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 Reviewed Profiles
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New Profile: Auchenoglanis occidentalis
Created new profile for review...
longhairedgit816-May-2007 12:48
Update: Polypterus senegalus; Field: Common Names
its what they're called at petco so people might know them as this...
ImRandy85713-May-2007 23:58
Update: Cherax quadricarinatus; Field: Comments
zale412-May-2007 15:22
New Profile: Cherax quadricarinatus
Created new profile for review...
zale510-May-2007 15:28
Update: Gymnothorax polyuranodon; Field: Diet
Fixing truncated text....
Natalie210-May-2007 15:27
Update: Pimelodus pictus; Field: Comments
correction, this species is actually perfectly ok with methylene blue, protozin, and a whole host of other whitespot meds, this is not a medicine into...
longhairedgit410-May-2007 05:38
New Disease Profile: Chilodonella
May have to make adjustments. Suggestions welcome...
RNJ_Punk510-May-2007 05:34
New Profile: Paleomonetes sp.
Created new profile for review...
GobyFan2007610-May-2007 05:32
Update: Phractocephalus hemioliopterus; Field: Common Names
Pirarara is the brazilian name for this fish...
Fabio308-May-2007 12:48
Update: Bunocephalus coracoideus; Field: Comments
more info...
longhairedgit208-May-2007 09:54
Update: Bunocephalus coracoideus; Field: Breeding
new data...
longhairedgit208-May-2007 09:52
Update: Bunocephalus coracoideus; Field: Diet
longhairedgit208-May-2007 09:52
Update: Aequidens pulcher; Field: Breeding
Just some elaboration I thought might be helpful, after celebrating my thousandth blue acara fry successfully raised....
longhairedgit304-May-2007 01:29
Update: Betta splendens; Field: Temperament
Just increasing the range of information as regards temperament under diffenet circumstances, as oppose to information intended purely for small scale...
longhairedgit304-May-2007 01:28
Update: Astronotus ocellatus; Field: Common Names
His real name is Apaiari (and Cará-Açu in some places) in Brazil....
Fabio329-Apr-2007 23:07
Update: Brachygobius xanthozona; Field: Care
A tip I have found successful for encouraging them to eat frozen food....
The Kapenta Kid417-Apr-2007 16:33
Update: Neolamprologus leleupi; Field: Care
In my experience and from what I have heard from others the N. leleupi is a voracious eater of anything that is offered. It also harries and persecute...
The Kapenta Kid417-Apr-2007 14:27
Update: Neolamprologus leleupi; Field: Comments
I have found it an easy Tang to keep, and that's what I read too. Provided one is up to keeping Rift Lake cichlids this is one of the easier ones....
The Kapenta Kid417-Apr-2007 06:42
Update: Pseudocheilinus hexataenia; Field: Temperature Range
There has clearly been a glitch in data input. Half the melting point of lead is probably a tad warm. A standard reef temp of 24-28C would be better....
The Kapenta Kid317-Apr-2007 05:59
Update: Gobioides broussonnetii; Field: Category
I don't know how that last change got approved, but it is completely incorrect. 1. This is a brackish species. It belongs in the brackish[...
Natalie212-Apr-2007 16:47
New Profile: Lamprologus kungweensis
Created new profile for review...
ACIDRAIN511-Apr-2007 22:21
Update: Polypterus senegalus; Field: Tail
Tail is rounded and convex. Not flat horizontal, but vertical....
ACIDRAIN311-Apr-2007 13:03
Update: Gobioides broussonnetii; Field: Category
Proper category placement of fish...
ACIDRAIN811-Apr-2007 13:03
Update: Polypterus senegalus; Field: Ecosystem
Additional info and changes;...
ACIDRAIN509-Apr-2007 08:11
Update: Gobioides broussonnetii; Field: Care
Removed and placed in diet catagory the following; As a final note, the fish possesses very poor eyesight, and relies principally upon scent to detec...
ACIDRAIN509-Apr-2007 08:06
Update: Gobioides broussonnetii; Field: Diet
Added the following from care to this catagory; the fish possesses very poor eyesight, and relies principally upon scent to detect food....
ACIDRAIN509-Apr-2007 08:05
Update: Polypterus senegalus; Field: Comments
grammer edit; able able...
