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  L# Algae treatment with Cu based med..
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SubscribeAlgae treatment with Cu based med..
Big Fish
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Registered: 16-Jun-2006
male pakistan
EditedEdited by mughal113
Hi all,
Im fed up with algea. Ive tried to control it using natural methods but noo avail. I've got rid of red beard algae finally but now the leaves of anubii are getting covered with brown spots spreading in circles. Ive decided to take the other route.
The medication I found was named "Algae Rid" and the contents stated chelated Cu. The LFS owner is a friend of mine and he actually advised me to stay away from it.
I dont have any fish in the tank, just plants with CO2 injection. What side effects could this medicine have on plants? Or if it is not advised, please suggest an alternative. Im truely upset
Post InfoPosted 09-Oct-2006 21:13Profile MSN PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 28-Dec-2002
male usa us-colorado
Copper is toxic to many fish and even plants. Once you
saturate the tank with that stuff, I'm not sure how you
would be able to completely get rid of it all.
The remaining copper could severely limit the types of fish
that you put in the tank after the treatment is over.

Personally, I would listen to your LFS, they are right.

Since you are not living next door, I have no idea what
your resources in Pakistan are when it comes to algaecide.
Can't your LFS offer any suggestions?


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Post InfoPosted 09-Oct-2006 21:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
Posts: 343
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Registered: 16-Jun-2006
male pakistan
Thanks for the reply Frank, that was quick!
I've been able to find three different brands but all of them contain copper as the active ingredient. If u can suggest some good less toxic medication, that LFS friend of mine can actually import that for me.
By the way what's this latest form of algea Im having. It appeared as little brown spots which are now growing rapidly in circles. Soon the leaves would be covered completely. If u could make a diagnostic using this info, would be great. Otherwise i'll try to put some photos.

thanks a bunch.
Post InfoPosted 09-Oct-2006 21:36Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male australia au-victoria
Here is one of Frank's favourite links
algae info

I will back up what Frank has said and many othere members in the past "Keep well away from chemicals to remove the algae" reason for this is the chemical will actually poison the algae and the fish could easly eat the algae need I say any more.

Secondly you kill the algae for sure but do you kill the problem what caused the algae in the first place certainly NOT.

To remove the algae you must find the cause. To do this tell us every thing about the tank including what and how you do work with the tank.

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Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 10-Oct-2006 03:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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