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SubscribeAquatic Mosses and Liverworts - a new quest
Untitled No. 4
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I think you should treat Pellia like riccia, tie it to something and let it grow over it taking its shape. Looks really nice on a branchy piece of wood laid on the substrate. In your case, I think maybe you should separate the two. It should also look nice with a carpet of glosso or equivalent growing in front of it as glosso is brighter in colour and the contrast would give a feeling of depth.

Pellia also grows slower and smaller if shaded or if in a low lights tank, so you can create different looks depending on where you put it.

It also goes really well with blue rams as the love scavenging for food in the pellia, looking quite good together. That's not really an aquascaping tip though.

I've only ever heard of mini pellia for the first time a week ago from Bensaf. It looks nice and I wouldn't mind getting my hands on some.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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I can't give you more information as you already got my imput

But I would say that you should create a photo log that shows us all these great mosses side by side. I am sure that many people here at FP would really appreciate that.

And we can never have too many logs


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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hi guys !

Have thread going in the local website too.
The fish manager of my favorite store was kind enough to post this which is written by the guy I call 'Doctor Moss' who has did a bit of research. See linkie...

Mosses found in Singapore Shops.

You guys are a GREAT help, will write more when I awake later.. Yes pics and some type of 'report' would be a great idea Ingo. There is one challenge and that's giving them all growing conditions to thrive. But I see a custom 'moss-tainer' with many compartments in the works.
Think I will need 3 containers, each with 5 compartments.

Untitled, if you are interested a pinch of Weeping Moss in exchange for a pinch of your Pellia cuttings, then lets do it.

I've edited the list with species you've added, thanks

Last edited by DaFishMan at 15-Oct-2005 08:17

The Amazon Nut...
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:43Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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I would try this site:
[link=]" style="COLOR: #FF00FF[/link]
Correspond with the author.


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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Untitled No. 4
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I can post a picture of my Pellia, if you're interested. Growing conditions are: Under water. At least in my experience.

By the way, I've not seen the moss I've tossed in the pond in that pdf file you linked for. Don't know what it is though, could be willow moss?

PM me your address and I will send you some Pellia. No need for the moss, but thanks anyway. If you want I can try and fish some of the moss I have in the pond for your inspection.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Piranha Bait
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Thanks Frank,
I checked that link, found another type of Echinodorus lawn plant I may want LOL.

Pls do post a Pellia pic so we can enjoy..

"could be willow moss?" - it could be, or it could be UNTITLED's SECRET UNIDENTIFIED MOSS. It may look quite different once in tank conditions.

Mosses all over the place, there is some java type aquatic moss at a beach near my parents, I'll be collecting a sample of that too.

Consider my address PM'd for the pellia. And thank you

"If you want I can try and fish some of the moss I have in the pond for your inspection." - only if it's no bother, if it is, no worries. If you do, pls pack separate from the pellia. Maybe a note on whereabouts you bought or collected if you remember. I will call it 'Untitled Moss'.

Consider yourself good for a moss sample from me in the future should you want one.

Extra note on Christmas moss, it is supposed to look/grow/branch even better when not grown in tropical temps.

The Amazon Nut...
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:43Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Megil TelZeke
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moss from a beach O.o, is this like a river or lake 'beach' or a real beach? if not, then it is probably an algae, plus it will be Sw. If it is a pond or river beach, it's probably a bryophyte of some sort. Best of luck, getting your mosses. I would lvoe to see a log about them side by side so everyone can see the difference.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:43Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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A freshwater lake beach. Very rocky and moss submerged as well as some up on the rocks.

Got an idea for the photo / comparison tank.

A 2wpg or higher 10 gal tank with hydroponic nutrients and
10 popsicle sticks or similar with a diff moss on each.
I found a 10g last weekend (has a little crack to fix) and bought a used &amp; abused canopy for $5.

The Amazon Nut...
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:43Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Typed in Bryophyte and hit another interesting link.

Another interesting page in same site !

Last edited by DaFishMan at 15-Oct-2005 15:30

The Amazon Nut...
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:43Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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An FP member Chee Pang e-mailed me with info on a moss, availabe in Singapore. Someone also let me know about that moss on another site, about 10 min after, and suggested I have some in my backyard (LOL)
If I don't find any in my back yard I'm buying some.


Wait until you see cp's tank. Incredible.

