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SubscribeHelp my molly!!! PLEASE LOOK!
The girl's got crabs!
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EditedEdited by Callatya
I don't doubt that everyone here is intelligent and knowledgeable in fishkeeping, and that the information provided is in the best interest of the fish, but sometimes people are incapable of doing what is suggested for whatever reason and they DO NOT deserve to be judged and belittled in public.

You may voice your opinions on the method, you MAY NOT voice your opinions on the person, their situation, their ethics, their general care factor, their lifestyle, or anything else that could be considered a personal attack.

Be kind, be civil, or if it is completely over the top report it and we'll deal with it.

I will leave the thread open. Let's get back to the topic at hand.

For animals, the entire universe has been neatly divided into things to (a) mate with, (b) eat, (c) run away from, and (d) rocks. - Terry Pratchett

Post InfoPosted 21-Sep-2007 16:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 28-Jun-2007
female usa
im sorry, if you read mu post on my guppy fry thread, then u would understand why i never had time, and superlion, you were right about a and b, but i also had another reason, just read the guppy one

What came first? the chicken or the egg? No really.....
Post InfoPosted 22-Sep-2007 04:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Young Pup
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I'm sorry to here about your Molly HorseGal.
Post InfoPosted 22-Sep-2007 19:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
yeah, but the good thing is the next day my black molly gave birth, kinda freaky huh? im all better now, but i still feel bad for not responding..... sorry everybody

What came first? the chicken or the egg? No really.....
Post InfoPosted 23-Sep-2007 22:25Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
uh, oh! My black molly that just gave birth, she has the same thing my silver molly did, i checked the tank and no others like that. i guess we are starting all over again. The other day i bought a testing kit, and some medicine. the medicine isnt chemichals, its medicated food:Jungle brand Anti-Bacteria medicated fish food. is that ok? i will check the Ph sometime today, i just got back and i need to do some cleaning. i will check the Ph once somebody has responded, so i know ur there

What came first? the chicken or the egg? No really.....
Post InfoPosted 23-Sep-2007 22:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Show me the Shishies!
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HorseGal, You checking the pH is a good start but we do need to know your ammonia, nitrite and if possible the nitrate readings too. If you dont have those testkits alot of lfs's will check your water for them. Take a small container filled for testing.
These tests are especially important now that another fish is affected.

Please let us know what you can asap.

Before you criticize someone walk a mile in their shoes. That way you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
Post InfoPosted 23-Sep-2007 23:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry with Ketchup
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Like Lindy said, we need those other test results.

If you find you do need to go to the LFS, ask for the actual numbers that the test result gives. Look over their shoulder as they do it and take pen and paper so you can write it down. I know I'd forget the numbers by the time I got back to post the results. Do NOT accept "fine" from the store, or answers like "just add this to your water" You need the actual numbers which is why it'd be best if you can do it at home.


Post InfoPosted 24-Sep-2007 01:09Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male australia au-victoria
Glad to see things are starting to go forward for you.
Water peramiters are extremly important in fish keping once you get it right there is usually no problems it is just a matter of maintaining it at the correct level
I did say USUALLY
What would also help would tell us every thing about the tank/s water changes (Also get yoyr water supply tested though this can vary a lot over the year) how often and what percentage, substrate type, size, cleaning, and depth, plants real are the best as they help with the water peramiters, filtration, type how often do you clean it and how do you go about it.

These things might seem minor but you would be supprised the difference it makes if it is not done correctly. It might sound silly but there is are reasons why it should be done correctly and regually it is only a matter of getting used to doing it and set a certain day and time to do it. My aquarium work is always done on a Sun am if we are out it is done the next day. 35+ years of experience with fish keeping never take things for granted that is when something will go badly wrong and it usually does.
When you feed then check the tank with your eyes, fingers (for temp) and even smell the water this will give you an idea very quickly if something is about to go wrong or it has gone wrong

Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info

Look here for my
Betta 11Gal Desktop & Placidity 5ft Community Tank Photos


Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 24-Sep-2007 02:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 28-Jun-2007
female usa
ok, i will get u what i can 4 now, but none is the Ph or anything, sorry:
she lives in a 20 gallon tank with a light and hood, fed dailey, she has 1 male molly, 2 other females besides her, 1 mini sunset coral dwarf platy, one Gourami, 2 glofish and 2 danios for her tankmates, the substrate is multicolored gravel, but i dont know what brand, there are 3 tank decorations, one rainbow blob thing they can swim through, a fake dragon, and 2 barrels. there are fake plants and real plants, 4 real plants. the temp is kept around 82F and the light is on during the day.I got the tank with a Top Fin 20 starter set, becasue it was cheapest, i bought it over the summer....anything else i forgot thats not Ph, ammonia, etc???? sorry for the wait!!!

