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New 20G Tank
Hi, I recently purchased a 20 gallon tank. This is my first attempt at having fish so i'm not really sure about what types of fish I should put and i...
nodMark608-Sep-2007 04:11
New 10G Tank and Dwarf Gourami
I have just setup my 10G tank and have placed 5 live plants in it. I am now looking to add fish to the tank. I would like to eventually have one or tw...
xiaan1506-Sep-2007 19:45
Bug Larva On My Filter Pad?
Thank you everyone for always responding so fast to all my threads i really appreciate it! Now my "issue". I was replaceing my carbon bags in my...
Mint805731-Aug-2007 22:07
Proud new owner of a 265 gallon tank!
Pages: 1, 2
This is my first forum so bare with me as I learn. I just got a 265 gallon tank. So far the filter is running, I got my lights, my heater and my rocks...
Mint8052428-Aug-2007 08:05
Good Beginner Tank?
Pages: 1, 2
im new and was lookin for an easy cool fish but dont kno wat to get or wat size tank to get ive done gold fish and im tired of them i want to try some...
aquacliff2525-Aug-2007 23:31
Sponge Filter
my sister is setting up a fry tank because of an un-expected birth, and she is confused about the sponge filter thing. She asked me but i have no clue...
HorseGal722-Aug-2007 06:31
Weight of a my NEW :D 29g :D :D :D
How much will a 29g weight? Should the average dresser be able to hold it up? The wood for the dresser is about 1 inch, it is pretty dense and looks...
eat_ham222922-Aug-2007 05:05
Ammonia levels not declining
Yes, it's me again. Tomorrow will be 1 month since I added the 5 Serpae Tetras to this 10 gallon tank. Then 2 peppered cory were added about 10...
gollum651319-Aug-2007 20:39
Which Filter??
I am going to be setting up a larger tank in the near future i'm think of a 40-50 gallon one. I want to use a canister filter for this tank because i...
lil_fishy565517-Aug-2007 18:07
Too Much Ammonia in Aquarium
I have a 2.5 gallon aquarium that has a Whisper carbon filter with an air pump. It has been set up for 4 weeks and is home to a 2" Oranda Goldfish. T...
newtofish911-Aug-2007 18:14
Friendly tankmates
Hello, I have a 72 gallon tank that currently has 2 weather loaches, 2 male platys and 1 very large pleco....I want to add a few more fish but I don't...
Mia511-Aug-2007 05:35
Moving Fish, etc...
Ok, so I am new to this site and have several questions about my fish tank. I inherited a 10 gallon tank from a friend who inherited it from a frie...
kaamodt809-Aug-2007 06:33
Something weird
Ok guys. I'm at almost 3 weeks now with my 5 tetras in a new 10 gallon tank. Last week I added 2 peppered corys and they seem to be doing ok as well...
gollum651509-Aug-2007 00:49
Cycling New Filter - Advice Pls
Hi there I have a fully cycled tank that's been up & running for over 12 months. It was being filtered by an eheim 2224 cannister, which I am going...
TW1608-Aug-2007 09:25
46gal Bowfront
So I finally decided to get the old 46g bowfront out of the garage and get it started again. I think I have it all planned out, though I'd like your o...
niccomau208-Aug-2007 06:47
Water Readings
So I finally got in my water testing kit. Here are my readings. I just did a 20% water change yesterday... pH 8.0 Ammonia 1.0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5...
camliner1608-Aug-2007 03:29
Vague Problems -- Fish Die
I am new to this site and hoping someone can give some advice. Sorry, this is REALLY long, but I know I will get a lot of questions, so I'm trying to...
dianak406-Aug-2007 13:35
Conditioning salt
I was told at the LFS that all fish benefit from a little salt in the water. My question is how often do I add salt? Should I just add it to the water...
coltsfan1105-Aug-2007 00:03
What Do You Think Of This Tank? i think it might be interesting, but i don't see how a filter would possibly fit...
moondog504-Aug-2007 21:30
New 29g! What to do?
I just bought a 29g tank that came with fish, gravel, plants (some live) and filter and heater (old owners had to move.) Right now in it are: 1 red...
viciouschiapet1303-Aug-2007 07:24
Freeze dried foods
Right now the only freeze dried foods I am feeding are bloodworms. I was wondering what other freeze dried foods you all feed to your fish? Also how a...
coltsfan1203-Aug-2007 02:30
How many gallons do white clouds need to live in?
I bought 4 white clouds about 5 months ago and I was told a 5 litre (1 gallon in the US) tank would be enough for them. I was also advis...
whitecloud-mountainminnow730-Jul-2007 11:58
Ph spike with Ammonia Spike?
I started my 55 gallon tank about a month ago - filled it, ran the filters and heaters for about two weeks, and then I added 6 long-tail danios to beg...
ccrdrjo630-Jul-2007 03:34
Eclipse Tanks
Hi, Does anyone one have any thoughts on Eclipse tanks. I was thinking of getting a 6 gallon to move my guppies to. thanks...
Whartonloser229-Jul-2007 04:53
Fish mates for my fish tank!
