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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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SAE or Flying Fox?
Hello everyone, Since my bristlenose and his family died and since upgrading to a double light hood I've had quite the algae problem. I decided to t...
Suicidal Fishee411-Jul-2007 06:18
Help with Pleco
OK here's my problem. I just got back from my LFS with a few new plants and a Pleco for my 29 gal. The Pleco they sold me was listed as a Butterfly Pl...
Lil Fishee1011-Jul-2007 06:06
Mating Bristlenose
I got a free male bristlenose today, to go with the 2 females in my 55g. The tank has stacks of cover and some driftwood. I feed algae discs, though t...
desiredusername410-Jul-2007 16:30
Getting Bristlenose
Hey, So i have two 32 gallon tanks... quite a bit of algae in each... i was thinking of getting 2 of these guys per tank... is that ok since i read th...
redthanatos510-Jul-2007 05:34
My Hoplo Catfish
I would like to get more of these but I do not see them very often at my LFS. He is a very peaceful fish and always at the top of the tank at feedin...
keithgh708-Jul-2007 03:19
The Best Community Cories Are?
Ok, gang... Opinion/experience time! What cories make the best tankmates in a community tank and how many should I keep in a given shoal? I have a...
ScottF803-Jul-2007 01:40
Shy Paleatus Corys
I've had a school of 8 peppered corys in my 38 gallon community tank for about 6 months now (well, it was 9 corys, but one jumped out of the tank and...
Joe Potato502-Jul-2007 23:17
Fat Pleco
One of my choc plecos is way way fat! He belly is huge. He seems ok, he is resting right now but has been swimming about. The other pleco is full but...
zookeper702-Jul-2007 20:02
Albino Chocolate Pleco Question
Howdy I bought 2 small Albino Choc Plecos today. I have a 55G long tank and a big algea problem so two Plecos were needed. My question is.. Do these...
zookeper824-Jun-2007 03:59
Breeding Bronze Cories.
Hi, I have a group of 7 bronze cories that i have had for a while now (about 6 months). I want to start breeding them. How do I do this? I have heard...
sterobin223-Jun-2007 22:55
Dojo loach lonely?
I purchased a Dojo loach a couple of years ago without knowing much about them. Should I have more than one? I have a new, larger tank and if he s...
ELT8881022-Jun-2007 02:09
Low PH in clown tank problem?
I finally managed to get some Azoo test kits and here are the readings from my clown tank: PH: 4.5 NO2: <0.1 (0.1 is lowest reading on chart) Ammonia...
ClownyGirl118-Jun-2007 01:24
Spawning Cories
I have 3 cories[1 julii 2 peppered] I would like to add to the shoal but my tank is overstocked as it is However I wil add to the shoal once...
shadowtheblacklab1313-Jun-2007 01:09
Need help to find out the name of this catfish
Hi, I purchased this fish 5 months ago in Melbourne, it was about 1 inch long bach when i got it then, Its a black catfish with gold speckles, size...
cstones310-Jun-2007 01:28
Corydoras hybrid.
Can someone give me some information on any Hybrid Corydoras?. I had a batch of C.aeneus albino & today after a few weeks old, i found one that doesn'...
jasonpisani1104-Jun-2007 01:10
Will an Otocinclus eat corydoras eggs that are attached with the Ferns & Anubias?. Thanks alot....
jasonpisani501-Jun-2007 17:58
South American Bumblebee Cat (Microglanis iheringi)
Has anyone kept these? All the information i find on them says the are social but im not sure if they need a full school or just a couple budies....
weird22person319-May-2007 19:21
Acara proof catfish, think I cracked it LOL
If in doubt , go overkill [link]
longhairedgit419-May-2007 06:05
Mystery eggs?
Hey guys...found heaps of eggs (i'd say around 50) on the tank wall. They'd been laid in the typical cory manner (ie: eggs laid directly infront of a...
Fish_lover115-May-2007 18:36
Strange Upside Down Cat
My Upside Down Catfish is acting strange. Typically he stays in the top left corner of my tank behind the on glass thermostat and under some fake pla...
aaronfry212-May-2007 01:36
Kuhli vs. snails
I have a heavily planted tank and recently noticed that there are a few snails in the mix eating the leaves. The fish I have are very placid, slow, a...
Hanako1110-May-2007 05:29
Weird Pleco
I bought a pleco a while back and was told it was a bristlenose Pleco. Well i had yet to see any bristles grow on the pleco. Well today while i was...
fishmonster309-May-2007 00:55
Rules for a Cory School?
Hello everyone. My first post all though I have visited this site many times in the past. I work at a pet store and I usually come to this site so I...
Hanako1106-May-2007 20:24
Panda Fry Update
Today my baby panda is 25 days old! He is growing alot and within the next few weeks will be joining his parents and relatives in the main tank. His...
RNJ_Punk806-May-2007 05:30
Cories in a 16g
Can i keep 5 or 6 cories in my 16g along with 10 neons? I was thinking either peppered or bronze, which would be more suitable? Will they get along wi...
desiredusername1703-May-2007 05:17
Do They Really Need It To Thrive
hey guys,i traded up my cons,and ended up coming home with another gold spot pleco,well ive done a heap of reading,and i kept on reading that that mus...
