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SubscribeTank in tank
Mega Fish
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male usa
I have a 15 gallon tank that is the same hieght as my 55 gallom but narrower. Im thinking about putting it inside my 55 gallon to make two sections so I can keep some fish together but seperated. Would having this tank filled inside the other tank put too much weight in one spot?
Post InfoPosted 27-Jan-2009 10:39Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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male australia
no, but i dont see why you would want to do it, why not just have 2 tanks?

''All the clown fish and yellow tangs in the world cant save you now!''
Post InfoPosted 27-Jan-2009 11:19Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
The girl's got crabs!
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female australia au-newsouthwales
Should be ok, but don't drop it putting it in there and try and avoid pressure points between the 2 bits of glass if you are scaping the inside of the smaller tank.

For animals, the entire universe has been neatly divided into things to (a) mate with, (b) eat, (c) run away from, and (d) rocks. - Terry Pratchett

Post InfoPosted 27-Jan-2009 16:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa us-colorado
The additional weight would simply work out to be the
actual, physical weight, of the smaller tank, and that
may, or may not, stress the bottom and joints of the
larger tank.

To me, it would easier to simply install a divider.
One that went across the whole tank and had enough holes
for circulation, but small enough to keep the fish


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Post InfoPosted 27-Jan-2009 16:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Catfish/Oddball Fan
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male usa us-delaware
Sounds like a really tall 15 gallon...

Anyway, I agree with FRANK, tank dividers are your friend; I use them all the time. You can probably find one at your LFS, but it's easy enough to DIY one yourself.

The aquarist is one who must learn the ways of the biologist, the chemist, and the veterinarian.
Post InfoPosted 27-Jan-2009 18:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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male usa
The whole idea was to have one area inside the other. So the fish can swim around the tank that is inside. im just worried about the wieght of the 15 gallon. It still has the trim around the bottom so this wouldn't cause presure points would it. My room mate thinks the presue of the water from the 55 gallon will be too much for the 15 gallon from outside?
Post InfoPosted 27-Jan-2009 21:49Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male sweden
If the smaller tank is filled with water to the same level as the larger one, there will (theoretically) be no pressure at all, so don't worry about that. Maybe you should keep it in mind during water changes though. The other thing (small tank putting to much presure on some parts of the larger one) you can allways put something between the two bottoms, to even out the pressure. I sincerely doubt that it will be needed but just so you don't lay awake worrying about it all night.
Next thing to think about would be filtration. Separate filters in the "two" tanks or some kind of overflow system?

So here I am once more...
Post InfoPosted 27-Jan-2009 23:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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male usa us-california
you would need to keep the two water levels nearly identical for the pressures to be even and level out. i would put some egg crate in the bottom of the 55g to relieve any possible pressure points. its a good idea and could be possible, but the pressure mught be a problem. if oyu have th money to try it then by all means do (although you might want to try it outside for a week or two in case it doesnt work

a divider would be more practical but the tank inside the other tank could be a very interesting look... make sure the light isnt going to make the interrior glass reflective though.

tell me how it goes!

\\\\\\\"an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure\\\\\\\"
Post InfoPosted 28-Jan-2009 04:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male australia au-victoria
I will back Frank all the way on this one even by the replies you can see there "COULD" be problems a divider certainly would be the best and easiest way to go

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Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 28-Jan-2009 10:12Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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female usa
I don't think the pressure is as much of a concern (all it's going to be is the weight of the inner tank glass +/- the water level difference) as the fact that water won't flow through the tank. You'd be needing three filters and possibly three heaters as well.

Post InfoPosted 28-Jan-2009 16:21Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Catfish/Oddball Fan
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male usa us-delaware
Just stick a U-tube over the edge of the 15 gallon, have each end covered with a net to prevent fish swimming through the overflow, and then suck the air out of the U-tube so that water passes between the tanks. It'll work like a gravel siphon and equalize water heights between the aquariums.

The pressures from the inside of the 15 gallon would equalize with the pressures from the outside of the 55 gallon. In any case, pressures are not really a concern at the "depths" of water in home aquariums.

Still, I disagree that having an actual aquarium within an aquarium is the best way to go about this. This destroys water flow and reduces more volume than necessary. A 15 gallon takes up a little volume itself; the main tank on the outside will have less than 40 gallons of volume left. As mentioned, you will probably need more than one filter, and even multiple heaters might be necessary. Since you're going to need a filter and a heater anyway, you might as well set up the aquariums independently. Plus, you'll need to clean the inside of the 55 gallon, the outside of the 15 gallon, AND the inside of the 15 gallon for good viewing.

If you're really into the idea of having an inner space for some fish, I'd make a tank divider with a front and two sides; it would use the aquarium's back side as its own back side as well. It wouldn't be all that easy, though.

The aquarist is one who must learn the ways of the biologist, the chemist, and the veterinarian.
Post InfoPosted 28-Jan-2009 22:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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Registered: 23-Apr-2002
male usa
Im thinking I might just go with a divider. The only reason I was thinking about having the tank inside the other one is becaause my roomates won't let there be an ohter tank in the house. I have the two 55 gallons right now and they have cut it off at that.
Post InfoPosted 30-Jan-2009 22:07Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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