Grows slower then java moss etc.. Kinda like a larger version of erect moss but 'ferny' in a way too, more lush growth, taller. Very nice.
This was sent to Singapore in it's immersed form but it adapted to submersed. There are over 20 species of Fissidens out there in the big bad world. Apperently quite a few in North America. More research now.

Last edited by DaFishMan at 18-Oct-2005 11:16

The Amazon Nut...
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:43Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Untitled No. 4
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Here's another page for you:;gp=6

Last edited by Untitled No. 4 at 16-Oct-2005 10:39
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Piranha Bait
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Edit Oct 18, Chee Pang confirmed Fissidens shipped from Singapore today expect in 9-14 days.

Pls continue to post any interesting links, as well as photos you want to share etc....

Still searching for more types, edited list up top.
This is great I appreciate all your help

Last edited by DaFishMan at 18-Oct-2005 22:49

The Amazon Nut...
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:43Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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I have two types of Serated leafed/edged Java Moss.
The smaller variety 3-4ins is very bushy and has a stem less than 1/2ins. The taller 8ins and the stems are 3-4ins.

I will post a photo as soon as I can getting new Photoshop system.


Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Megil TelZeke
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Hey DaFishman, saw this and I couldn't help but think of you.

click here

I am not quite sure how they work, I stumbled across them through aquabid, but it may be possible to order plants through them directly. Special request maybe? I am not sure.

Last edited by Megil Tel'Zeke at 27-Oct-2005 15:41

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:43Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Piranha Bait
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Hi sorry haven't been following up on the moss stuff lately Wiz. I did check your pics though, interesting mosses you found !

Bought a magnifying glass also, to get a better look at the fronds. You can get 2 different mosses that grew in different locales (same species, different subspecies), and have them looking the exact same. In the summer I was floored by a moss display in a fishstore. I thought it was erect moss. Turns out it was regular java, receiving 5 types of bottled nutrients and a fancy light strip.. My java moss now looks the same in my ignored 10g with 1wpg and receiving no nutrients... 3 fish, 1 shrimp and a battery of snails keep it clean, water changes overdue.

The Amazon Nut...
Post InfoPosted 27-Jan-2006 07:20Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by DaMossMan
A new moss article to check out. Hope you enjoy

"The Truth behind the Confusion: the Identity of Java Moss and other tropical aquarium mosses"

The Amazon Nut...
Post InfoPosted 30-Jan-2006 05:11Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Nice pictures in the article you linked to .

BTW, if you get TFH, the latest (March) edition has an article on mosses as well. You are full in trend.

I had a sorrow experience this weekend with my Xmas moss in the 29G. I did let it grow too full (seems to become a trend, I did the same to the Glosso in my 125) and only now noticed a small patch of BGA right in the middle (it is on a piece of driftwood), but nowhere else in the tank. So I take the wood out, fill the tub, submerse it, and begin to trim. And Trim and tim and trim. Long story short - BGA was widely spread underneath the top layer of beautiful moss. Once I reached that part I noticed that the moss is in almost all places not attached to the wood whatsoever. It got so thick that the bottom layer died off. Now I have an almost bare piece of driftwood again.

Learn from my msitake and don't let this happen to you


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 30-Jan-2006 17:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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hey MossMan,

Great thread BTW. Have you come across any info on growing Mini-moss, besides from the website?

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 30-Jan-2006 17:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Piranha Bait
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Hey Ingo !

Yup I enjoyed those pics too, especially the erect moss totally covering that multibranched stump, and the moss completely covering the substrate

(My tiny pinch of erect moss has grown enough to tie some on a piece of driftwood too !) I'll do that when doing the 10g to 15g swap. I've been saving a stumpy driftwood I got at the beach to 'get er started'.

The March issue of TFH is already out ? I'd love to see that article. Going to inquire as to if/where it's retailed around here. Any new interesting info ?

Sorry to hear of your Christmas Moss
Amano does 'haircuts' right across the top.

Not touching nutrient issues as you can run circles around me there. It sounds like the BGA occurs in water current 'dead areas' within, and under the moss etc. Pointing a powerhead in that area may help. The stuff you trimmed, did you put it in a glass jar with some Excel to try and kill off the BGA ?

My regular java in the 10g is over 3 inches in height and totally green, although the stuff underneath is kinda stringy, the stuff on top stands on end somewhat like erect moss. I'm floored by this ! The ramshorn, pond, and mts snails, 1 bn pleco, and 1 amano shrimp keep the tank algae and detritus free despite low water current.
I don't even have to clean the glass
Pic coming soon to a moss post near you.

