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  L# Green Fuzz Algae
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SubscribeGreen Fuzz Algae
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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female usa
EditedEdited by GirlieGirl8519
I have what I think to be green fuzz algae in my 29g tank. It has only been set up a few weeks. I have rotala indica, wisteria, dwarf sag, ludwigia repens, and corkscrew vals in there. I have 8 neons, 4 glowlights, 6 panda cories, and 1 otto.
The light fixture is a 65w coralife aqualight, which gives me 2.24 wpg.
The plants are all doing great. So much better than the ones in my 55g. The wisteria is beautiful and all the plants are extremely healthy.
I have a problem with the algae though. At first glance, I thought it was only green spot algae, so I got the otto to take care of it. But when I looked closer, it is furry or hairy looking. It is short strands, about 3mm and not in clumps. It is light green in color and can only be seen when you look really close. It is on the glass and on the plants.
What causes this and how can I get rid of it?

Oh, and the otto doesn't seem to be eating it...though i've only had him for 3 days.

Pictures are not very good...but here they are:
On the wisteria leaves:

On the glass:

Post InfoPosted 08-Feb-2006 04:28Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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male australia
The one on the wisteria looks like BBA. Can you remove them easily? If not, then it's probably BBA, which is due to lack of CO2. Flourish Excel also helps get rid of it.

I've never seen BBA grow on glass, so I'm not sure if it's the same algae. It looks more like green spot algae, but hard to tell from the pic. BTW, otos don't eat green spot algae (nor do any other creature I know). The only thing I know that can prevent green spot algae is sufficient phosphate level. But once it's there, you can only remove it manually (razor blade or hard plastic on the glass, get rid of affected leaves).

Post InfoPosted 08-Feb-2006 05:12Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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female usa bad. What types do they eat?

The kind on the glass is the same as the kind on the leaves. It looks exactly the just can't tell in the pictures. It is very light green and really fine strands. I haven't tried to remove it yet...but will see if it comes off easy or not.
I have been using Excel like every other day...maybe I'll try every day and see if that helps any.
I haven't been using any other ferts because its not all planted yet and I didn't want to grow any other type of algae from the extra nutrients. I guess I will see how things grow when i get it fully planted (will be moderately planted).

Post InfoPosted 08-Feb-2006 06:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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male australia
What types do they eat?

The only visible algae that my otos eat are brown algae (diatoms) and soft green algae (the one on leaves that can easily be removed by hand).

My bet is still BBA on the wisteria leaves (I've had similar on my wisteria before). Try dosing 2-3x the recommended amount of Excel for a few days. The one on the glass you should be able to remove with a razor blade or hard plastic.

Post InfoPosted 08-Feb-2006 06:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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I could be the fine green hair algae. I had it for months but I slowly removed it with Seachem Flourish Excel 1ml three times a week.

Apprently a SAE will eat it as well. I tried a Cherry Barb and it got stuck into eating it straight away but could not keep up with the new growth.

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Post InfoPosted 08-Feb-2006 07:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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male usa
I've got the same stuff in my 29!

I can't get it off with my regular magnetic algae scraper... I had to buy one of them big scrubby brushes on a stick to get it off, and it's still hard to get rid of

I've been dosing excel for a while (250ml bottle's almost empty now... I ordered more...) and I'll have to see how that goes

Good luck with yers!
Post InfoPosted 08-Feb-2006 08:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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I haven't been using any other ferts because its not all planted yet and I didn't want to grow any other type of algae from the extra nutrients.

Well that plan didn't work did it ? Never does. Extra nutrients don't cause algae. Missing nutrients do.

You have a decent amount of light, are adding Excel (which will speed up growth x 2-3) and have fast growing species.

You also need to add traces, if fish load not high you more then likely are short of Nitrate and Phosphate. If using Excel , these should be also supllemented once or twice a week.

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Post InfoPosted 08-Feb-2006 08:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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female usa
Its gotta be BBA because I couldn't get it off the wisteria by rubbing. I could smear it on the glass though...but it is not easily removed.

