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 Photo Booth
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A sampling of Molly's stay-at-home fish - strong 56K warning!
I got some okay shots of a few fish while I was home, thought I'd share ... Glofish: [img]
littlemousling1321-Oct-2004 04:07
My planted 55g
Pages: 1, 2
The fishies seem to be happy, the cherry barbs have only been in the tank for a week and are already getting frisky. I'm not good at taking pics so ex...
Lindy2921-Oct-2004 01:55
some closeups of my big pleco
for some reason he didn't run away screaming when i put the camera up to the glass, and i got a couple really good closeups of him tonight [img]h...
moondog619-Oct-2004 16:23
how do you make a poop float?
apparently it involves getting air into it somehow [img]http://img...
moondog319-Oct-2004 15:17
Posting for LittleMousling
I hope this is to your approval. I worked this from a full size direct of the camera. Just enhancement and a focus sharpen but no colour alterations...
keithgh1319-Oct-2004 14:02
New Male Ram
I got a male German Blue Ram for the female we already have, he is gorgeous! More of a rounded nose than hers, not sure if that is usual. But *ver...
SuperMummy!1219-Oct-2004 13:28
10g Planted Tank Pics*
Heres my 10g I recently set up. Leave your comments. Enjoy Click Link Below [link=]htt...
Griggs2121519-Oct-2004 04:23
cichlid pics (a couple more added)
Messed around with the camera this afternoon and got some decent shots. Still working on my firemouth, who is quite small and shy. My festivum is new...
Theresa_M1919-Oct-2004 02:35
Unusual White Cloud
I found this at work today, a particularly beautiful white cloud. It looks almost like normal one, but it has bright yellow dorsal and anal fins, and...
Natalie718-Oct-2004 22:30
Video Feed
I have a Video feed of me feeding my BGK that I thought was pretty cool and would like to share with everyone is there a way to do this?...
slimdicky018-Oct-2004 20:23
My little Betta Piloy ^_^
Here is a little pic I took a while ago when I was testing our new digital camera. Presenting. . . [link=Piloy!]
guppy_gal218-Oct-2004 18:11
10 Gallon Tank
Stock: 3 Neon Tetras 3 Glowlight Tetras 2 Tiger Barbs [link=]
Sandy02218-Oct-2004 04:47
Rainbow Fish
Just bought them today from the LFS, will purchase more later next week [link=]
FMZ613-Oct-2004 14:49
New 5.5 gallon AGA
This is our new 5.5 gall AGA. Have yet to figure out what's going in it but set it up anyways!! Hope you all like and any suggestions on possible occu...
Nick613-Oct-2004 02:26
Croaking Gourami?, Hillstream Loach, Thick Lipped Gourami
Hi, Some new pics. This first one is a puzzle. I bought them (I have 2) think they were croaking gourami, but after doing some searching, actually th...
bensaf912-Oct-2004 04:06
Could some people post some pics of:
Could some people post some pics of large clown loaches in the 7 inch and up range? The two fellows at my favorite fish store do not believe they get...
So_Very_Sneaky1311-Oct-2004 11:14
AHH My 3 55's and 1 29 Gallon
I'm overall pleased with the way my photos came out in these albums. I just hate the color that the piranha background came out as, its actually the b...
illest311-Oct-2004 01:14
Look at pic 4. It made my jaw drop that such a nonhardy fish such as the asian arowana can live with an extra head. I also like pic 2 but i had to sho...
aquatexan509-Oct-2004 16:40
Crenicichla Marmarota pics
I just got these fish from Jeff Rapps earlier this week. They are now in the 75g planted tank that you will see. Enjoy... [link=http://img.village...
lil-fishy708-Oct-2004 11:55
Feeding on Algae Wafers
I break up four Hikari Algae Wafers every day except on water change day. I spread them over half of the front of the tank there is a space of about 3...
keithgh506-Oct-2004 16:51
dwarf puffer
Not terribly exciting but I've had my dwarf puffers for quite awhile now and have never managed to get any decent pictures of them. Yesterday I added...
Theresa_M406-Oct-2004 06:06
ok here's my tank
ok here it is... almost complete just need a couple more plants and some more rocks and one of Junior.... my ram, sorry hubby named the poor guy that...
princessinabsentia803-Oct-2004 15:49
Discus spawn
Here's a pic (last week) of my discus spawning. Unfortunately, they keep eating the eggs. techjak attached this image: [img]http://www.fishpr...
techjak203-Oct-2004 11:33
my new golden puffer
heres a link to pics of my new golden puffer(chonerhinos modestus). the pic quality isnt that great but its the best i could do since the lil bugger w...
