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L# Freshwater Species
 L# Bottom Feeder Frenzy
  L# What to pick
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SubscribeWhat to pick
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Registered: 11-Aug-2003
male canada
Could someone, please suggest something that I could use as a bottom dweller, that will be ok with my fronts.
Don't want to go the common pleco route.
A colleague of mine suggested these, Synodontis Decorus or Synodontis Brichardi.
What do you think,
Oh tank size is 185 gal.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 26-Jul-2004
male usa us-virginia
Try some bristlenose plecos. They stay a lot smaller than common plecs, look cooler, and can be kept in groups in a tank as big as that.

And when he gets to Heaven, to Saint Peter he will tell: "One more Marine reporting, Sir! I've served my time in Hell."
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile MSN PM Edit Report 
Show me the Shishies!
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female australia au-victoria
I dont think you would have a problem with the two suggestions you have so far.
I kept a trio of syno eupterus with my frontosas and had no problems. I have also heard of people keeping syno multipunctatus and petricola (lake tang synos) with frontosa too.
I also kept bn plecs in the fronty tank to keep the brown algae at bay.


Before you criticize someone walk a mile in their shoes. That way you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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male newzealand
if frontosa's are very aggresive, then i don't recomend the clown syno. they are really timid and peacful. mine gets a bit battered by the featherfin syno and my banded leporinus.

would a featherfin work?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile Homepage AIM MSN Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Show me the Shishies!
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Registered: 25-Apr-2001
female australia au-victoria
Frontosas arent aggressive though Fish Tank. Tommy has them in a good sized tank so I doubt he will see any aggression at all.

Before you criticize someone walk a mile in their shoes. That way you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 11-Aug-2003
male canada
Well just last night I had to rescue a 5" raphael cat from a neighbour[he is moving and could not take it with him]
Put it in with the fronts everthing seems to be working out fine
So has my question been answered by getting this guy, or is it not a good match.
I am told by my neighbour, that he picked it up from a lfs here in Calgary, so I am assuming it has been raised in the same water conditions as I have.
Beautiful fish will post a pic when he is settled in.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Report 
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