I dosed twice the amount of excel tonight and will try to do it once a day. I also dosed Flourish Trace and Nitrogen and will see how things go.

I don't have any Phosphorous...but will try to get some.

Thanks all for the advice.

Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 02:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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male romania
Hello all.
Yes, you have FUZZ ALGAE, it can not be removed with you’re hands without braking the leafs.
The fuzz algae is a very fast growing algae and it is very hard to get rid of it.
I read that the best way to get rid of fuzz algae is by lowering the lights level .
Someone recommended to cover up all the aquarium with a blanket and turn all the lights off for one day and than the next day you can turn the lights on , but lower the light level (wpg) .

If you got rid of the algae tell us how did you got rid of it.

Regards scarabeul1984

Watch where you're stepping : Thoughts are present .
Post InfoPosted 23-Dec-2006 14:19Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa us-colorado
Is this the lighting system that you have?

If so you have way more light than you need. This system
is more correct for a 29-30G tank with saltwater fish
and invertebrates, than for freshwater. This is at the
"top end" of the light for freshwater and at the lower
end of a saltwater system.

You have a huge amount of light energy traveling through
the water column and if you are running it more than 10
hours a day, you are bound to have algae.

I would remove the actinic blue bulb completely, and
replace it with something in the 6700K range. Likewise
the 10,000K bulb is not needed in a standard 29-30G tank.
They are toward the blue end of the spectrum and penetrate
the depths of the tank with less scattering than lower
"K" rated bulbs. 10,000K is at the top end of use in
freshwater and about the norm in saltwater tanks.


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Post InfoPosted 23-Dec-2006 17:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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female usa
EditedEdited by GirlieGirl8519 about reviving a thread. That was 10 months ago! I did get rid of the algae but have no idea how...I don't remember. Sorry! I don't even have Wisteria in that tank anymore.

Frank, are you asking me about the lighting? Or the person who revived this old thread?

Post InfoPosted 23-Dec-2006 20:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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male romania
I have a very small aquarium so he must have spoken with you
I have the same problem and I am trying to get rid of the algae right now and I fought that the thread is very old and maybe you remembered how you got rid of it.
Thank you.

Regards Scarabeul1984

Watch where you're stepping : Thoughts are present .
Post InfoPosted 23-Dec-2006 21:21Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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female usa
I'm not certain how I got rid of the algae. I think I added more plants and starting using fertilizers. And I also removed the leaves affected and scraped the glass. I think adding more plants helped, since I had more light and less plant mass. I know I didn't do a blackout. I also kept the same amount of light, so I didn't change that. I wish I could remember, as I know this algae (or really any algae) isn't pretty to look at.

What size tank and amount of light do you have, scarabeul1984? And is the tank heavily planted, medium, or lightly planted? Also, do you fertilize, if so what do you use?

Frank, I have a 1x65w light fixture that has one 6700K bulb. So its just enough light.

Post InfoPosted 23-Dec-2006 23:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa us-colorado
Hi Kristin,
I was asking you, but you have changed the lighting
system, and so we can ignore my comments.

-->>> The Confidence of Amateurs, is the Envy of Professionals <<<--
Post InfoPosted 24-Dec-2006 02:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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female usa
I've always had This fixture over my tank, a 1x65w FW Aqualight. This tank is a year old now and the plants have changed many times, but not the lighting. I do plan to add more light soon, new substrate, different plants, and pressurized CO2 though. So we'll see how that goes.

Post InfoPosted 24-Dec-2006 05:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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male romania
I have a 30 Liter (7,92 US Gallon) aquarium, 2 florescent tubes Philips 18W/965 and 18W/830, the tank is medium planted and I use 2 liquid fertilizers (Sera florena and Nutrivit)
You can see some pictures on my site (the link below) but I did not photograph the algae.

Watch where you're stepping : Thoughts are present .
Post InfoPosted 25-Dec-2006 19:16Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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