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 Freshwater Species
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55g t-barb
How does this sound for a 55g. 21 tigerbarbs 1 RTBS...
greenmonkey511201-May-2005 09:02
How Many Tiger Barbs In 41 Gallon Tank?
I am going to stock my 41 Gallon tank like so: 8-10 Tiger barbs 1 Bristlenose Pleco 1 Red-Tailed Black Shark Could I have any more tiger barbs? [sma...
flopsy901-May-2005 02:12
Denison Barb - Includes pic of AGA tank with these fish
Here is the new fish I bought..... TADA.... THE DENISONII BARB. I got me a 3 inch pair to go with the clowns and they are all gelling very well. T...
ClownyGirl1528-Apr-2005 22:59
Rasboras fighting an awful lot...
I understand that a lot of schooling fish develop a hierarchy within their group to establish a pecking order, and harley rasboras are no exception. H...
NowherMan6122-Apr-2005 13:06
Colin and a blue lobster?
Has anybody seen those nifty blue lobsters? I'm (hopefully) getting a 75 gallon Eclipse tank soon, and I'm wondering if Colin would get along with one...
pinkspore320-Apr-2005 01:02
signs of breeding?
I've noticed in the last few days that a couple of my Harlequin Rasboras are acting strange. I am wondering if they are trying to breed. What are some...
Nick418-Apr-2005 21:41
Red-Finned shark tankmates?
I have just discovered that my dear Colin, sole surviving inhabitant of my hand-me-down tank (handed down from college student to college student) is...
pinkspore517-Apr-2005 11:42
Panda Barb
Does anyone know a scientific name for this barb? I'm not finding much info searching by the common name i've been given by a lfs. Would apprciate an...
Lindy416-Apr-2005 00:30
Cherry barb help
Can anyone advise me on cherry barbs, i have 2 males and 3 females in a 15g tank, all are very young. the advise i find from reading about them all s...
hembo666914-Apr-2005 04:25
pleco with goldies
Do you think i can keep a 4 inch lepord/sailfin pleco in my 55 with my ranchus?...
Johnny the Oranda 513-Apr-2005 00:38
Are there any opinions as to whether a red tailed shark or a rainbow shark would be a better, more attractive addition to a tank with schools of danio...
cougarfan612-Apr-2005 11:17
Safe tankmates for 2 danios?
I have 2 danios in a 10g. They are by themselves now but I want to add more fish. I really want a couple dwarf gouramis. On another post I was told th...
GirlieGirl8519808-Apr-2005 22:08
thank you all for the advise ie "barbs losing color" happy to say all is fine they all look good and healthy...
cntryboi005-Apr-2005 06:45
danio growth
can anyone tell me at what age zebra danios mature and how big they are when they start breeding....
hembo666104-Apr-2005 22:56
barb colors fadeing
i got 8 tiger barbs housed in a 30 gallon tank with 1 rts all get along great. but i recently did a tank cleanig and removed them in the orginal water...
cntryboi204-Apr-2005 21:29
Danios Gone Wild
Recently my Lepoard Danios have started acting kinda wierd, 2 are now chasing the other 2, no fin biting, but it looks like wrestling, are they mating...
Redcrab604-Apr-2005 16:36
Spotted Rasbora (Rasbora maculata)
could I keep 5 or 6 Spotted Rasbora (Rasbora maculata) in a 5 gal? even if I cant could I get somr info on them please?...
Hoa dude_dude403-Apr-2005 19:38
Nerotic Bala Shark
I have two nice 12cm Bala Sharks in my 1000 litre community tank. One of them is quite happy and feeds regularly and swims about. The other eirther hi...
taksan1502-Apr-2005 11:12
Amur sucker(tiger shark)
I was just wondering if it is possible to have 2 tiger sharks in a 74g or will it be to small tank for them? I have heard that they say that the tiger...
Rob16191101-Apr-2005 15:36
Danios in a 10 gal?
Can danios live happily in a ten gallon? And if so, how many can fit comfortably?...
sarahtr101428-Mar-2005 04:53
Tiger + Black Ruby Barbs
Good tank mates for Black Ruby and Tiger Barbs? I was kind of thinking a Raphael Catfish. I was also thinking a pictus catfish?? I am only doing th...
Wingsdlc625-Mar-2005 16:19
So what do people think about putting Checkerd Barbs in with Black Ruby's and Tigers??...
Wingsdlc1022-Mar-2005 09:28
Thinking about buyiñg a school of barbs...some questions
I want to buy a school of barbs to my aqua~, iknow i should get something like 6 barbs but i have a few questions:<br><br> Is there any d...
Smaug320-Mar-2005 12:34
Rosy Barbs
hello i was wondering how big these can actually get and if any1 has any pics of some full size ones? cheers...
cols518-Mar-2005 19:30
29 Gallon Tiger Barb Community.
Well at first I didn't know what I wanted to do with the 29 Gallon I'm getting, but now I know, I want to do a tiger barb community. I think after kee...
gnr4ever8794918-Mar-2005 07:43
Harlies fighting??
