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 Technical Tinkering
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Advice on 55 gallon lighting
Setting up a new 55 gallon and have a question about lighting. I have no experience with compact fluorescents. Is this light going to get to hot to si...
exu624-Jan-2007 04:50
Mystery Light
Was at my new LFS today and they had an interesting (nicely priced light kit) I am trying to find them online and am having a hard time of it and didn...
exu223-Jan-2007 08:27
Has anyone hung aquarium lights before?
I've got a new pendant light system that comes with two strong cables to hang it from the ceiling. Our concern is that the light is very heavy. Does a...
just beginning419-Jan-2007 16:51
5,000K or 6,700K
Just a quick question. If i was to setup a freshwater planted aquarium, should i choose a 5,000K or a 6,700K compact fluorescent bulb? I am debating...
aquapickle27416-Jan-2007 23:50
PH of tap water (very high) HELP
Just a quick thought, Does any one else have problems with extremely alkali tap water?? Where i live (east coast of australia) we are currently experi...
fan fan414-Jan-2007 21:44
DIY co2 question
I have been researching and thinking about setting up one of these as one of my tanks is now planted [link]
monkeyboy614-Jan-2007 08:43
10,000K Bulb
I bought a 96 watt compact flourescent for my 38 gallon. I was planning on setting up a planted tank. Is a 10,000K spectrum good for a planted tank?...
aquapickle27714-Jan-2007 01:23
Mini Heater in a Betta Tank
I just purchased a Hydor mini 7.2 w heater. It looks about 5 inches by 3 inches and about half an inch thick and will be placed under the gravel tray...
aaronfry113-Jan-2007 22:40
Setting Heater temperature
OK I have a very obviously silly question. When setting the desired temp. on the heater say you want 78 should't the thermometer read the same? Mine s...
Bar-B 912-Jan-2007 22:36
Claw Foot Tub Project
I want to turn a clawfoot tub into an indoor pond...and was thinking of using the drain and vent lines into a way to filter... Any thoughts?...
hcbertsch112-Jan-2007 16:14
FIMO clay figures?
i found a whole bunch of FIMO brand clay (see from when i went through this period that i thought i could become a great clay figurine s...
bywayofmedia1112-Jan-2007 05:13
DIY airline noisy!
i decided to get a little handy and made my own airstone as i found the ones i bought just kept disintergrating (sp?) so i bought a length of air tubi...
carpe_diem812-Jan-2007 03:20
Can't Fall Asleep!!!
Hello, I currently have a marineland biowheel external power filter. Currently I am not getting enough sleep because of the water splashing around in...
Garofoli911-Jan-2007 20:38
DIY Tanks
So, I'm trying to build my own aquarium. I've done all the reading online about the structure and what not. My problem is this: I can't find anyt...
ipsomatic9309-Jan-2007 16:17
What lighting?
im not too good with the technical stuff so any advice here would be great. currently i have a single flouresecnt globe on my 55g tank .. i think i...
carpe_diem505-Jan-2007 04:37
Is it okay to have a fishtank in your bedroom?
my parrents say that if i get a fishtank in my bedroom then it will mold or something and make me sick. any input on this?...
dragon_fish905-Jan-2007 01:13
i have this lichtfixture that is hanging from the ceiling in my ba sement and i was wondering if i could juse it for a new 20 gallon tank i would try...
kaboke201-Jan-2007 04:01
ETH Heaters
I'm looking for comments regarding thse external heaters that hook up on the outside to the output hose on a canister filter. I'm thinking of getting...
Bar-B 231-Dec-2006 20:59
Canister Riggin?
actually this is more on the input of a canister. but I have a canister I purchased for my 40g and was thinking about going with a sand type substrate...
monkeyboy329-Dec-2006 05:20
Heater Dilemma
Just recently setup my 10 gallon tank and bought a 50 watt heater (its a 50 watt topfin) that goes by the 5 watts per gallon rule. It also said right...
ImRandy85726-Dec-2006 07:00
Lighting on ebay - good deal?
I'm currently on the lookout for a good compact fluorescent lighting system and came across [link=this]
just beginning221-Dec-2006 03:50
Are sixty watt light bulbs ok to use for 10 gallon fish tanks?
please help!!!...
oldpro919-Dec-2006 23:30
Canister Filters
What would be the best canister filter for a 55 gallon aquarium? What special needs/upkeep do these filters require? Any help is greatly appreciated...
RNJ_Punk419-Dec-2006 05:52
HOB (Hang on Back) filter rattley
I have an aqua clear 300 hang on back filter. I has been a bit of a rattler. I cleaned it out. Even the impeller looks clear. But it is still a bit...
wish-ga1419-Dec-2006 05:38
Tank temperature management
I'm having some trouble keeping the temperature in my tank down. My heaters are currently set to 25-26, but the tank temp is continually registering...
sjb812-Dec-2006 23:46
I am starting my 55 gallon planted in just 2 weeks! So I am finalizing my ideas. I was planning to use ecocomplete. Is this better for plants? Or wou...