So I finally got my 45 gallon up and now need stocking suggestions. I currently have 1 rainbow shark and 6 tiger barbs that will be going in there and...
tigermom928-Jul-2007 07:40
The perfect community fish
I am trying to decide what type of community fish I want to add to my tank. So I would like to know what you all think is the perfect community fish t...
coltsfan428-Jul-2007 07:17
Beneficial Algae?
I was wondering if there is ever a time when algae is good for the tank? I don't mean algae all over the place but just a little on a rock or somethin...
coltsfan227-Jul-2007 16:25
Water Test Readings
Did a 20% water change yesterday, tested today and my readings were: ammonia .25 nitrate 20 nitrite 0 ph 7.2 My quesion is are these good levels...
coltsfan926-Jul-2007 22:57
Feeding a small fighter
He's a really tiny fish, so not a mouth big enough for my pellets yet. Either way I have bloodworms so would that be enough? And what other things cou...
CrimsonaX1026-Jul-2007 19:19
Good fish for very warm water?
Hi everyone. I'm brand new to the aquarium hobby, and I'm trying my best to "do it right". I hope this was the proper forum to post these questions....
gollum651725-Jul-2007 14:20
20 Gallon Ideas...
arg. i cant decide whats good :[. i want it to have plants like crazy, like all my tanks. fish im thinking about include.. baloon mollies ( i want 3,...
eat_ham222325-Jul-2007 06:37
Need Help Asap
The lady at petstore has givin me some bad advice or so im told! I've got a 20 hex tank with a penguin 150 filter good up to 30gal. I've got 2- bolivi...
spankym13625-Jul-2007 03:36
75 Gallon Tank
Dear Everyone, Mabuhay! wow, i've read so many information about aquariums and i am really amazed by the number of infos that one can really h...
mujacko2002022-Jul-2007 15:01
Compatable Or Not Compatable?
Pages: 1, 2
i got a new 20 gallon and i have a list of fish i am interested in. Can somebody tell me if all the fish in my list are compatable?i would like to k...
HorseGal3921-Jul-2007 17:03
Possible Heater Problem?
I have a heater rated for a 10 - 15 gallon tank. I've noticed that during the day it stays 78F, but in the morning when I first look it is 76F. It's...
camliner821-Jul-2007 08:42
First Tropical Tank, Oh Help!
Ok, so in a few month's time, near Yule (Christmas for none Pagans ) I wont to start up my own Tropical Tank. nothing big, it'll be a 2ft tank sorta...
WaterPixie520-Jul-2007 14:39
CAE (It's good new's)
As some of you may have been following on the gravel vacum thread. you will know that I have discovered I have a Chinesse Algie Eater that I didn't kn...
WaterPixie620-Jul-2007 01:28
Gravel Vacuum
I have some questions about gravel vacuuming I hope you all can help me with. How often do I need to do this, I have heard everything from once a week...
coltsfan1819-Jul-2007 22:18
First Aquarium (of my own)
I have wanted to start an aquarium for a while and am finally getting to it. I am starting small with a 10 gal. tank. I went through the first cycle...
camliner719-Jul-2007 07:26
Its been quite a few years and I would like to get an aquarium started for my son. Is it possible to put the following fish in the same tank? Gu...
redtailhawk418-Jul-2007 07:48
Puffer Tank
I was in the LFS this weekend and seen a spotted puffer fish!!!! WOW !!!!! They are awsome! The lady at the pet store said a 10gal would work for j...
spankym13918-Jul-2007 04:39
Fish to cycle tank
Now that I know the tank Im getting, Im wondering what kind of fish would be okay to have a cycle in the 15gallon tank I have in mind. I know fishless...
CrimsonaX617-Jul-2007 11:23
Little brothers 10gal
My little brother is setting up a little 10 gallon fish tank. ( wants to be like his big brother lol) Hey wants some guppy and an angel fish, and a bo...
spankym131116-Jul-2007 18:11
Newbie- New Tank Questions (lots of em!)
Hi! My name is Julia and I am new to having fish as well as to this Forum. I love pretty much all animals, yet never really wanted fish. I would admir...
asmile4u1214-Jul-2007 00:46
Purchasing New Tank
hi, new to the forum and setting up a aquarium. Thought it would be great for the boys, ages 3 & 5. Was going to go to Wal-mart and just buy the...
norzjush713-Jul-2007 16:16
A whole new start (if ever)
If I were to start a new tank... Ideal size, stand, heating, oxygenation (if thats a word), substrate, plants, filtration, Lighting, cycling, Where to...
CucumberSlices613-Jul-2007 00:26
Sorry, I ment to reply to this thread, not start a new topic If a mod could move it thanks...
2500ram411-Jul-2007 23:07
For a new tank...
This time I'd like to have it planned out far in advance ^^ I was thinking around a 20 gal but I'll say what kind of fish I like and look into recomm...
CrimsonaX610-Jul-2007 07:40
Shy Cories And Future Stocking
After reading on here for a while I decided to stock some albino cories in my tank. I went with 6, since I wanted to have enough to have the 'minimum...
cdnAndrew209-Jul-2007 16:16
Tank Update
Here's how it's looking now, for those who don't know my bristlenose scenario, he was a healthy lil tyke I adopted from my friend in order to avoid hi...
CrimsonaX609-Jul-2007 11:11
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