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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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Algae and Ottos?
I have a 12 gallon established tank that has a small algae problem. The glass seems to get lots of small clumps or dark green hairy looking algae. I a...
labrakitty1031-Mar-2006 11:00
Schooling Bottomfeeders for Mbuna?
I have a 46g tank with 5x African Zebra Chichlids and a Rubberlipped Pleco. Are there any schooling bottom feeders that I could add?...
Inkling1029-Mar-2006 19:17
Clown loaches,how many?
Hey! On friday i will get my 550L/145USG tank. I want to know how many Clown loaches do you think will be the best to have in this tank? I have 4 clow...
Rob1619328-Mar-2006 00:59
Cory Care Club
Pages: 1, 2
I recently posted in the classified's that I was wanting to trade my babies for other cory. I know that a lot of us end up with a lot of babies and f...
mrwizerd3526-Mar-2006 03:57
Albino Corydoras.
Do you find any Albino Corydoras in the wild?....
jasonpisani525-Mar-2006 16:20
Need help on choosing a bottom feeder
i need to get a bottom feeder for my fish tank. now its only very small (10L...i think thats about 2 1/2 gallons) as im living in a small room in a co...
xsolitaryshellx1124-Mar-2006 17:00
Corys with Multies?
I'm looking for a good bottom feeder to go in my 90 gallon tank that Houses around 10 Cyps and around 10 adult Multies and a bunch of juvies. Could I...
Dempsey fan524-Mar-2006 00:45
Rare Pleco
Whats a rare and attractive type of pleco that would go in a 70gal (4*18*18) with 8 discus? just a theoretical question at the moment, may not happen...
african_man623-Mar-2006 04:42
Bristlenose question
Lately i keep finding my bn upside down on its back and it cant get back up. Ive had it for around 4 years now.. is this an old age thing? or is there...
carpe_diem1222-Mar-2006 13:06
More algae!
What can I do to encourage more algae growth in my tank for my rubber lipped pleco? I see him sucking on the glass for hours on end so I assume that...
Aqua Newbie n MS522-Mar-2006 05:50
Rubber lipped Plecos
I bought a rubber lipped pleco shortly after Christmas, when I got him, he was the only one in the tank, so I couldn't compare him to anyothers in th...
Inkling322-Mar-2006 03:50
Corys, Bettas and Gouramis
I currently have a 10 gallon tank with a Golden Gourami and four Corys. My Gourami has started chasing my Corys. I just got a new ten gallon tank with...
Cowch822-Mar-2006 00:22
Kuhli loach and gravel?
I have the black gravel they sell at your LFS. It's not really sharp but it doesn't look like it would be very comfortable to burrow in. I plan on b...
BLUIDMIK1021-Mar-2006 18:46
Brazillian Amazon Biotope
Ok, so I have descided to do a Brazilian Amazon biotope for my new house. It will consist of hatchet fish on top, many dwarf cichlids in the middle,...
mrwizerd1119-Mar-2006 23:55
Loach (spotted dojo/weather)
Has anyone had any of these? I have attempted to have two of them but within a day both of these died immediately, one was on the large side, the oth...
shadows319-Mar-2006 06:22
Corydoras fry.
Can in put 5mm Peppered Corydoras fry, with 4cm Bronze Corydoras, or should i leave them to grow more?. Thanks alot in advance. [link]h...
jasonpisani718-Mar-2006 23:15
Feather fin Syno?
I think I have a feather fin Syno. Got him today afternoon and added him to my cichlid tank. He is just about 3 inches, and the other catfish tank mat...
ClownyGirl1217-Mar-2006 16:56
Identify This Syno
i am not sure what this is. the only picture i have found that looks like it is a syno. budgetti, but i doubt that'w what it is. the fish store had...
chris10171017-Mar-2006 04:00
Raising cory fry w/o live foods
Is this possible? I'm keeping panda cories, but not for the intention of them breeding. However, in the case that they do lay eggs, is it possible t...
seedkiros1117-Mar-2006 00:14
Raising green Cory eggs
My cories recently laid eggs but i lost them all to fungus. I have an antifungal but i was hoping that there was more i could do.Thanks in advance -Ne...
NewBreeder16413-Mar-2006 20:06
What to feed a Pleco
What can I feed a pleco.? can I feed it algae waffers exclusively?...
zman713-Mar-2006 10:34
Moved my ottos but...
(Skip to paragraph 3 if you don't have much time ) Okay, so I have these two ottos who were in my planted 10 gallon tank. Algae was abundant, heav...
seedkiros613-Mar-2006 10:06
Corys in a 20G
I had recently posted a similar question to this in the "Getting Started" section. I have since changed my focus a bit and thought I would re-post it...
Aqua Newbie n MS710-Mar-2006 21:05
How fast do the plecos grow...
Look at these pics and he is at 4cm. and here another pic from the same...
