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Good stock for a 55?
I was wondering if this would be a good stock for a 55 gallon, I plan on setting one up sometime in April. 1 Percula or Oscellaris Clown 1 Banggai (a...
bodangit1728-Mar-2006 05:13
Salt Mixing Problem
Somehow something got into my water mixing container and stuck to my powerhead. Floating plants from the nearby tank maybe. It started to break down...
sham327-Mar-2006 19:07
Serpent stars
I was cleaning my aquafuge and when I put the chaeto back in the fuge there was a little serpent star in the bottom of the bucket. He's dark colored...
sham323-Mar-2006 05:33
20 gal.Saltwater???
Hi all... I was just wondering if I could use my 20 gal. and change it into a saltwater aquarium... is it too small??? and is a saltwater aquarium...
mrsmonty721-Mar-2006 05:55
New picks
ok i think i fixed the problem so here are my picks...
Norrec321-Mar-2006 05:36
what eel would be best for my 40 breeder, also can i keep corals and bigger fish with them? -Ghost Eel (Uropterygius concolor) http://www.liveaquari...
importfan878220-Mar-2006 18:06
Orange Diamond Goby
Are orange diamond gobies known for jumping? My took a leap out of the tank sometime last night...
jmara220-Mar-2006 03:56
Cleaner Shrimp
Pages: 1, 2
I just got two cleaner shrimp for my tank 3 days ago and now they are both dead I am really confused...I think I might have an incompatibility. I h...
jmara2216-Mar-2006 08:10
Nano Confusion!
okay. i'm confused! i've set up a 10G tank with 10 lbs of live rock and 1.5" of argonite as a substrate. it is filtered by a HOB rated for a 40G tank...
niggit215-Mar-2006 07:02
Brown Algae!!!!!
my 29gal. SW tank has been running for 2 months now and i'm getting a lot of brown algae. I only feed my fish every other day and small amounts (small...
dredd969415-Mar-2006 02:29
What is a sump/fuge?
What is a sump/fuge? How does it work?...
Gerber77512-Mar-2006 09:15
Lion And Puffer Questions
does anyone know if a dwarf lion of any kind and maybe a puffer could go in a 40 or 60g tank by themselves? i was thinking maybe a zebra dwarf and a p...
T.-G.512-Mar-2006 08:32
Yellow Wrasse
hey all..what will a yellow wrasse eat?...
ckk125912-Mar-2006 08:01
Need Help On Lion Fish Please!!
i bought a small dwarf zebra lion fish, the store keeper was feeding him little gold fish. i was just wondering is it bad to feed them goldfish and...
justin pilon912-Mar-2006 01:42
One Or Two Clowns?
hello! i've heard varying opinions about whether clownfish (i'm thinking either skunk or percs) should be kept singly or in pairs. which is better?...
niggit412-Mar-2006 01:38
skimmer - Too much bubbles..
hey all..i just bought my JEBO 180 skimmer for my 30 gallon hex tank...but it is making too much bubbles in the tank..any suggestions on what i should...
ckk125512-Mar-2006 01:37
Hatching My First Brime Shrimp
Today i bought a brime shrimp hatching kit. The kit it included a ba se (to connect the 2 liter bottle to), 3 packs of brine shrimp eggs and airline tu...
fishkid99207-Mar-2006 22:43
Need id of this fish please.
Can someone id this fish please? Robby...
Rob1619607-Mar-2006 11:26
New Live Rock
So I broke down and bought some additionally live rock from an internet store. I got it on Tuesday. I purchased 29 pounds of "cured" Marshall Island...
jmara1005-Mar-2006 09:01
Are these two clowns the same?
I have two clowns in my tank. Theyre supost to be both tomato clowns. But im starting to think they arent. I have pics but here are my desc riptions wh...
fishkid99703-Mar-2006 23:45
Long Nose Hawk Fish
I need all the info i can get on the long nose (or long snout) hawk fish. sirbooks you should be able to help me on this! Here is key things i wan...
fishkid99601-Mar-2006 05:22
Purple Tangs?
What are your personel opinions of purple tangs? Is it a good fish, is it tough to feed, is it agressive etc. It sounds like it isnt agressive and is...
fishkid991901-Mar-2006 00:11
Very Simple Question (Or Is It?)
Here's a little teaser for the "dark side" brigade. The Moorish Idol, Zanclus cornutus (or Zanclus canescens , depending upon which taxo...
Calilasseia128-Feb-2006 14:43
Hermit crabs i found at the beach!!!
I found tons of hermy-ies(hermit crabs) at the beach! i took like 3-4 little ones. So may questions are: 1.Please give me any and all info on these g...
fishys_cant_fly128-Feb-2006 05:29
how salty should my water be? I have 2 tomatoe clowns, 1 fairy basselet, 1 chromis (gonna get more others died from an arrow crab which i returned to...
fishkid991127-Feb-2006 05:21
Lawnmower Blenny
will it eat brown algea?...
ckk125526-Feb-2006 07:57
Aggressive Stock List 55Gal
Can i do 1 SFE 2 GSM 1 radiata ot antenata lion OR 1 SFE 1radiata or antenata lion 1 niger trigger...
