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  L# Seachem products and pH
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SubscribeSeachem products and pH
Fish Addict
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male australia

I've just started using seachem plant products for about 2 weeks.
First week, everything is absolutely fine, plant growth is amazing, amazon gets new leaf almost everyday.
Second week, my pH droped from 6.8 to 6.2 Also, plant growth isn't as significant as first week.

Products used are Prime, Flourish, Flourish Nitrogen, Flourish Excell.
All used as directed on the label.

Please help!

Post InfoPosted 30-Jun-2006 15:07Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Report 
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male usa us-colorado
I moved this thread from General to Planted. I felt that
you would get better responses, quicker, from the guys who
post regularly here.


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Post InfoPosted 30-Jun-2006 15:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I am also using Seachem products, Flourish Excel, every day also nitrogen, and potassium three times a week. When I do the 30% water change I add a measured amount of a PH buffer. If you look at My Profile you will see what plants I have.

Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info

Look here for my
Betta 11Gal Desktop & Placidity 5ft Community Tank Photos


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Post InfoPosted 01-Jul-2006 03:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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I have not experienced anything like you describe with the products you mentioned. I used all of these products at some point in a low tech setup, but the only time my ph shifted was when my new driftwood leached tannins for a few weeks. That changed the ph from 7 to maybe 6.8, but by far not as much as the change you describe.

What is your GH?

I would most likely say that the ph reading was either off (did you do control readings with 24 hour old tab water and a second reading in the tank? ), or you have something in the tank that is ph lowering, like your substrate, new driftwood, or something that I cannot think off (or don't know).

Hope this helps,


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 01-Jul-2006 10:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male australia
Tried the tap water, pH 6.8
Then immediately tested tank water 6.2
Then tap water again, 6.8

No idea about GH. Never changed anything apart from started to use seachem product.

Um...driftwood, I put a piece of driftwood in my other tank, for the new tank I transfered some water from the large tank.

Will driftwood drop the pH that much? It's not a huge driftwood, also I notice no change in water colour ie tanning.
Post InfoPosted 01-Jul-2006 12:50Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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I cannot imagine that a small piece of driftwood in a different tank would cause a problem in this tank if you would transfer just some water from one to the other. The ph in that tank would have to be even lower then ( did you test that tank's ph? ).

Here is what you could do: perform a 50% water change and measure the ph a few hours later, repeat for a few days and don't add any ferts etc. in the meantime. Let's see what we get.

I am no expert on GH or KH either, but maybe it could be that your Hardness is really low and your plants such the rest out of it, making your buffer almost non-existent. Then a larger ph drop could occur, I might assume. Nevertheless, this is just a wild guess.


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 01-Jul-2006 13:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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