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SubscribeMoss Suggestions?
Queen of Zoom
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female usa us-maryland
EditedEdited by Theresa_M
I'm looking into purchasing some moss for my tanks. They all have low-medium lighting. I don't want Java moss but I've never kept any other type. Some types that are available to me include: Christmas, willow, fissidens, mini-liverwort.

Any thoughts on ease of keeping for these? I would most likely be getting two different types.


There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Post InfoPosted 18-Jan-2007 01:58Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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About the only first hand, non-java moss advice i can give is stay away from riccia- i kept mine in high light but it still grew straight up in strings.
Post InfoPosted 18-Jan-2007 02:25Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Christmas moss is kind of picky compared to willow and java moss. It really gets unhappy if you shade it or let it get too thick. Spread it really thin or the bottom will die easy. I head to tear half of it back off my moss wall and spread it out alot more because it wouldn't grow and the side near the wall was dying. Willow moss is the easiest thing to grow in my tank. It doesn't seem to care how you handle it and it covers objects very well. Best moss I've used for building moss walls or completely covering a large piece of driftwood. Also grows out of the water a little ways. I have some going up a piece of driftwood that sticks out the top of the tank. My java moss died on me for reasons unknown and I haven't tried it again recently since I have plenty of willow moss.
Post InfoPosted 18-Jan-2007 04:25Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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I've had fantastic luck with christmas moss. I've grown it in soft water and hard water, with anything from 1 wpg to 4. Higher light definitely makes it happy. It grows bushier and less wirey than java moss, and it's a brighter green.

If it really gets going, though, it will grow very thick very fast, and you'll have a problem with it floating away as the moss underneath dies from lack of light. I have to trim mine once a month by about half.

Hoping that there must be a word for everything I mean...
Post InfoPosted 18-Jan-2007 19:09Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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I like Xmas moss the most, erect moss is a neat moss also, looks much more different many of the other moss species.

In general, cooler temps/high CO2, lots of shrimps will help you grow moss better.

Tom Barr
Post InfoPosted 19-Jan-2007 08:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa us-colorado
Hi Theresa,
You might want to check out this site:

It is crammed full of information for folks who want
to enjoy the mosses.


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Post InfoPosted 19-Jan-2007 16:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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