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 Freshwater Aquaria
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Disasterous "donations" to my tank?
My mother has just informed me that she is coming to visit next month, that she is taking down her tank, and that she is bringing her fish to my tank....
amandalou807-Mar-2007 07:42
Buying Fish:
*sigh* all three LFS in my area are bad now. I was just in the last one that I considered decent the other day, and there were dead fish everywhere....
Nyteflame606-Mar-2007 04:27
Bugs In My Tank?!
I have been having an issue with my aqua clear filter for the last couple weeks. It had a hairline crack in it causing it to leak a good 5 gallons ont...
pezgurl305-Mar-2007 23:50
Dyed Fish Saga Continues ...
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Calilasseia2805-Mar-2007 23:36
Am I close to tank stocking capacity?
Have a 50 gallon, heavily planted, driftwood, some natural rocks, HOB, UGF, thermostat with heater, powerhead..... Currently living in there are: 1...
El Tiburon Tailandes405-Mar-2007 03:55
I got the SAE's, but I think they are false SAE's
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Hey everyone how's it going, I took a trip to the pet store today, determined to buy some fish. So my friend promised me that they had some simease a...
xlinkinparkx2704-Mar-2007 02:26
Deal of the Day - For Aussies Only
Hey all, Equarium has a new feature. Every single fish filled day one item from the site will be marked dow...
Babelfish303-Mar-2007 22:04
What To Do.... (More Stocking)
Greetings! I had posted about a new 55 gallon a little while ago. Kind of stuck on what i want to do from this point. Current Stock: 8 Red Tail Rasbo...
exu303-Mar-2007 00:39
Best Schooling Fish?
Hi I was wondering what people thought were the best schooling fish for aquariums. I have a 40 gallon with two small lots of 7 cardinals and 7 rummy n...
pla801-Mar-2007 10:42
Ammonia spike
I have noticed after my water changes I get a small ammonia spike to about 0.2 ppm that goes in about 1 -2 days? I use the python to change the water...
fishinfun1228-Feb-2007 15:48
What to do with a 40G?
Lookin for ideas for a 40g. I'm lookin for the largest fish I could put into a 40g that is aggressive. it would be in the tank all alone. well possibl...
monkeyboy1428-Feb-2007 15:11
I love my new python water changer
Pages: 1, 2
I got a python for Christmas & it actually worked, even though in an old post on here that I read, someone had a weird faucet like mine & were told th...
fish patty3528-Feb-2007 12:08
Collecting Non-Natives in Florida
I will be traveling to Florida this summer to visit grad schools and while I am there I would like to collect some non-natives that have become establ...
colisa lalia028-Feb-2007 10:56
38 gallon stocking
I just got a new 38 gallon tank and my plan right now is this: 8 black neons 8 cories (paleatus or panda) probably a couple of platy fry from my othe...
ImRandy85426-Feb-2007 08:14
55 Gallon Stocking
I am trying to decide the final residents for my new 55 gallon tank. Currently I have 6 long fin zebra danios, 2 SAE, 2 emerald cory cats (will incre...
fishinfun1126-Feb-2007 01:09
Water Nymphs... Myth or reality?
Ever had a Water nymph cause trouble in any of your tanks? Now, I dont mean the sort of nymphs found in mythology, I am referring to the larval stage...
REDPHANTOM1225-Feb-2007 20:39
Egg Help ASAP
i came home to find about nine little white eggs stuck to the glass on my 55 i have a big angel which i assume they are from but i only have one so id...
chizunk625-Feb-2007 17:30
Will Livebearers, Plecos, And Gouramis Eat Java Moss?
title says it all. if they do, what other moss should i put in? Also, will a hornwort work? What are other floating plants that will work....
GobyFan2007225-Feb-2007 07:28
DIY Netsoak
Is there any way for me to have a net soak that dosent come from a store? Will bleach be needed? If so, What is a good common bleach brand? Thanks Aga...
GobyFan2007125-Feb-2007 06:39
Snail Question...
So, tell me if this is actually possible...... I have a tank and I have 5 apple (mystery) snails in there... One went missing.... He was found toda...
El Tiburon Tailandes1225-Feb-2007 05:14
Ammonia truble
I notice on the 19th that I had an ammonia spike In my 55g tank(1 Black Moor, 2 Calico fan tails). On the 17/18 I had tested the water and it was fine...
JESSU224-Feb-2007 16:43
Boraras Merah are here!
I got them yesterday from Frank's Aquarium. I have 6 in my five gallon and I wish I had gotten more. They are so tiny and fast! [link]http://img....
katieb1124-Feb-2007 11:21
Pictures of New Galaxy Rasboras
I got a small shoal of Galaxy Rasboras ( Microrasbora sp. ) this afternoon, and now that they are settled a bit (not fully colored up, but eatin...
Natalie1723-Feb-2007 06:33
Breeding Rasbora Espei
Hi All, I am now the proud owner of 12 rambunctious little Lambchop Rasboras (T. Espei), and I would like to try breeding them. I have a 5g empty and...
So_Very_Sneaky322-Feb-2007 23:09
Illegal american immigrant! Positive ID needed.
While out bothering nature as is usual on a sunday afternoon with the girlfriend , we discovered a large freshwater crayfish lying dead in a stream le...
longhairedgit622-Feb-2007 10:59
An utterly pointless question.
