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SubscribeMinimum Tank Size Required?
T'Ark'An'Ni Ak'Kan
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male australia
EditedEdited by t'ark'an'ni ak'kan
I'm just wondering what the minimum size requirement, and other information (such as filtration, and compatability) for a fish tank with the following stock:
10 x Peppered Corydoras
1 x Bristlenose Catfish
12 x Neon Tetras
1 x Dwarf Gourami; or perhaps 1 x Siamese Fighting Fish (not too sure about compatability?)
I was thinking a 2x1x1 ft would be too much of a squeeze for this many? Is there some way I could cut down my wish-list to fit it in? I'm just wanting to ensure school sizes are adequate. And, will the Dwarf Gourami be okay on its own?
Post InfoPosted 27-Mar-2007 19:51Profile MSN PM Edit Report 
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I wouldn't mix the Dwarf gourami and fighting fish, one or the other. I think a 29 gallon would be good, maybe a 20 but that would be pushing it.

Post InfoPosted 27-Mar-2007 22:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
T'Ark'An'Ni Ak'Kan
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male australia
I totally agree with the SFF vs DG - it's one or the other.

Could you give dimensions for those, please? It's just I'm in good ole Australia, and we use litres here.
Post InfoPosted 27-Mar-2007 22:20Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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im not sure but i think it is 30 x 18 x 12, or something close to that

Post InfoPosted 27-Mar-2007 22:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
T'Ark'An'Ni Ak'Kan
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male australia
Cool, thanks for that.

I've just moved down to University, and I miss my fish so much, I'm wanting another tank!
Post InfoPosted 27-Mar-2007 22:42Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
Yeah I agree, choose a betta or a gourami but not
both. Have you considered a sorority of female bettas?
Often a nice alternative to just a single male. Females
can be kept in any odd number - 1, 3, 5 etc.
Usually they get along just dandy.
I took would recommend a minimum tank size of 115 litres,
or about 30 gallons.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2007 00:16Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
DeletedPosted 28-Mar-2007 00:16
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T'Ark'An'Ni Ak'Kan
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male australia
Thanks for that.

Would the stocking levels still be okay if I had say 3 female fighters in there? Or would I have to cut down a little?
Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2007 03:38Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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I think the stocking would be A-OK, as long as you heavily plant it. You could fit them in a 20, but it has to be heavily planted with aeration all over! You could go borderline or above with the stocking with plants. If not, you could have problems.

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Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2007 04:05Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
In a 115 litre, no you wouldnt be overstocked.
Female bettas are only on average 2 inches in length,
males get quite a bit bigger.

If you went with a 20 gallon and wanted 3 female bettas
you could always cut down the pepper corys to 6.
Personally, I wouldnt put 10 pepper corys in any less than 30 gallons, as they do acheive 3 to 3.5 inches in length and are quite robust, being one of the 3 largest cory species out there (along with metae and aeneus corys).

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Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2007 07:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
T'Ark'An'Ni Ak'Kan
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male australia
As I stated before, I live in Australia, so I need any tank sizes to be given in LxWxH, as I have no idea of what a 30 gallon tank would be.

I don't want to have any less then 10 Corys, so what'll that mean for tank size?
Post InfoPosted 29-Mar-2007 10:59Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
EditedEdited by So_very_Sneaky
A 30 gallon tank as I mentioned before is about 115 litres.
There is three sizes of tanks that are very close in capacity.

29 Gallon is 30x12x18 thats about 109 litres.
30 Gallon 36x12x16 Thats 113 litres.
30 Breeder 36x18x12 =113 litres
33 Long 48x13x12 -= 125 litres.

All those are in Inches. There is a calculator on her for transferring that to cm if you need to.
Any of those sizes will be sufficient for 10 pepper corys.
I wouldnt go any less than that if you want to have 10 pepper corys, unless you can choose a smaller species of cory.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 29-Mar-2007 23:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
T'Ark'An'Ni Ak'Kan
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male australia
Cool, thanks for the advice, everyone!

Post InfoPosted 31-Mar-2007 16:16Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa us-colorado
EditedEdited by FRANK
When given the choice, IMO, one should always go for the
maximum SURFACE AREA tank in the gallonage that is required.

The surface area is the area where the exchange
of gases takes place between the tank and the atmosphere.
This is where Oxygen is exchanged, and CO2 given off.

In a "tall" or "show" tank the tank is very deep in
ratio to the length and width. This reduces the
surface area and also the number of fish that it
can hold despite its capacity.

A 20 gallon "Show," can support fewer fish than a
20 gallon "Long"


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Post InfoPosted 31-Mar-2007 16:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa us-ohio
For future reference, on the top of the page here there is a drop down link. Drag your mouse over the "Interactive" and you will see the drop down list. There is a calculater there for volumn, length, temp, and other conversions. Is much easier than waiting, lol.

Here is a quick link to it for now though;


There is always a bigger fish...
Post InfoPosted 31-Mar-2007 17:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
T'Ark'An'Ni Ak'Kan
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male australia
Thanks for the extra advice, guys!

Now I just have to save up. Hmm, do I really need to eat?

Post InfoPosted 01-Apr-2007 00:55Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
if you change the cories to juliis then you can stock a little more.I say about 20-25 gallons will work okay.The fighters and gouramis should be fine...
i want another tank too...

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Post InfoPosted 13-Apr-2007 02:51Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
If you can afford it, I'd buy a 30gal long

10G- 6 Zebra Danios, 1 Upside Down Catfish
20G- 1 Goldfish
72G(maybe95)- Need Stock suggestions
Post InfoPosted 18-Apr-2007 00:59Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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