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SubscribeSubmerged or not?
Fish Addict
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male usa
Hi all,

I have bought some hornwort, and i am wondering if it could be submerged completely in the aquarium. Or, should i let it still float? Can you cut its little stem and will it grow? Thanks!

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Post InfoPosted 01-Apr-2007 01:32Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Report 
platy boy
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you can submerge it but bad idea to cut the stem hornwort can be floating or submerged but they would probabley flourish better floating

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Post InfoPosted 01-Apr-2007 04:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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male usa us-northcarolina
You can cut the stem and it will be just fine. Leave at least 4-5" on it, longer if you are going to plant it in the gravel and have low light.

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Post InfoPosted 01-Apr-2007 05:06Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa us-colorado
Both hornwort and anacharis can be difficult.
For most it grows best if just allowed to float.
Both can be grown submerged either by actually
planting the end of the stem in the gravel or
by laying a rock across the stem holding the stem
down in contact with the gravel.

Generally, if your lighting is around 1 wpg, you
would be better off just allowing it to float where
it will be right under the light and get the most out
of what little light is present.


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Post InfoPosted 01-Apr-2007 05:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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male usa
And ...

Besides the point of planting or floating, and in risking to upset all the Hornwort lovers, I personally think it is one of the ugliest plants available for the tank

But maybe that is just me

About planting it. Hornwort tends to rot in the area that is planted as it will be rather shaded there. Also, it collects a lot of gunk.


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Post InfoPosted 01-Apr-2007 10:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa us-colorado

I can just see someone saying "Its so ugly its beautiful."

I agree, I don't think I've ever seen a tank with a
"beautiful" stand of hornwart.


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Post InfoPosted 01-Apr-2007 18:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 03-Feb-2007
male usa
I will have to disagree! the hornwort i have seen and have is the foxtail, and when it is submerged and tied to a piece of DW it looks so Cool!

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Post InfoPosted 07-Apr-2007 02:49Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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