ACIDRAIN509-Apr-2007 06:04
Update: Ick Ich White Spot; Field: Symptoms
The spots arent the visible parasite, rather the wound/scab it leaves....
weird22person405-Apr-2007 02:12
Update: Microsorum pteropus; Field: Comments
Just another variety of the JF, and from my home country too!...
GobyFan2007403-Apr-2007 01:40
Update: Dimidiochromis compressiceps; Field: Temperament
minor change will - well...
Alex502-Apr-2007 15:15
Update: Lymphocystis Lympho Cauliflower Disease; Field: Symptoms
Its just a lumpy thing, not a tufty thing. Cystic growths, and overgrowth, lumps on fins and skin , that sort of thing, wounds when they burst,etc. No...
longhairedgit601-Apr-2007 01:56
Update: Vesicularia dubyana; Field: Temperature Range
The existing temperature range is under guarantee too narrow. Java Moss is able to survive extreme conditions, and can thrive in a broader range than...
LITTLE_FISH330-Mar-2007 02:04
Update: Vesicularia dubyana; Field: Scientific Name
It is the right name. Sorry for not getting it in my original additive....
GobyFan2007529-Mar-2007 22:45
Update: Vesicularia dubyana; Field: Lighting
I mistakened the "very low" part as preffered. I meant to say that it will still kinda grow in very low light, but by no means preffered. Sorry...
GobyFan2007429-Mar-2007 22:45
Update: Vesicularia dubyana; Field: Growth Rate
I was told that it was not fast growing, but found that it waas not as slow growing as other mosses. I will just say medium, as there is no solid evid...
GobyFan2007429-Mar-2007 22:20
New Coral Profile: Cancer
Created new coral profile for review...
longhairedgit529-Mar-2007 03:35
Update: Agamyxis pectinifrons; Field: Temperament
Watched 3 specimens actively hunting half grown flame tetras at midwater level in the LFS recently and had to report it , saw 4 fish taken. Witnessed...
longhairedgit529-Mar-2007 03:34
New Coral Profile: Intestinal worm infection
Created new coral profile for review...
longhairedgit629-Mar-2007 03:34
New Coral Profile: Aeromonas
Created new coral profile for review...
longhairedgit629-Mar-2007 03:33
New Coral Profile: Fluke
Created new coral profile for review...
longhairedgit529-Mar-2007 03:32
Update: Gnathonemus petersii; Field: Comments
Heads up comments for those fools who rush in .lol General lookouts above and beyond the care for regular fish that prospective owners should be aware...
longhairedgit329-Mar-2007 03:31
New Profile: Vesicularia dubyana
Created new profile for review...
GobyFan2007628-Mar-2007 20:42
Update: Apteronotus albifrons; Field: Comments
Recommending direct handling is irresponsible as damage to the skin slime la yer, delicate motile fins and tail could easily happen accidentally. Adden...
longhairedgit528-Mar-2007 03:52
Update: Melanochromis auratus; Field: Diet
On many occasions i have seen my auratus eat guppies, shrimp and other live foods....
renegade545327-Mar-2007 03:00
Update: Osteoglossum bicirrhosum; Field: Comments
Useful tip to avoid a common and debilitating long term problem....
longhairedgit327-Mar-2007 00:04
Update: Hasemania nana; Field: Main Colours
Previous data incorrect...
nlp423-Mar-2007 23:16
Update: Barbodes schwanenfeldii; Field: Diet
Profile says it eats small fish....I dont think this is a herbivor....
GobyFan20071123-Mar-2007 09:32
New Profile: Macropharyngodon bipartitus
Created new profile for review. Photo is cropped version of the one I linked in the Photo Album thread from my trip to Maidenhead Aquatics where I pho...
Calilasseia623-Mar-2007 09:26
Update: Cabomba caroliniana; Field: pH Range
got screwed up last time. Found that it actually will tolerate more acidic waters, but wont grow as successfully. more alkaline waters wont be tolerat...
GobyFan2007823-Mar-2007 02:12
Update: Hasemania nana; Field: Gender Differences
More accurate desc ription of sex differences....
nlp322-Mar-2007 15:44
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