HOKESE602-May-2007 05:45
I'm wondering if I would want a bottom feeder
I have a 16 gallon, and read the previous posts. I have 1 angel (it's small), 2 livebearers, one mini gourami, and 3 neons. I know, I'm alittle overst...
jakemmy427-Apr-2007 23:07
Banjo catfish spawning
On April 3rd, I went to try out an LFS recommended to me, about 20 minutes from my home. I came across a couple of Bunocephalus coracoideus almost unn...
REDPHANTOM327-Apr-2007 00:27
Cory ID needed
My sisters friend had to get rid of her 10 gallon tank, that had a mismatch stock, so I took a few fish off of her hand, a neon to go with my present...
Budzilla222-Apr-2007 15:47
Pleco & pond snails
Has anyone ever heard of pleco's (common) choking on snails?? Ive gotten 2 plecos recently and both died after about 3-4 weeks.( I got one then the ot...
kegman75220-Apr-2007 23:44
Clown loaches
Hi guys... I have a snail infestation that I would like to fix up with some loaches. My tank is 3ft long, holds around 160l. It currently houses 2 sma...
Ace819-Apr-2007 02:42
25 Gallon Bottom Feeder
i have a 25 gallon tank thats been running since january 2007 had i miner break down at the begining of it (all fish died but 6 rosys) still have thos...
platy boy318-Apr-2007 08:23
Anybody know anything about Doradids?
Hi there, i saw a fish that looked like a pleco a few days back. I thought it was a dwarf pleco, a species that i thought existed, but in fact it was...
GobyFan2007517-Apr-2007 18:21
Low temperature.
Do you think that Corydoras will be Ok for 3 weeks in a temperature raging from 18-21 deg.cel.?....
jasonpisani717-Apr-2007 18:17
Bronze cory spawning like crazy
So I have a pair of bronze cories that have been spawning for the past 24 hours and I keep finding little stashes of eggs and the mom carrying bunches...
Budzilla617-Apr-2007 15:51
The salmontail catfish
Has any1 owned a salmontail catfish [L2992] on here before? I saw 11 in my aunt's tank and it was very active, swimming constantly. How big do they ge...
desiredusername717-Apr-2007 13:48
Corys In A Ten Gallon
hi, i have a ten gallon with 6 glowlights in it its been cycled and up for more than a mounth now and i was wondering what type of corys would be goo...
platy boy316-Apr-2007 02:02
"Bumblebee Cat"
I got what Petsmart calls a "bumblebee catfish" tonight. It's a really cute and active fish, and if I remember ages ago correctly, I've had this fish...
lysaer1416-Apr-2007 01:32
Cory cat fish
HI just a quick question this time. I'm looking to top up my cory catfish schools. My lfs has a full grown bronze cory cat which is one of the schoo...
im-trying316-Apr-2007 00:34
BGK setup
Hi Ya'll The wife and I were considering the purchase of a new, larger tank. I would like a 55 but she wants bigger and ould like a black ghost knife...
divertran415-Apr-2007 00:59
Nano Dwarf Cory
How many should you have in a school? Djrichie "Don't Panic"...
djrichie614-Apr-2007 14:16
Black Diamond Cory Cat
Anybody have any experience with them. If so what type of behavior are we talking about. Thank You Djrichie "Don't Panic"...
djrichie211-Apr-2007 17:08
Why Do They Fetch Such High Prices
hi guys,lately ive been looking more closely at some bottom feeders,and i was wondering why do they fetch such high prices,like i got a cheep bn today...
HOKESE1911-Apr-2007 10:43
Recommend pleco replacement...
Ok. So I at least found a LFS that will take my common pleco if I can't find anybody to buy him, so once he's gone I'll need to replace him. And h...
lysaer311-Apr-2007 08:54
Budzilla.....was looking at your past pics....and looky what I found!
It looks like a panda egg to me! I dont know if you saw this before but...
RNJ_Punk310-Apr-2007 22:50
New Corys In Tank
I, have been very fortunate to locate an lfs who knows a scleromystax barbatum breeder, in australia! Turns out, the breeder just brought in a batch o...
Fish_lover110-Apr-2007 21:22
How Many Algae Tablets?
HOw many algae pellets should u feed to catfishes. In my 55 i had 2 upsidedown catfishes and 2 Bns. 1 bn and 1 upside down cat have grown significantl...
desiredusername710-Apr-2007 19:48
Common pleco? and question
Hey everyone, I've got what I think is a common pleco (though there's some discussion, because he's a bluish-gray instead of a browish color) - so the...
lysaer810-Apr-2007 12:29
Random Death
I have no idea what happened to my poor pleco, i had an albino female brisle nose pleco who just died. I thought plecos would be the last creature to...
judz610-Apr-2007 10:09
My Bristle Nose
hello all i have a ten gallon tank for my fry.and it got some serios algea i bought 3 bn plecos and they did an awsome job.alge was gone nex...
leachim1309-Apr-2007 17:38
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