What came first? the chicken or the egg? No really.....
Post InfoPosted 26-Sep-2007 15:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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How often do you do water changes/gravel vacs and how much water do you change?

Post InfoPosted 26-Sep-2007 18:20Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 28-Jun-2007
female usa
usually 2-3 gallons a week. i have done the gravel vac once because the tank is new and when i feed them i make sure none goes to the bottom and feed them small amounts at a time

What came first? the chicken or the egg? No really.....
Post InfoPosted 27-Sep-2007 00:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry with Ketchup
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female australia us-maryland
Tank maintence sounds alright. You should still vac with every water change. Visually divide the tank into four segments and only do one a week. Also check the filter, if it's very clogged swish or rinse the sponge or floss pad a little in your bucket of removed tank water. Over cleaning can be as bad as undercleaning but if the filter pad is full it's not going to function properly. And of course dump all that good water on the garden or yard .

Found this link for you at the time of this posting you have 5 hours left of double points wednesdays. Big als is good, they usually ship pretty fast.


Post InfoPosted 27-Sep-2007 01:11Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 28-Jun-2007
female usa
thanks for all the help.she still seems fine nothing unusual otherwise the bacterial infection

What came first? the chicken or the egg? No really.....
Post InfoPosted 27-Sep-2007 23:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 28-Jun-2007
female usa
Ok, now im really worried! She has one eye popping out a little with bacterial infection around it, and now on her body there are either white parasites, or an even worse stage of infection. im moving her to an isolate 10 gallon with the same water qualities.the only medicine i have is the food. any helpfull ideas???

What came first? the chicken or the egg? No really.....
Post InfoPosted 09-Oct-2007 02:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Young Pup
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male usa us-indiana
Did you find out the parameters yet? That would be helpful. My Ram's eye started popping out about 4 days ago, he died today, so I think you should do something about it as quick as possible. I'm really no good with diseases, but I know it isn't good. Maybe treat with Melafix/Pimafix? I'm not sure, I would wait and see if anyone else agrees with this.
Post InfoPosted 09-Oct-2007 04:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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To me, melafix/pimafix are like neosporin for fish. Good for small injuries and minor infections. But just like I wouldn't treat gangrine with neosporin, I wouldn't use them for an acute life-threatening illness for my fish. For a bacterial infection, you'll need an antibiotic for fish. There are a wide variety of products available for this at your local pet store or LFS. If you don't already have one, look for one that says on the label that it will treat fish with the symptoms you see on your molly. While you're there, you can take in a sample of the water from the tank for them to test.

Post InfoPosted 09-Oct-2007 06:19Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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EditedEdited by longhairedgit
Superlion is right, some infections do need systemic treatments, sometimes melafix and pimafix doesnt cut it, and as truestar has just discovered making a call on the severity of an ailment is tricky, but his case was exceptional, not too many fish die from pop-eye in as little as 4 days , his ram was unfortunately a very fragile specimen. Ive successfully turned around fish that have sufferred pop-eye for many weeks.

This molly has had a persistant infection for quite a while, and its been without treatment for far too long and consequently the symptoms have become more significant and will be harder to treat. That it has survived so long is a testament to its hardiness.

If I had to run on instinct ( theres no photos to help)here id say go for waterlife protozin or a reasonable alternative and see how it goes, the trouble is, without actually seeing the fish its very difficult to acertain if the cause of pop eye is bacterial or fungal, many bacteria look like fungi and protists and vice versa.