TIGER9102-Oct-2004 09:11
HI!! Still getting the hang of my new camera, neverth...
mattyboombatty701-Oct-2004 21:53
Shark tale with bite
Photo 1 These photos were taken from a Aussie Daily news paper 9-04 This is what a tiger shark did to Ben Crop's (famed underwater photographer) bo...
keithgh201-Oct-2004 09:09
Could Paint be blurring my images?
Weird question, but it seems to me there's a difference in quality between looking at my photos at 25% in Image Expert and the shots I've actually mad...
littlemousling1330-Sep-2004 09:30
Rescaped both tanks.
Pages: 1, 2
Hi all, Came back from a trip to find the big tank a bit of a mess and had some new anubias to put in. Decided to do a moderate re-work on the tank....
bensaf2430-Sep-2004 05:17
My Bettas...^_^
[font color="#C00000"]I've been waiting a very long time to show you peoples pictures of my two beautiful fishies. ^_^ But I recently got a third one...
DragonPhoenix129-Sep-2004 23:11
Window display in a womans shoe store
Yes it is true I saw this recently in Melb Aust the plants are all artifical. Also in a hot window. First photo full set up and second a close up....
keithgh1529-Sep-2004 19:37
Are these any better, photo gurus? (56K warning)
Still trying ... are any of these better? No? Help? :88) Wish making them jpgs didn't blur them.] [img]
littlemousling1429-Sep-2004 09:52
Mauii Aquarium Pictures
Cup_of_Lifenoodles029-Sep-2004 07:35
Just seeing if I can post a photo.
Last edited by TigerAngel at 26-Sep-2004 05:04...
TigerAngel429-Sep-2004 04:45
Indian Banded Gourami
Got one of these a while back, beautiful fish but very timid. He would dive for cover if anyone came near the tank. He's come out of his shell a good...
bensaf729-Sep-2004 04:20
botia sidthimunki
Three months ago, acclimating: Theresa_M attached this image:...
Theresa_M329-Sep-2004 04:20
Night shots of Brittle Star
I got some night shots of my brittle star. He has become so big it's amazing that he is completely hidden all day. It's great to see him sprawl all o...
razz629-Sep-2004 03:47
new festae pics
first a few pics of the female unfortunately I forgot to wipe the gl...
Jason_R_S428-Sep-2004 22:50
Finally!! A good pic of my community tank
Just wanted to share my community tank with you's nothing special but we like it... Jessnick42503 attached this image: [img]http://...
Nick628-Sep-2004 21:20
Zoe, my new Angel
I just got her yesterday after trading a big Black Moor that my SIL gave me for her. http://w...
Doedogg128-Sep-2004 17:58
My 170g Fish and tanks WARNING LOTS OF PICS but worth a look
hrm seems i can't insert pics anymore Sorry guys okay a little painfull but here goes [link=
washington1028-Sep-2004 04:01
Just wanted to say hi...oh yeah and get an error message for Adam Jessnick42503 attached this image: [img]
Nick028-Sep-2004 03:55
new shell set up
29 shellie tank, n multi just had babies. tommyc attached this image:...
tommyc028-Sep-2004 03:23
Baby Molly
This baby somehow survived for who knows how long until I noticed him swimming at the top during feeding, in which he almost became part of the meal...
Nick028-Sep-2004 02:01
44 not the best - Babel
What category Babel [link=]
tommyc227-Sep-2004 21:49
44 gal
What do you think tommyc attached this image:...
tommyc127-Sep-2004 21:34
misc. cichlid pics
Red devil in growout tank here he is again...spying on me [img]http://...
Jason_R_S427-Sep-2004 21:12
green sev pic
i took a good pic of my green sev [link=]
greenmonkey51127-Sep-2004 05:02
My Fishy Bed Room
Well, these are the fish tanks in my room. The left just got set up and the right one is my 2ft tank. [link=
Forever-mango426-Sep-2004 09:16
Fiddler Crab
Here is my fiddler crab trying to chase away the fish from an algae wafer it has claimed as its own. Despite the formidable appearance of the claw, it...
Natalie626-Sep-2004 08:11
my tanks
I finally got a digital camera and took some pics of my fish. sorry its blurry i still have to learn how to use it better [link=http://www.picturetrai...
greenmonkey51126-Sep-2004 02:48
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