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  L# featherfin cat...
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Subscribefeatherfin cat...
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Registered: 28-Jul-2004
male philippines
...does this fish eat plants? well, i got two of this beautiful fish of about 3 inches and 3.5 inch long in my 2 sqm pond along with my plecos, mollies and platies. all of my plants are looking great until i bought this cats. on early morning i look at my pond something was wrong, my "water hyacinths" are severely damage like cuts and like munched. and then the next morning, the same severe damage, went on for a week, until the plant rotted and throw them out. i did research about this specie, but there's nothing to be found an incident like mine. i did'nt know their behaviour though except they can be territorial and sometimes aggressive. it can't be possible that the my other fish can damage like this.

any help or comment would be greatly appreciated!
thanks in advance!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile MSN Yahoo PM Edit Report 
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female australia au-victoria
When I kept these fish they didnt damage any plants. I can imagine that they may uproot plants though, damaging them in the process.

Before you criticize someone walk a mile in their shoes. That way you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 28-Jul-2004
male philippines
So in other words they did the plant ripping.]:| I check them out this morning no more damage plant. I can barely see them, they always hide and just out when feeding. I researched last night and I learned that they do eat fry. Fortunately, I got lots of plants like anacharis, hornwort, cabomba, water hyacinths and some 4 types of crypts for my fry to hide in. Maybe I’m going to buy another tank for them. Sigh! This hobby surely cost a lot of money, but they’re lovely though…: D and i like watching them!

Btw, thanks!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
Ronnfive, if you can get a tank for the featherfins, I'd suggest it. They are a lot better to look at behind gass. After they are comfortable in their tanks, they will eventaullay come out in the daytime to feed also. After I moved mine to the 55g, he's out all the time. They are quite beautiful fish (my favorite in my tanks), and the adult coloration is beautiful also.

These are great scavenger fish, and will find any food left over at the bottom of the tank. If the curren't not too bad at the surface, they will eat from there, swimming upside down. It's great to watch, but my 55g sucks down flakes and bloodworms too quick, or the cichlids get the top ones first.

But try not to leave too much food at the bottom of the tank for them, as they will constantly eat and get fat (I'm serious, mine's got a pot-belly ever since my boyfriend's been feeding the tank).

IMO, I'd leave the pond for the fry and get a pleco for algae duty.

Yes, this is an expensive hobby, but it is SO worth it!

Last edited by harleysiber at 29-May-2005 09:07
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 28-Jul-2004
male philippines
thank you so much lindy and harleysiber. i did buy last day 95G tank for them and maybe like harley i'll add some cichlids. (95G tank because i heard they grow pretty big like 7-8 inches and not to mention their fins.) currently i'm cycling my new tank up to a month. they are stil in my pond. this morning i found another uprooted plant, it's my crypt (dunno what type of crypt though.) but furtunately no sign of aggression towards the fry. i almost count them they are nearly 60 molly fry floating everywhere with their moms and dads.

tnx again!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
If you're looking forward to the beautiful dorsal extensions on the FF, I'd steer away from cichlids. They do very well together, and mine don't bother him too much, but you never know how nippy the cichlids will be. I haven't seen too many battle scars, but they do happen.

Although the FF is African, you may be able to try a community tank with South American or Asian fish. The FF tolerates a wide pH range, and isn't really that aggressive. A 95g tank will support a wide range of possibilities too. What's in your pond now?

But if you are thinking cichlids, mine are mostly psuedotropheus species, and they are pretty calm (except dinner time). Yellow labs are also more peaceful mbuna that look great in any tank.

Make sure you have caves no matter what else you put in the tank, the FeatherFin will find any hiding spot (like behind an internal filer, but prefers someplace to sleep upside down.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 23-Aug-2003
female usa
Mbuna aren't the only cichlids out there.

Buy a nice big tank and keep Tanganyikans with them! Gorgeous fish, a variety of peaceful and fascinating species, etc etc.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 28-Jul-2004
male philippines
sounds great, i'll check my lfs if they got yellow labs mbuna. i bought them 2 pots last day, and maybe i'll buy 2 more for the mbuna.

i still got mollies, platies and plecs in my pond. tnx for the info!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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