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  L# Plants For Goldfish Tank
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SubscribePlants For Goldfish Tank
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Registered: 07-Jan-2002
male usa
I was wondering if there are any plants that would be suitable for a goldfish tank. I have a 28 gallon bowfront tank that is unheated, is filtered by a bio-wheel power filter, and has large-size gravel. Lighting consists of the single flourescent tube that came with the tank setup, so the wattage would be on the low-side for plants. However, the tube is "Daylight," so it actually seems pretty bright. Plus, the tank gets a fair amount of direct sunlight since it is right around the corner from a window. The afternoon sun really hits the one side of the tank.

Basically, I need a plant or plants that are tolerant of cold water, do not need strong lighting, and are adaptable to my large-sized gravel. I will not add a special substrate for plants. Also, they must be somewhat tought so my two goldfish cannot bother them. I was thinking of anubias, since I do well with them in my other two tanks, which are tropical setups. Any suggestions?
Post InfoPosted 12-Apr-2006 02:06Profile PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 28-Dec-2002
male usa us-colorado
You might ask a similiar question in the cold water section
of the forums. Generally speaking, goldfish view any plant
as a vegetable and a part of their diet. Some more so than
others. Using the large grain gravel, you would not be
very successful in getting plants to root. My suggestion
would be to try the anubis on some driftwood. Securly tie
the plant in several places (more so than if it were going
into one of your tropical tanks) and place the assembly
directly under the light and where it would also get some
of the sunlight you mention. An alternative would be to
pot some plants in a clay pot and arrange them within the
tank. Several cold water plants would live in the tank
but they would also supplement the fish food. Anacharis,
is the one that comes immediately to mind. In this case I
would let it float at the surface instead of rooting it.
Wisteria and water lettuce would be other choices.

With rooted plants, the fish nibble at them so much
and actually chomp onto a leaf and wiggle at it trying
to break off a piece of the leaf to swallow. That grab
and wiggle will uproot most plants and especially those
in your large grain gravel.


-->>> The Confidence of Amateurs, is the Envy of Professionals <<<--
Post InfoPosted 12-Apr-2006 16:49Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 99
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Registered: 07-Jul-2005
male usa
Java Fern (tough leaves)
Bolbitis Heudelotii (same)
Hornwart (dont like needles...unless you dont feed it)
Anubias Barteri
(worth a shot)
Post InfoPosted 26-Apr-2006 21:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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