Rob1619510-Mar-2006 09:12
What Kind Of Pleco?
what kind of pleco is this?
kmlubahn6609508-Mar-2006 15:42
Zebra Plecos in the US?
I'm just curious as to why Zebra Plecs are so hard to find in the US? Are they still illegal to import?...
Inkling608-Mar-2006 01:09
What Happened With My Friends Bristlenose Pleco
My friend has this great big brisltenose pleco. He was going to give it away to me, for my 20g. So, i came over to tak the pleco. First, we had to get...
blaze_fire607-Mar-2006 13:57
I was wondering- I have a 29g tank. I like the looks of the commom pleco... but understand that they grow really large. Are there any other algae e...
jodecii707-Mar-2006 04:44
Dumb question but what is a otto?...
jodecii907-Mar-2006 01:11
Small loach snail killer
My little brother needs a small loach for his 27 gallon that will eat snails just the common egg laying kind....
mrwizerd1506-Mar-2006 16:32
Yoyo And Clown Loaches
Can I safely combine my clown and yoyo loaches? I have 4 3-inch yoyos that I want to put in a 300 gallon tank that has 5 3-4 inch clowns. I recall r...
Dolf605-Mar-2006 17:50
10 G Do All Bottom Feeder?
I'm moving from a 3 gal. to a 10 gal. Is there a bottom feeder that will eat algea and stuff that is dropped to the bottom? It would be sharing the ta...
Thursday1404-Mar-2006 04:01
Clowns eating plants..
I thought they didn't eat plants? I just noticed that my loaches are eating my plants,they don't do it often but my plants are getting like swiss chee...
Rob1619904-Mar-2006 03:48
Yay For Pandas!
i would just like to say, i found some good healthy panda cories last night.. and i got 4 to add to my 55 gallon... that ups my school to 7... i'd l...
chelaine802-Mar-2006 19:33
Sexing Pandas?
is it possible? if so ENLIGHTEN ME!...
chelaine502-Mar-2006 10:06
Does Anyone Keep Salmontail Catfish?
do you keep this fish?
dan76902-Mar-2006 05:04
10g stocking - Corydoras paleatus?
Ok, so I am another one of those new people with a 10gal tank (actually two now). I have read a lot on these forums and really appreciate the informa...
beetledance1201-Mar-2006 09:59
I've looked this up, and I've read a couple of different things, so I wanted to get y'alls opinion. I was wondering if different species of Corydoras...
andrew14228-Feb-2006 19:28
A small pleco?
Pages: 1, 2
Is there a such a thing as a small pleco that could fit comfortably in a ten gallon tank? Or a khuli loach? The smallest pleco I have found was six in...
Betta_Fantasy2627-Feb-2006 04:42
Sexing Plecos
Just recently when I was looking around at fish on the internet, some one said that they would be able to sex the plecos before they sent them. I did...
horselvr8495126-Feb-2006 02:58
quick cory ID needed
I'm giving away all the fish in my 20g...the cory school really should be added to but these are chain-store rescues that were sold as 'corys'...
Theresa_M1124-Feb-2006 19:39
Sterbai cories
I originally posted this question in General Freshwater, but I haven't gotten any replies in nearly two days I'm interested in the sterbai cory [...
zoeandmaia724-Feb-2006 19:36
Black Ghost Knife Fish
hi, I was wondering if anyone has had any experience keeping these. thanks...
amanda1401222-Feb-2006 03:38
What catfish would work?
I have a 3 gallon (I know it's smallish) and it has 1 full grown Female Guppy, 3 fry, and and a African Dwarf Frog. I used to have 2 other guppies, a...
Thursday721-Feb-2006 01:36
YoYo Loaches or Cories for bottom feeders?
Should I get 4 YoYo loaches or 6 Cory Habrosus (or similar sized cory)? I have a 25G Tank that will have 12 Neon Tetras and one type of the above bot...
slickrb620-Feb-2006 18:35
Another Unexpected Birth
Recently i have been having a lot of my cories giving laying eggs. In the past month i have had three different mother cories lay eggs, and one laid...
mikdavy21020-Feb-2006 03:22
Can Bristle Nose see in the dark?
My peppermint bristle nose never seems to come out in the day when I give it an algae wafer, and then the other fish eat it since the bristle nose isn...
labrakitty820-Feb-2006 03:20
Fed up with AQ 300 cory deaths
I have a 45 gal(US) tank with 23 fish. Over the past year, since I've bought my AquaClear 300 power filter, I've had corys caught on the intake grate....
incubus701018-Feb-2006 19:41
Spotted Raphael Question???!??!?!
SO years ago i bought a spotted rapheal and the second day it went missing and today i went to go clean my tank (i have cleaned it with in the two yea...
chizunk1118-Feb-2006 16:37
Pictus Cats
I have had a 30 gallon tank with tropical fish in it for a couple years now but I would like to upgrade to a larger tank to hold Pictus Cats. I would...
carttman318-Feb-2006 03:50
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