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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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bristlenose breeding
we think our bristlenose has laid eggs in a cave as the male is sat in the entrence making a fanning movement with his fins and has been there doing t...
hembo6661108-Dec-2005 01:33
C. Multimaculatus
I would like to know some stuff about them, as i saw 2 HUGE (around 10cm) ones at my LPS. They look really interesting Last edite...
von dutch1107-Dec-2005 13:51
D o j o Loaches! ^_^ - Feeding Time!
Well I got myself a couple of Golden Dojo Loaches, they are doing wonderfully, and are as great as I had hoped (personality wise). I wanted to know...
AngelZoo306-Dec-2005 08:01
What Bottom Feeders?
Hi Im just starting up a 55g tank and so far have 4 peacock cichlids in there. I was just wondering what bottomfeeders i could put in there to keep...
carpe_diem1306-Dec-2005 04:41
Crazy Catfish from work!
Ok here is the deal. At work we have this crazy catfish. It is probably about 3-4 inches long with a tail that looks much like a knife fish. No one...
Wingsdlc906-Dec-2005 04:11
Nori as Pleco/Otto food
I've learned that Nori (a sort of edible seaweed) is considered a good food for herbivorous marine fishes. Woudl this be suitable to give to a freshw...
Calilasseia205-Dec-2005 07:02
clown pleco!!
now i heard there is another species that often gets mixed up with clowns, does that species get large? and what is different about the 2 species? t...
fishyhelper288405-Dec-2005 05:05
i had my "moonlight" LED set up on tonight so i could watch my bristlenose pleco,south american bumblebee cat,and school of cories browse their way th...
reun1304-Dec-2005 10:27
What's your favorite cory?
Hi, I am trying to pick out a type of cory for our tank. What's your favourite and why? I've had albino corys before and really liked them but want...
tinfil1104-Dec-2005 06:31
poor little corys!!!!
i just noticed today the two spotted corys i have are very skinny. they dont seem sick, but they have always been seems the other corys,ple...
reun604-Dec-2005 06:29
Juliis with Pandas?
Hello All, My son has a 20gl tank with Julii corrys and Tiger Barbs. The corrys never come out into the open except at night. I suspect that the Tige...
eminer1254504-Dec-2005 00:51
Dyed or normal?
Pages: 1, 2
Heidi and I are arguing over some albino cories we saw at a lfs. Owner, of course, swears they are natural, I think they are dyed, and Heidi isn't su...
pugperson2103-Dec-2005 04:15
Good pleco for 20Gal. with gups and corys
I have an algea invasion and need help. Chineses algea eater is to mean. Any suggestions? -NewBreeder16...
NewBreeder16502-Dec-2005 22:28
I'm worried about my Common Pleco.
I have a common pleco in a 55 gallon tank with an assortment of mollies and some white skirt tetras. anywho, the mollies keep the tank pretty free of...
chelaine302-Dec-2005 16:48
Feeding Pumpkin
Has anyone here done this for their plecos. An LFS I went to had it in with all his plecos and it apparently brings out their colour really well. Do...
Darthannihl8or902-Dec-2005 10:22
Clown loach behaviour?
I've been noticing just lately with one of my 5 clownies that it seems to be intent on bugging one of my kissing gouramis. As the gourami goes to have...
RustyBlade902-Dec-2005 09:16
Oto with washed out colour
Hi guys, I got a couple of otos for my 2ft planted tank over the weekend and one of them has this washed out colour (light, almost transparent grey),...
upikabu401-Dec-2005 12:46
Similis Corydoras
I saw these at the LFS today (not a bad price either, cheaper than the pandas...and they have these other fish advertised as pandas, but clearly they'...
sumonator430-Nov-2005 03:27
albino cory cats
Does anyone know if albino cory cats will school with non-albinos of the same species?...
Tiamet2B1229-Nov-2005 15:56
Good algea eaters
Hey! I have now removed all of my fish except the 14 Black phantoms and 3 clown loaches because iam going to have discus soon. My tank is now starting...
Rob16191029-Nov-2005 02:35
i really like the sound of these fish, and think they are the best choice for my planted 3foot tank. are they sensitive to nitrates? is 10 too high? a...
loulou1528-Nov-2005 10:31
Big plecos
Check them out I think you need a big tank to have these guys [link=]http://aquat...
Rob16191728-Nov-2005 10:06
How peaceful are clown loaches?
I have been thinking of putting a clown loach in my 10 g fry tank to eat the pest snails. I have 2 week old guppy fry. Do they search out and destro...
esandbergger728-Nov-2005 10:03
Black Ghost Knife Fish
How many can be kept together. I had two, both healthy but within a week one had died whilst the other had flourished? I love these fish and would l...
crusha828-Nov-2005 09:55
Syno Multi spawning
Hello all. Just sharing some joy. Wed night I witnessed my Multis spawning. No host cichlids in the tank. This was a natural egg scattering spawn. I w...
stallion81326-Nov-2005 00:12
New tank!
Yay the day has finally come: i have graduated to a 20g long! o man its a 20 long and i want to check with you bottom feeders about this plan.....
