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SubscribeHave White Spot - Help!
Posts: 17
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Registered: 19-Sep-2006
female uk
EditedEdited by Em

Decided to add a few more neon tetras to my tank. How I missed it I do not know but one of them has White Spot.

I have bought the Methylene Blue for treatment, know what I'm doing with that and how much to use yada yada, problem is I know it can affect the biological filter, which is pretty darn near perfect at the moment - argh.

How can I minimize any peaks and troughs with the ol' pollutants?

Edited to add it's an 80 litre tank so not huge, showing negligible levels of ammonia and Nitrate.
Temp is steady at around 79 F
Post InfoPosted 19-Sep-2006 19:19Profile PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 28-Dec-2002
male usa us-colorado
By "white spot" and the medication, I assume that you are
sure you are treating Ich. The best advice is "Read the
Label." The instructions that come on the bottle tell you
everything you need to know from how to store the
medication, to how much to use. In general, the medication
will not adversely affect your filter so you do not need to
turn it off UNLESS.. you have carbon in it. If that is the
case, you either need to turn the filter off, or take the
carbon out. I would take out the carbon and keep the filter
running. The carbon will adsorb some of the components
in the medication rendering it nearly useless.

The other thing that I would do is raise the temperature
of the tank. The instructions should tell you to what level
it should be raised. Raising the temperature speeds up
the life cycle of the parasite and makes the treatment
period shorter. The only time the parasite is vulnerable
is during its free swimming stage. It is "immune" in the
other stages.


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Post InfoPosted 20-Sep-2006 01:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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Registered: 26-Apr-2003
male australia au-victoria
The white spot cure should not effect the good bacteria in your filter at all. If you want to you can add a good bacteria to the tank there are plenty around ask at yuou LFS Sera maker a good one. As Frank stated raising the temp will hasten up the life cycle of the "Ich". You can also add Melafix at the required rate to help reduce the stress. Another good tip is to turn off the tank lights and increase the airation.
Also remember that you must treat the tank for at least three weeks, then do several good water changes. You can also add carbon at this point to help clean up any of the remaining meds, but also remember to toss the carbon out after a week or two.

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Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 20-Sep-2006 05:59Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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