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SubscribeArgh! Snails Again!
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EditedEdited by GobyFan2007

I am currently using the snail bait solution, and i have been getting pretty gradual results. The only exception being that the one time i tried cucumber, the pleco goes ahead and eats it. I am using celery and lettuce, being lettuce as the better contender...

Unfortunately, i still see an enormous amount of snails, and i am afraid that crushing them all will up the Ammonia levels. Oh, i definatley dont want that again!

Now ive been trying to find zebra or yoyo loaches with no luck! I know of nothing that eats snails besides loaches, and no LFS sells anything that is a true botia loach. If there is any fish that can substitute the loaches please tell me. I was thinking of getting a few small clowns and letting them do the job for me, and then return them back to the store, but i think that that is a last, desprate, attempt to freedom of snails. I need help!

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Post InfoPosted 10-Nov-2007 07:46Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Report 
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I used a small CL in the Betta tank and left it there for several months then I transferred it to the 5ft tank. The growth rate was extremely fast must have been all the snails.

Snail Bait?????

You can place the lettuce in a container so that the other fish can not get to the lettuce.

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Post InfoPosted 11-Nov-2007 00:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by GobyFan2007
Wow! I dont have a tank that can fit a full grown CL!!! Also, i will need to have more than one CL, right? I dont know of any LFs that will take my CL(s) when i am done with them....

Will gouramis work?

What should i do>?

PS: I am putting the lettuce in a small plastic waterbottle, and letting it sit overnight. The results are close to Zero! The cucumber wont fit in the waterbotle...

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Post InfoPosted 11-Nov-2007 07:15Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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I have just read today that bettas will eat snails. I've never had a snail problem before, and I love keeping bettas, so maybe there's a connection, although I can't say for certain.

Other gouramies probably will eat small snails and would likely enjoy the eggs, but kissing gouramies most likely won't eat either, as they're largely vegitarian.

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Post InfoPosted 11-Nov-2007 23:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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A gourami would do good in the tank with the kuhlis right? i was thinking along the lines of a pearl gourami, at the top of my list. I heard and saw that they are peaceful and could be a nice snail eater!!! Certainly it wont eat as fast and as much as Clown loach, or another loach. I think that i can keep 2-3 of them in my tank, permanently, unlike the Clown Loach. I like their look better than Trichogaster Trichopterous, and i think that they are better tankmates for the kuhlis than the other one. They like amazon swords, and also some floating plants. The kuhlis will enjoy subdued lighting, right? I plan to have 2wpg, so do you think that this is dim enough? I certainly dont want to go back to 1wpg, because my selection is very limited. Maybe 1.8wpg is ok? I would still like to have 2wpg though....I plan to have some other plants too, and i hope i can achieve a nice tank without going too far...

Thjanks again for all your output!

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Post InfoPosted 12-Nov-2007 08:08Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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GobyFan2007, Hello , see if you can get some Dwarf Loaches . They are small , a lot of fun and will clean up your snails in very short order , Heres a link

Post InfoPosted 12-Nov-2007 08:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hey garry!

Thanks for the suggestion, and i would have gotten the loaches at first sight, but the problem is the fact that i cnat find many of these species, including yoyos! I thought many of these were common! The endangered Dwarf loaches are going to be next to impossible for me to find. Its so hard to get rid of snails these days....

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Post InfoPosted 12-Nov-2007 09:05Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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GobyFan2007, The one's in the Hobby are all captive bred so you may find them. Ask your LFS if they can order for you .
Post InfoPosted 12-Nov-2007 11:12Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I cant seem to find any sae's... wierd... and we're fortunate, our lfs has all kinda of loaches, even gold dojos...
Post InfoPosted 12-Nov-2007 18:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female canada
I have been looking for the dwarf (chain) loaches and found an lfs that lists them, only to discover that they get them once in a blue moon. Apparently they are seasonal fish that only come in for a brief time at a certain time of year, although sometimes not even then....

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Post InfoPosted 12-Nov-2007 22:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
fish patty
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Goby, once a week, I would leave my tank lights off for a day & not feed the fish. The next am. when I turned the lights on, a lot of snails would be up at the water line. I would take a paper towel & scoop them up & throw them away. But since I got hornwort floating, they go up into that instead.

When you put your bottle in the tank, is the opening level with the gravel so they just slither right in? Also the cucumber will fit in if you break it up small enough, or even mash it.

I use a a plastic container from the store that strawberries or cherry tomatoes or whatever are sold in. It has holes all along the bottom edge of it, so access for snails is easy. I had to put one of my rocks in it too, to hold it down. Also I discovered that mine really love spinach. It was a box of frozen spinach we had with supper & I left some over to try for the snails. It worked great!

I wish you luck with yours, as I am having the same problem.
Post InfoPosted 13-Nov-2007 05:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Oh, thanks fishpatty. I in fact have not put it level with the gravel, so maybe thats why i am having problems.... Gotta make holes in the bottom, with sppinach, right? Cooked or raw?

I also do manual removals like sometimes in the morning. Its fun to see all the snails try to hide in terror!!!

I havent gotten to ask my LFS in another city (guess its not L, just FS) if i can order things in. I am sure that others have, and probably i can, but i dont have their number and i dont go there too often. I think i saw a dwarf chain loach there one time, but it loooked like a CAE so i didnt think much of it. Now i know better, but they dont sell those anymore... Isnt it hard to raise them in captivity? Maybe at fish farms, but i dont know of anywhere that would have em... Besides, i probably am just going to do things manually before i can get my next tank, a 30g long. Maybe for christmas....

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Post InfoPosted 13-Nov-2007 06:05Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
fish patty
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I think it would be easier to just ask your mom if she will buy the little container of food in the fresh veggie section of the store, that has regular slots all along the bottom of it. But if you want to punch holes in your water jug, that might work too. Don't poke them on the bottom, but on the bottom/side, so that they can just walk right into the hole from gravel level. Make the holes big enough for the snails, but too small for your smallest fish.

I used spinach, right. Mine was frozen then we cooked it for supper, but I imagine that raw would work too, or even canned.

Yes, I hear they are raising chain loaches in captivity with hormones, cause the wild supply is about depleted.

I think with loaches being hard to find for the both of us, we are doomed to manually removing them with out hands & with our snail traps for the time being.

Also we need to cut down on our feeding, & try the lights off thing & no feeding for that whole day & night & see if you can get them at the top waterline, like I did.

I wish you luck getting the new tank!
Post InfoPosted 14-Nov-2007 04:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hey, thanks patty.

I have totally missed the veggie/container thing, and already poked holes in my water bottle. I threw it away. I have a small container, for cherry tomatoes, and i think this will work. I think i will try the spinach, as the other baits arent working too good....well thats maybe cause of me.....

Anyway, thanks again! I am going to turn the lights off like sometime on the weekend, so i can wake up early and get them out. Well, its the price i have to pay for ignoring the snails for a month!

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Post InfoPosted 14-Nov-2007 05:22Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
fish patty
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Let us know how it turns out Goby. We might find out we have something going here!
You're right about ignoring the snails. I did too. What was cute & cool at first has turned into a snail war now!
Post InfoPosted 14-Nov-2007 06:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Rainbowfish are great snail eaters. they even steal them from the clown loaches I have. Also you can find them at Petco and petsmart and most LFS's can order them if they dont have any. Hope this helps.

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Post InfoPosted 18-Nov-2007 20:59Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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