LOACHESRCOOL425-Feb-2006 20:15
Sump sump! Who has a sump?
A little while back I brought home with me a baby bamboo shark and put him in a 200g tank I'd set up for him. Well, Mr Bamboo didn't last so long and...
JellyfishPJs325-Feb-2006 07:07
Lion Fish Yellow Tang And Morrey Eel
I have a 60 gallon salt water "empty" i wanted to put in a lion fish, yellow tang and morrey eel "the snowflake one" i was wondering in wich order sh...
justin pilon425-Feb-2006 07:02
Fish ideas for 46
Ok, my 46 is currently clearing up. I have no idea on what fish I want for my tank. I have a Potter's Angel, Royal Gramma, and a Red Banded Goby. The...
Racso224-Feb-2006 17:44
Should I?
I was really contemplating getting a SW tank instead of a planted FW one. What should be the budget, and I only have 2 FW tanks so far, so I don't kno...
bodangit224-Feb-2006 14:58
New picks
here are soem of my picks...
Norrec523-Feb-2006 05:43
Necessary Additives?
hi! i have a 10G sw tank (currently stocked with 10 lbs of live rock and 1 firefish) that i plan to add one or two small fish and a cleaner shrimp or...
niggit423-Feb-2006 02:22
Hermit Crab Shells
i was just wondering if i have to provide my hermit crabs (blue legged) with extra (larger) shells that they can move into as they grow. i know this i...
niggit322-Feb-2006 01:13
FOWLR and Fish only tank..
can a 30-35 gallon tank go on without live rock?Plus, can i use rock salt to make the water salty?how to change the water and add on to the amount of...
ckk1251721-Feb-2006 15:29
Hmm. Other fish...
I have a cycled 16 gallon tank with 20 lbs of LR, 1 margarita snail, 3 blue-legged hermits, and one royal gramma. Are there any other fish, PREFERABLY...
123mjb1021-Feb-2006 11:35
Help!! Parasites!!
I just had a look in my tank and it has these gross round whitish clear parasites!! they seem to have a brown 'body' bit inside the white/clear surrou...
carpe_diem020-Feb-2006 10:56
Spotted Blenny Information Needed
I need all the info i can get on the spotted blenny.(not the oarange spoted blenny) what to feed tank size tank mates potential size Is it good or is...
fishkid99814-Feb-2006 23:11
Live rock online
i went to my fish store and they gave me a deal on live rock 8 dollars a pound and if the rock is more than 10 pounds they will sell it 7 dollars a po...
Norrec410-Feb-2006 05:58
Identification Of Two Corals Is Needed
I recently bought two corals. But i forgot to write down the names of the corals I feel pretty stupid, but im making up for it by trying to find ou...
fishkid99210-Feb-2006 02:37
I Need Maroon Anemone Info
can anyone provide me with information on maroon anemones. Is it aggresive, what does it eat, how often to feed, water current, lighting, max size et...
fishkid99709-Feb-2006 04:20
White Spots On Glass
hi there! i have a fairly new (6 weeks old) 10G sw aquarium (my first marine tank!) that has recently started 'growing' little white dots on the side...
niggit109-Feb-2006 04:12
Large Enough
I've been thinking of setting up a SW tank for a while and I may finally start. I recently received a 30g for free. I was wondering if this was is big...
greenmonkey51309-Feb-2006 01:52
No Cycle?
i've had my first sw tank (10G) up and running for about 5 weeks (3 weeks with 10lbs of live rock, 1 week with 5 hermit crabs). i've tested the wate...
niggit608-Feb-2006 07:15
Im thinking about starting a small SW tank, to try it. Whats the smallest tank thats suitablel for SW? It'll be awhile before i get one,yet, but I am...
Inkling508-Feb-2006 05:54
Simple Setup Possible?
i've just upgraded my 40g planted to a 72G so now i have a 40g bare, home to neons and swordtails to keep the filter cycled. i was going to set the ta...
SheKoi507-Feb-2006 13:51
Death of a Perc Clown:(
I got two Perc. Clowns last friday for my 29 gallon. It's cycled and all my levels are great. Right now I just have a HOB filter running and then an...
jmara507-Feb-2006 08:08
Clown kicked out
Well as I said befor my clowns wernt geting in teh bubble anemane. well now it seams my new clown wont let my old clown in the anamane any more i cant...
Norrec807-Feb-2006 00:19
Hardiest anemone
what is the hardiest anemone? how hardy is a condy? thanks in advance...
LOACHESRCOOL1206-Feb-2006 03:09
I Need A Good Fish For My Tank. Sugestions Anyone?
I need a good center peice fish for my 55 gal. It should be reef friendly, not grow to big (no bigger the 8 inches) , should look good, not be too agg...
fishkid99506-Feb-2006 00:50
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