RNJ_Punk111-Dec-2006 00:47
Fluval FX5
Does anyone have any experience with the Fluval FX5 canister filter. I have the opportunity of purchasing one for $140.00 which I believe from my res...
OldTimer310-Dec-2006 21:44
Uv Sterilizer
ok i have 1 assumption and 1 question. first the assumption, im assuming that uv sterilizers are ok for freshwater. and the question is where can i ge...
sodaaddict84710-Dec-2006 12:04
Contoller Info
I was wondering if any one had a good ph controller for a good price. I've been wanting to setup a bottle system on my tank for a long time now(20long...
ricanboy571409-Dec-2006 23:56
Leaky Battery
One of the batteries in my emergency air pump has leaked everywhere. I've cleaned up what I could, but it appears to have made some light green stuff...
Callatya904-Dec-2006 03:49
Diy Canister
ok i tend to think sometimes a little differently from others... i was wondering if there is any way to make a cheap canister filter out of say a 3 ga...
sodaaddict841303-Dec-2006 03:01
Are Power Compact Fluorescent Bulbs still so fragile to install?
Hi: A few years ago I used 65 & 96 watt CompactSeaLife power compact fluorescent bulbs. A long, T8-like thin bulb folded double with 2 'bonding point...
drrich2525-Nov-2006 22:24
Eheim Ecco priming
So im priming this filter for a new tank setup so when i put the lever to start position it starts fillng.... it fills right up and the output hose f...
redthanatos423-Nov-2006 04:44
Surface Skimming...
ok as i found out after buying my tank, i want to go bigger and heres my problem as well as having fish i also have two cats. every day whe...
sodaaddict841023-Nov-2006 02:48
Emperor 400 with Bio- Wheels
Hello I'm new to this forum. I have these Emperor power filters on my tanks, I keep reading different places that the activated carbon is not a go...
sonflowerjoela623-Nov-2006 02:05
Strip light compatibility?
Can I put powerful strip lights such as very high output fluorescent strip lights in a standard hood that came with a tank?...
Ethan14520-Nov-2006 14:55
Flow Bar
Has anybody ever shortend there flow bar. I was thinking about cutting my flow bar to fit the end of my tank. Does anyone see why this wouldn't work?...
lowlight718-Nov-2006 06:28
Return Tube
The return tube on my fluval filter broke at the elbow where the spray bar attaches. Any ideas on how to fix. I am going to order another tube. I am r...
lowlight513-Nov-2006 08:04
Zip Ties
ok i set up my 29gal. i have two airstones in the front corners but in the back where the airhoses met i used a zip tie to hold them together but i wa...
sodaaddict84511-Nov-2006 08:24
Priming Eheim Ecco 2234
hi all i was wondering if anyone could give me tips on the best way to prime this filter.. i realise its self priming but whenever i reattach it all...
carpe_diem530-Oct-2006 23:14
Lighting level?
Hi guys... The setup is a juwel 125L tank with the standard 2x18W florescent lighting, this looks a little inadequate to me ( although i assume the ch...
figment128-Oct-2006 17:19
Heater brands
Im in the process of gathering new equipment as i will be stripping my 55g tank soon. i was wondering what brands of heaters are recommended.. i w...
carpe_diem1025-Oct-2006 01:51
Ahhhh filter!!
Ahh!!!! I had to take off the tube that sucks the water in for a second and I tried to put it back and now it won't work!!!! Ahh!!!! I read the manua...
RockmaninovRachs724-Oct-2006 15:52
Filter frothing
Hi everyone, I have a female betta in a 2.5 heated, filtered tank. Today, I changed the water. I do 100% water changes every week or 10 days. Toda...
stampingchick417-Oct-2006 11:03
Help me fix my light!
I find it completely baffling that a typical 12" place-a-lite fixture will put out 18 watts, but the standard 15" fixture for a 5.5 gallon tank will o...
illustrae316-Oct-2006 19:35
Re-starting the tank...
Ok i'm restarting my tank i've had it for a few yrs now it was one of those rekord 96 - comes with a filter case etc however now i'm thinkin of goi...
Mani414-Oct-2006 00:22
auto feeders
i want to set up a tank at my summer/ weekend house , will a auto feeder owrk for a 29 gallon for regular use, i will be there on weekens and during s...
importfan8781513-Oct-2006 06:10
Fluidized Bed Filter
I have a 150g with a rainbow fluidized bed filter. How often should I change the media?...
crazyfish109-Oct-2006 07:59
I bought a used 20 gal. tank. It came with an undergravel filter, a small air pump and a powerhead. I know nothing about powerheads. This one is a Reg...
fish patty1209-Oct-2006 03:57
DIY hood for 20g
Because I am going to do plants, I am going to need a better hood so I can have more wattage. I am going to need a 24" light fixture (to fit 2 18" bul...
MoFish305-Oct-2006 13:37
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