Peter17524-Nov-2005 01:08
Anyone recognise this catfish?
Pages: 1, 2
I purchased this bottom feeder from a petstore and they had no idea what he was or how big he would get. sorry for the blurry photo, he doesnt sit sti...
reun2023-Nov-2005 14:41
I wish stores would stop with common names
Looking on a stock list for a lfs I came across "Calico Bristlenose". I cant find anything about them on the net. Its probably a new one added to our...
Lindy1923-Nov-2005 03:42
CLs sudden growth spurt
After all the sudden deaths I bought four CLs about 2&1/2ins/65mm. About two months later all have grown at least 1ins/25mm. As most know the...
keithgh223-Nov-2005 01:35
Planted tank needs Algae Eater! :)
I just wanted to get some ideas of what kind of algae eater would go well in a planted aquarium? Something that would not mow down on my beautiful fol...
pezgurl622-Nov-2005 07:48
algae eater for a 55g
I am looking for an algae eater for my 55g. I already have ottos so I'm looking for something slightly bigger. I have thought about a BN but wanted to...
GirlieGirl8519922-Nov-2005 07:44
Cory's And Loaches
Hi, I was hoping if someone could help me with a slight problem I have. I am about to set up a 6'X2'X2' tank and can't decide between a school (5-6)...
JamesInOZ821-Nov-2005 22:53
Feeding Eclipse cats
i need help with feeding my eclipse catfish which has a reclusive and timid behavior, it will stay hidden in its rock exept for night time but i dont...
Crazy_Coyote320-Nov-2005 23:45
please tell me who i have?
ok, i dont have pics atm but i can describe him for ya his head is spotted, his dorselfin is clear, and the rays split (sort of like a crowntail...
fishyhelper288920-Nov-2005 04:26
Uh isnt a Bristlenose...
Last night I lured my pleco out with some zuccuni into a soft blue light so i could get a good look at her. I had been duped. before I bought her(or...
reun1419-Nov-2005 23:21
Greedy Pleco had to be moved
i've had to set up my 10g tank again, because the male bristlenose i was given is so greedy he chases my cory's and clown pleco around the tank, he ha...
SheKoi218-Nov-2005 22:45
I found a baby Panda Cory!
My panda cories spawned at least a month ago. I thought none of the fry had survived. This morning I found a 1/4 baby. It's so cute! I saw panda cori...
cbcinnie918-Nov-2005 00:26
Anyone ever have problems with ottos and angels?
I'm thinking of adding some ottos to my 37 g planted tank that will eventually house my lone Angelfish. Every once in awhile, we hear horror stories...
NFaustman917-Nov-2005 20:59
How many cories to a school?
I currently have one bronze cory and everyone is telling me he needs more buddies. since he(or she? might be a she since its bigger) has had no compet...
reun1117-Nov-2005 00:39
I went to a LFS this weekend and they have elephantnose fish. I have seen these in my aquarium magazine but never in a store. I know they get around 9...
GirlieGirl8519615-Nov-2005 06:11
Pleco ID?
Okay, I'm going to ask a hard question... ID a pleco from a drawing. Didn't have my camera on me, but I THINK the markings are close... sort of. *...
kitten515-Nov-2005 04:07
I got a free pleco
Just been to the lfs and there i got a free Leopard pleco baby..he is only 4cm-5cm I will try to take some pics,but now he is hidding. Robby [s...
Rob16191115-Nov-2005 00:53
bottom feeder flr mbuna
Im tryen to get a stocking list going for my new 55.Its going to be mbuna.Its going to be yellow labs for sure and either snow white socolofi or P.Ace...
LOACHESRCOOL1514-Nov-2005 04:41
dojo/weather loach species
Can anyone tell me if I have 2 different dojo loach species or some sites to check out? I looked at but while there were plenty of first...
sham513-Nov-2005 09:09
Where to get hard-to find Corys?
Hello Everyone, I've been looking for hard to find Corys...Dainty my LFS's. They've done a good job trying to help me out but are unable to...
eminer1254511-Nov-2005 17:07
algae eater for SE Asian tank
What would be a good, harmless algae eater for a SE Asian type tank? I'm thinking SAE or CAE, but will they bother my other fish? I've heard that th...
crazyred809-Nov-2005 17:06
eel in a malawi tank
Is there any type of eel that can go in a yellow lab and socolofi 55gallon tank? or would a dojo loach work?...
LOACHESRCOOL509-Nov-2005 02:04
Small Corydoras
Pages: 1, 2
are Dainty Cories/Salt and Pepper Catfish and Dwarf/Pygmy Corydoras good fish??? do they really only get as big as an inch??? are they fun and active?...
kj fishy-finn2008-Nov-2005 23:01
Cory hovering
Okay, odd question... there are four full grown cory aeneus (or, heck, they're huge, they've got to be nearly full grown, I'm assuming someone brought...
kitten508-Nov-2005 05:21
12inch bristelnose...
12inches... thats big to be a bristelnose if you ask me. [link=]
Rob1619607-Nov-2005 04:23
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