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SubscribeUh Oh %!) I did it again%!)
Fish Guru
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female usa
Ok, ok, ok, I did it again, please someone stop me, pleaseX)

So well you see Leslie and I decided it was time for a little road trip to go and find Aquarium World We found it and it was really niceI really like their show tank, sorry no pics digital camera is somewhere in the front seat still burried under school stuffes:%)

So anyways the reason why this is being posted here I guess

We found Juliis and well I bought 5and then as the girl thought she was finished finally with mei saw the tank next too itit was khuli loachesI haven't had any other those in years so well I got 5 of them as well

the juliis went into the 125

and the khulis are in the 20 gallon

I'm happy and I think they are

So do khulis eat snails? I don't expect them to eat as fast as the clowns do, but anything would be nice

pics tomorrow or when i find the camera


"I've got a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than boredom." Thomas Carlyle
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile PM Edit Report 
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I think you go out and spend up to justify you name change as the new name spent the money not the old one.

Keep us all confused as we never know who has what or bought new fish.

Anyway must have been a good trip. When I go Aquarium looking even to get some supplies it always involves stopping at one or more garden nurseries or any where that sells garden plants.


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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Panda Funster
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I think Heidi will soon be setting up the world's first branch of Coryholics Anonymous

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa us-virginia
Good deal.

But remember, trilineatus, not julii.
[link=]" style="COLOR: #808080[/link]

And when he gets to Heaven, to Saint Peter he will tell: "One more Marine reporting, Sir! I've served my time in Hell."
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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female usa
Yeah, I know it is aggravating when Heidi changes her name all the time, I think it is due to adult add. I got five of the "juli" also, but their foreheads don't have squiggly lines...seen those on others labeled juli, but these have spots. Might be the real thing, or might be trillinus (sp?) with the spots as Books previously stated. Must get Heidi to take pictures for a more positive identification.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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female usa
Oh goodness. Les dont you know better than to take my sister shopping! tsk tsk...

Well, I hope they're at least real julii's, because that'd be pretty sweet. It's honestly not that hard at all to ID them, just get a pic up when you guys get the chance.

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I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut
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Mega Fish
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Sounds like you found a use for that 20 gallon, houston. Not going to set up the breeding program, huh?

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
You want what when?
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female usa
uh well, yeah the name change might be do to adult addwe'll see if the meds help when i can take them and not have them stolen]:|

anyways the 20 long is still sitting unusedI kind of put them in the 125 as wellthey are irritating everyone by acting like clowns

and the loaches, I forgot how funny they really are i sat in bed and stared at them for quite sometime this morning

and when i do get my camera found i'll get some pics, and if i can find the flipping book i'll be able to id them drives me nuts that just when i'm getting my stuff together a flipping witch goes and does something like this, i can't prove it, but i'm sure it was her, who else would be this flipping mean and honory]:|but i'm back on them so we'll see me getting things in order and settled soon...heidi

"I've got a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than boredom." Thomas Carlyle
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa us-virginia
Pictures will not always help with identification when it comes to Corydoras julii and C. trilineatus. Though I do not know of any C. julii who have reticulated head patterns, I have seen some C. trilineatus with spotted head/snout areas. That confuses many people, and they inadvertently assume that a fish is C. julii just because of this. Below is a picture of a C. trilineatus, complete with spotted head.

From Planet Catfish:

Really, just about all fish labeled as C. julii and C. trilineatus in this country (as well as in most other countries) are in fact C. trilineatus. It doesn't really matter though, as the fish are both beautiful, and are both great little cories.[/font]

And when he gets to Heaven, to Saint Peter he will tell: "One more Marine reporting, Sir! I've served my time in Hell."
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 25-May-2004
male usa
Au contraire. Juli are readily available in Europe. It is quite likely that, if the said store recieves shipments from Europe, the fish you are seeing are indeed juli. There are also at least two importers in the US that recieve "true" juli
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa us-virginia
Yes, they are more common in Europe. However, Australia, N.Z., the U.S., and Canada do not see julii cories that often. As well, I don't know of many American fish stores that recieve fish that are collected in Brazil, shipped to an exporter, then to a European distributor, then back across the Atlantic to a U.S. distributor, and on to a store. I may have missed a stop or two during the way, or screwed up the chain altogether. But you have to admit, for the time being it makes for a nice point.

Granted, I know it does happen, but not often. Just last year I lived in the same area as Heidi, and I don't know of any lfs's there that recieve fish from European sources. I didn't visit them all, but I can't say that there are plenty of big outfits there, and I don't remember any true C. julii.

Last edited by sirbooks at 29-May-2005 22:18

And when he gets to Heaven, to Saint Peter he will tell: "One more Marine reporting, Sir! I've served my time in Hell."
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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male usa
Sorry, I logged on the wrong username. I agree with the above statements, but the Germans, among others, have realized that Americans will pay BIG bucks for F1s. Large amounts of "European bred" show fish are harbored into he states each year. Whether this includes assumedly commonplace fish (though both you and I know this isn't the case) such as juli, I could not say. Also, according to Ian Fuller, there are a few importers of wild juli that funnel their goods into the US.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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female usa
Thanks for the picture Books, looks a lot like mine. Doesn't matter much. I like their looks and don't plan on delibertly breeding them, so it doesn't matter. I just wanted a smallish cory shoal for my tank.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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