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SubscribeYoyo loaches in a 10g?
Fish Master
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female usa
I have a snail problem in my 10g. They came in with the plants I ordered. I have 5 neons, 2 ottos, and a male betta in the tank. I have heard they reach around 4 inches. Would 3 be too much? I have tried to get the snails out by hand but no matter how many I take out I still have some left. I also tried a piece of cucumber and they didn't touch it.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male australia au-victoria
That sounds exactly like my tank see photos. I had a similar problem but they came via the gravel.

I bought one small 1-2 ins Clown Loach. It will be going into the large tank when he get bigger. I had no snails after one week.

[link=Betta 11Gal Desktop & Placidity 5ft Community Tanks]" style="COLOR: #00FF00[/link]


Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male malta
2 Yoyo Loaches will be too much in a 10 gal. with the other fish that you already have.
For Snail eating, i would add a Clown Loach.
Member of the Malta Aquarist Society - 1970.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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A Clown Loach in a 10 gallon??!! I thought that's a big no-no?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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female usa
FishOuttaWater: Exactly what I thought. If I can't have yoyo's then I know I can't have clowns.

I have a 55g and if I could have 2 or 3 Yoyo's in the 10 for a short time to eat the snails, I could move them to the 55. But they would have to get along with cories. I only have 5 cories now but hope to eventually have 2 schools of atleast 8. So how about that. I know clowns can't stay in even a 55 and need friends..and I won't be getting a tank bigger than a 55 in the near future.

Could that work..keep 2 or 3 Yoyo's until snails are gone then move them to the 55. Or should I just keep trying to pick the snails out?

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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male usa
I think what keith was referring to - and which he pointed out - was that the clown loach he used to clean out the snails in the 10 gallon was or will be moved to his 90 gallon tank, so the temporary time in the 10 was OK.

Same thing with your 10 gallon. If you def. have a 55 to move them to, I would suggest getting three yo-yos, leave them in the 10 for a week and let them do the job, then move them to the 55. If they're small it won't crash your tank, and since it's only going to be very temporary I don't see the harm.

EDIT: And just for the heck of it, my two cents on overstocking etc. many people around here will - rightfully - suggest when the topic is brought up that clown loaches can't go in tanks smaller than say 75 gallons... and the same thing with other large fish like oscars etc. That doesn't mean that two weeks in a 10 gallon will stunt them forever. These fish routinely spend a few weeks in 10 gallon tanks at the pet shop, or in places where they ship fish out, they're in ponds with tens or hundreds of their kind. A little bit of time in a small tank won't hurt them forever, it's just that we try to discourage people from thinking that it's OK to leave a potentially large fish in a small tank as a permanant home, or for extended periods of time. No need to blow things like this out of proportion

Anyway, good luck with the yo-yos, they're great fish and super snail eaters

Last edited by NowherMan6 at 24-Oct-2005 16:11

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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female usa
thanks...I can finally see the post now. I don't know what happened. Yes I thought that Keith had a bigger tank to put the clown in that's why I wrote that I only had a 55 and I know people ask if they can have them in a 55 and usually the answer is not for long. Yoyo's seem interesting so when I get the money I will get me a few. Thanks for your help in clearing things up.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male usa
i would cut the number down to 2 loaches, and add it to the ten, wait til it does the problem and then move it into the larger tank.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female usa
Since they will probably be babies in the 10g three should be fine until they are moved to the 55g.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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female usa
If they are as good of snail eaters as I have heard...then they will only be in the 10g for a max of 2 weeks probably. Not long enough to grow real large. The ones I've seen at my LFS are around 2-2 1/2 inches.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male malaysia
my yoyo grew 2 inches in 2 months...they grow quite fast.

Last edited by ckk125 at 25-Oct-2005 09:29
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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female usa
Isn't their max like a little over 4 inches though? If they are about 2 1/2 to start with...they don't have much to go. Two weeks in a 10g will be the LFS they have like 8 in a 10g with other fish..for a week or two before they are sold.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Queen of Zoom
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female usa us-maryland
They'll be fine The rate of growth might depend on the size of the fish when purchased. I've had mine (4) for since the beginning of this year and they're not 4" yet.

Good choice, although I'm a bit biased being a big fan of loaches /:'

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female usa
Mine were tiny little 1" things and took about a year to reach their complete length and width. They are still changing a little in size and pattern. Some of them no longer have a yoyo pattern.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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