid live food. If you think the clown is constipated, give him peas, lettuce and other veggies. I hear Hikari has garlic in its food, so try sinking wafers.

I also have heard of medicated food you can buy in the US, so I would suggest you try that. My only advice is, the sooner its treated the better.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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female uk
he looks sort of hollowed out along one side.

his gills are red too.

i am not holding out huge hope at the mo. i have nothing else to treat him with apart from primfix and mela fix although that link has made me worry.



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female india
Awww I am so sorry for you. I would however, suggest separating him from the rest of the fish, because if this is an internal parasite problem, he may pass it on to the others.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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