Hey NowherMan6

I'm glad you are enjoying the thread
I can't speak from personal experience but here's my bit on Mini Moss...

Mini-Moss is an interesting and currently unidentified Vesicularia species brought to us from Asia when converted from semi-aquatic to aquatic. It has more a more compact growth structure which makes it great for adding a different texture in a tank where other forms of mosses are used. It appreciates a bit higher light (as any compact foreground plants would) and co2. Very similar to weeping moss in requirements. (is fairly delicate and can be picky at times, but don't let that scare you off from trying it). If your lighting is good and your nutrients in balance you have an excellent chance of it doing well in your tank. It will have faster healthier growth if attached to driftwood.

The Amazon Nut...
Post InfoPosted 31-Jan-2006 01:14Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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The March issue is out when you are a subscriber. I think I get it weeks before it hits the stands. It is not much new information (if any), but of course I had to think about you right away when I read it .

Yeah, I seem to have experienced the same with BGA (and I helped other with similar issues), it likes areas with little current and spreads from there. The lower levels of the Xmas moss where ideal for it. I did not attempt to clean the moss with Excel, I disposed of it - if I need more then I simply will trim some off in my 125G.


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Post InfoPosted 31-Jan-2006 11:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Update for anyone interested.

I've done little lately with aquaria things, been trying to organize the apartment, car repairs here and there, and practicing guitar again. In other words, got off track.

Some of my mosses took a turn for the worse.
The culprit is algae because I added too much fert, plus no water movement in their 'mosstainers', and lack of better maintenance on my part. I've added a large squirt of Excel to each one to try and combat the algae, and a 7 day or longer blackout starts now.. Followed by some removal of 'the brown stuff' and a brief potassium permanganate dip for the green stuff.

I'll obviously have to start paying more attention on a regular basis, and some setup changes to be made.

Also, my taiwan moss turned brown, trying to reverse it but not sure how that's going to go.. I've made dead moss grow me 2 tiny new green shoots before but it took 3 months !

Spring is almost here, I've chosen a seller named Aquatic Magic in Malaysia to buy some new mosses from.
I just have to decide what types I want. He has most likely added new species since December.

I'm also expecting a couple more types thru fellow hobbyists and contacts. Get here fast spring !

That's all for now.

The Amazon Nut...
Post InfoPosted 25-Feb-2006 23:29Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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What I've learnt.

1. I don't have room to grow multi types of moss at once to compare as it is best grown in tanks, and I only have room for 2 tanks. (my ambition was bigger then my means)

2. Containers/Bottles with water do not work for growing samples of moss, and is also a poor way to store it. Algae, cyano, or mildew will hit.

3. I'm still addicted to moss.


- took over my 10g tank, was in supreme health besides being neglected, was standing up similar to erect moss. It even emmersed from the tank ! Tank temp was 78F.
I have emptied out this tank completely, bagged up a sample of the moss to possibly grow it again later, and sold the rest online, mostly to aquarists thru a local site. My 10g will be redone and I'm still deciding what type of moss will grow in there next.

I threw the smallest pinch into my 40g months ago
It's now a jungle of moss growing on the substrate, taking over the crypts even. I had a bad case of BBA all thru the tank. I have been underdosing Flourish Excel, whenever I remember. The BBA is about 70% gone now. Once the BBA is gone, I will do what I did with the Java Moss, save myself a sample, and sell the rest. Weeping Moss looks amazing but would look even better on a large piece of driftwood, then on the substrate. My tank temp is 76F, I've added no ferts or co2 to this tank for over 8 months. Light is 1.5wpg.


You can especially see here, the moss choking out the crypts..

I need to get this out before my crypts die.
Moss makes an awesome carpet, but if not trimmed it will become a total blanket. I'm half tempted to pull out all the other plants and let the moss grow right across, and give it Amano haircuts hehe

I have a healthy sample of erect moss although it's been in a ziplock bag for months. My fissidens sample from my friend turned all brown in it's baggie. I don't know if I can get it to sprout a green patch or not. I have a bit of Xmas moss in a bottle but that might be algae.
These are all the samples I have left until I buy or trade for more types.

So my strategy is to grow 2 types of moss (one in each tank). Take a pic or 2, Save a sample for myself, sell the rest, then grow the next type of moss.

The Amazon Nut...
Post InfoPosted 31-Dec-2006 08:00Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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