Here one for the biologists and bio-chemists among you. Ok this is a bit of fish nerd -ism, but by and large im clear on water chemistry and propert...
longhairedgit1022-Feb-2007 10:43
Snails to Cycle aquariums?
Can I use pest snails to cycle a aquarium....
xlinkinparkx420-Feb-2007 20:42
15 Gallon Stocking...
Looking for ideas on stocking a freshwater 15 gallon with a 7.6 ph. I'd like something colorful like Tetras but want ones that will go well in a 7.6 p...
Brian1216519-Feb-2007 01:36
Fish For Small Tank With Lower Water Temp?
Any suggestions on fish for a 5g with a water temp of 70-72F? Open-top tank, so any jumpers are out of the question....
Theresa_M1119-Feb-2007 00:49
Stocking for 55 gallon and suggest centerpiece gourami?
I currently have a 20 gal long, got a 55 gallon in the wings, waiting to be cleaned up and moved in. I lost my opaline gourami in the several consecut...
kitten318-Feb-2007 19:21
Survival Without Water Changes/Tank Cleaning?
My kids are going to be living with me at least until the end of the school year in June. At their dad's house they have a 10g (platies and cherry bar...
Theresa_M818-Feb-2007 04:42
I challenge anyone to tell me fish don't know!!!
I know that we're all fish keepers on this site, and we all love our fish and maybe we credit them with attributes that the rest of the populace would...
waldena1216-Feb-2007 10:48
Wat Do Flying Foxes Eat?
hi guys I have had my flying fox for some time now and he is doing fine. He eats all types of frozzen food, flakes, algea and cucumber. But are ther...
juwel-180716-Feb-2007 08:31
Help! I Need To Identify This Fish!
During a recent trip to my lfs, I spied this delightful little fellow..... In answer to my inquiry, I was advised that the common name for him was Blu...
dreamweaver8891416-Feb-2007 08:16
Annoying Alge problem
Hello everyone, I have a very annoying problem, I have alge in my aquarium, not normal alge on the windows that i can live with, but alge that grows i...
xlinkinparkx1116-Feb-2007 07:07
Restocking my aquarium.
Hey guys, I am having problems with algea in my 48G aquarium and I would like to get a simease algea eater or 2. I currently have 1 keyhole chichlid,...
xlinkinparkx415-Feb-2007 20:37
Hypothetically......what would you do?
Pages: 1, 2
This is really a serious big **maybe** , but a friend of mine's son had to help remove a 200 gallon FW tank over the weekend and they took it someone'...
crazyred3114-Feb-2007 11:31
Empty 5 gallon, Got any Ideas?
Hey everyone, I was getting bored, and I just moved my babie platys in to their big new home, and now I am left with 2 5gallons, and I dont really wan...
xlinkinparkx614-Feb-2007 05:33
2.5 Gal Fry Tank
Is there a small fish that I could keep 1 or 2 of in a 2.5 gallon to keep the tank cycled while I don't have any fry? Ideally these fish will not eat...
ImRandy85314-Feb-2007 04:18
Nasty as all heck. (Not for the squeamish or easily shocked)
I was perusing the fish videos on youtube the other week, and surprise surprise it seems there is yet another flurry of videos showing fish being maim...
longhairedgit613-Feb-2007 09:54
Black Fin Catfish Turning All Black
About 4 days ago my black fin catfish shark slowed down on his eating then the next day looked a little darker. He is now almost black instead of silv...
jay7sal513-Feb-2007 07:41
15 Gallon Options?
Ok, I've been toying with ideas, but I really don't have an afermative answer for my 15 gallon tank (fake plants, dark blue gravel, cave & driftwood f...
Silver_Fish1112-Feb-2007 23:37
How to move fish between tanks
I have recently set up a second tank, and I'm considering transferring a few inhabitants of my origninal tank to the new one. As both tanks are filled...
waldena1012-Feb-2007 23:09
2nd attempt to set up 55gal tank. I NEED Help!
I have several questions. 1st: What is the best fish type for me as a 2nd time beginner? 2nd, my first fish were mollies and gullpies in which i was t...
bcalli2612-Feb-2007 20:51
Anyone heard of freshwater (sea)horses?
I know it sounds weird, freshwater horses, I saw some in an LFS not too long ago. The keeper swore that they were freshwater inhabitants. I did some r...
REDPHANTOM611-Feb-2007 22:10
Microrasboras AKA Tasty Snack?
Im thinking of obtaining a group of microrasboras. Im not sure what species im going to get, but theyre going to be 1" or less. Should I worry about m...
katieb211-Feb-2007 16:38
This Ever Happen To Anyone?
I had two pearl gouramis in a 20 with a black ghost knife, and a couple of sword tails. they did great for a while, acted completely normal, not skitt...
Sktchy1009-Feb-2007 13:54
Nematodes in Tank
During a 25% water change today, I noticed what I think are Nematodes wiggling around in the removed water. I know that some species are parasitic...
jay7sal709-Feb-2007 08:48
Today I was "that guy"
So I work at *chain* and passing by the pets department I was stopped by a customer wishing to buy some fish. I asked and answered a few questions she...
agent_orange309-Feb-2007 02:08
"New to me" 55 gallon
Yes... Kitten's back. And bearing a new, bigger tank! And that's where the "I need help!" part comes in. *grins* So there's this tank sitting empt...
kitten008-Feb-2007 03:14
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