While watching my fish tank today, I couldn't help but notice that it looked as though my Harlies are fighting. I've noticed this a couple times...
neurotica19831117-Mar-2005 16:21
Impulse Buy---New Barbs: Please ID
Okay...I did a bad bad thing. I spent money on something that wasn't marine related. Come hurt me Nate... So anyway, from the moment I got my j...
terranova814-Mar-2005 21:49
White cloud minnow?
does anyone know what a white cloud minnow is? I think i have 2 but i can't find a pic of a fish that looks anything like mine. help please!...
jefferysgirl1511-Mar-2005 04:52
Putting two Cherry's in a 5 gallon....questions...
Hi! I have two cherry barbs in a 10g with a betta. I would like to separate them from the betta and put them in a 5g. First, is this a good idea? Is a...
Pammy310-Mar-2005 04:31
8-Line Barbs
Anyone have any info on these. I looked in the profiles and could not find them. I thought these guys would look good in my community but I wanted to...
DonnieBoy709-Mar-2005 02:13
Feeding Pear Notice two RT sharks
Photo 1 Here are two of my smaller RT Sharks eating pear at the same time. The large one had a feed earler. Now what is the story about you cannot...
keithgh1608-Mar-2005 20:33
RTBS & Rainbow Sharks
I'm looking to buy a RTBS, but the only LFS that carries them gets them shipped mixed in with their Rainbow Sharks. I do want an RTBS, if just for th...
Sandy02503-Mar-2005 20:53
Odd White Cloud Behaviour
In the past few days, I've noticed that a few of my white clouds have actually become quite aggressive to one another. One, in particular, has staked...
Joe Potato402-Mar-2005 23:23
Barb Mystery
My LFS has acquired some Barbs. They were sold to him as Tail-Spot Barbs, and that is the name he's selling them under. However, their identity is su...
Calilasseia1101-Mar-2005 10:07
Social behaviour of rosy barbs?
I had 3 rosy barbs - one male, two females. This trio was always the boldest in the tank. They were the first to try new food, they would 'peck' at...
whetu327-Feb-2005 09:39
RT Sharks
Iam going to get a 58usg tank. And i was wondering if iam getting 2 of these sharks..what other fish can i have? Do they leave the bottomfeeders alone...
Rob1619320-Feb-2005 18:39
Painted barbs!
I have finally seen this horror show. I was in a LFS last night picking up my new Bristlenose Pleco, and what do I see? Painted tiger barbs! It looked...
scotrun1019-Feb-2005 20:01
Getting color - Baby, the Mystery Barb
If you've followed along in the story of Baby, the mystery barb ([link=Thread One]
kitten317-Feb-2005 18:16
? on rasbora maculata / pygmy rasbora /red two spot
i just gota gift of 7 rasbora maculata picture
AW0L217-Feb-2005 03:51
rainbow shark
What's the smallest tank needed to keep a rainbow shark? I've had one in a 20 gal for 2-3 years and I really don't want to give him away. Has his gr...
aviator817-Feb-2005 00:11
Your Help is Needed With ID: Fresh Water Shark
My cousin-in-law has what he claims is a freshwater shark. I seen it for the first time today. To me it looks similar to a bala shark, but looks more...
livebait1015-Feb-2005 03:55
Tiger Barbs
I have been debating the addition of a shoal of tiger barbs to my 29 gallon aquarium, but cannot decide on the color morph I prefer. Please assist me...
zachjc_14611-Feb-2005 07:52
tiger barbs and ich
do you find that tiger barbs get ich easier than other fish....
greenmonkey51811-Feb-2005 07:37
Breding Tigar Barbs
If any one has any info about breding tigar barbs could you please help me out. I just got my 20 gal. going again after a bad kill of during Christma...
Wingsdlc1211-Feb-2005 04:06
About how big do white clouds and zebra...
About how big do Zebra danios and White cloud danios get? I'm kind of lost because I couldn't find it anywhere. I'm getting very frustrated.] Can an...
Golden Ryukin710-Feb-2005 05:04
Danio & Minnow Jumpers
Hi all, We've just had a Zebra Danio and a White Cloud jump from a tank :-P I've never heard of this before - I was wondering if anyone else had? Si...
geesloper1108-Feb-2005 07:37
Oh lord - what to do with these monster tinfoils!
Oh my... I have 5 tinfoil barbs that I got to add a little flash to my 210-gallon (US) african cichlid tank. I did my research prior to getting them...
SpecialK807-Feb-2005 09:23
wierd bala sharks....
My Bala's have had some strange behavior latly the two larger one swim really close together with there tails kind of crossing one antothers. Then the...
jakeoman803-Feb-2005 05:56
tiger barbs and albino tiger barbs
I'm planning on purchasing six tiger barbs for a 20 gallon empty tank. This is kind of silly, but I think it would be neat to have one albino and five...
zoeandmaia802-Feb-2005 06:55
Harlie Questions
Okay I'm looking for a surface fish for the 30 we have in the office. It's lightly planted with Java fern (alot) a few crypts I'm waiting to see how...
Babelfish602-Feb-2005 06:41
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