The trouble with making a call on antibiotics is that antibiotics are largely geared to tackle as the name suggests , bacteria, but some antibiotics dont tackle fungal infections and can actually make the prognosis worse by destroying gut fauna, and leading to internal fungal infections, so whatever antibiotic you use , try a broad spectrum one that will kill a good number of fungi in addition to bacteria.

If you cant source such antibiotics and the diagnosis on the cause remains innacurate, the only remaining alternative is to try the organic dye treatments, harsh as they may be. Start with methylene blue for a few days, then do water changes, and run some carbon, and try a dose of malachite green for about a week, and then do water changes again.

Its tough love stuff, but its better than doing nothing. A lot of fishkeepers have relied on organic dyes for years, and they do work, but you just have to accept the mortality rate that goes with them.

Obviously the fish is getting worse and isnt going to recover on its own without treatment. There are pathogen in your tanks, probably spread by cleaning equipment that will keep killing fish much as it did the first,and until at least something is tried i'd pretty much guess fish will keep going down until you simply no longer have any fish. Theres been no effective use of quarantine, its been too slow to be of use, and the meds tried so far are not appropriate. You'll have to buy more meds of a different type and use them.

This is perhaps why I threw my toys out of a pram in a earlier part of the thread, I was trying to provoke you into doing something that avoided this situation and now its happenning. Now things cant really be nipped in the bud and treatment gets serious and a bit medieval.The longer you wait the harder things are to treat. Inactivity kills fish.

Hope they make it, but you do actually have try stuff. High time you were in a shop choosing a med, even if you'd never recieved advice here, trying to add up symptoms to treatment types and using them.That you were ill for the first fish is unfortunate, but for this fish Im assumming you can get to work on it? Things are going too slowly , if you want to save your fish, you need to change gear.

You cant provide pictures, you arent going to a vet, youre not in consultation with anyone who can see the fish or the setup, and that means you have to stop waiting and do something. Without treatment your fish arent going to survive, and if you make a mistake in treatment then thats a mistake and at least you tried, but to do nothing pretty much guarantees youll lose your fish.

This has gone on for too long. Truestar for example had a nasty bit of bad luck, and a fragile fish to contend with, but in your position with your fish, who are of an altogether tougher species, he probably would have saved them, and any trace of infection destroyed. Not because he knows anything about diseases, as he stated himself, he doesnt know diseases, but he would have been willing to run with advice in a reasonable timeframe, and that would have been enough. Fish are not mammals and once tissue is breached their immune system is not in the same league as a mammals. A scratch that is nothing to a mammal can be life or death for a fish in the bacterial breeding grounds we know of as aquaria. Constant temps, available detritus and close contact for reinfestation all mean infections in aquaria are far more serious than in a given fishs' natural environment. Basic infections because of the housing we keep fish in are a hundred times more serious than they are in nature. Time is massively important. Bacterial acceleration in aquaria is far higher than normal, and consequently you have to be fast to save fish. I treat sick fish, on sight, same day, usually within minutes.I know a lot about diseases, but even when you dont, theres no reason making a decision should take days. All the question asking, reading, and sourcing can be done within hours , even if youve never done it before.

It takes that willingness to act to become a good fishkeeper. Im in no way throwing my toys out of my pram this time, merely trying to impart to you the really quite genuine urgency of the situation. If you dont back up question asking with action, its not actually doing anything.

Please , please, please, for the sake of your fish, purchase some meds and use them today, you have pretty much all the information we can give you on the evidence you can provide. Now is time for action and nothing else will save the fish. Buy both potent antibacterial and antifungla meds , and use them.

It was the 17th of september when you first posted this problem, and it still hasnt been confronted.Thats 3 weeks plus of not doing anything,how long do you expect an infected fish to live? Even illness permitting that galactically slow. Youre very lucky your fish is alive at all. Apologies mean nothing and only action counts.Please do something , and make it today.

Dare say the mods could mute me if they wished. But im right, and happy with what I posted. One way or another, no matter who posts it, the message has to get through to you. Thats what it takes to keep a fish alive.

Good luck with the fish.
Post InfoPosted 09-Oct-2007 13:33Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 134
Registered: 28-Jun-2007
female usa
Oh, im really sorry i havent responded, but i tried the medicines you told and it worked! Im so happY! Thanks for all of your help everybody!

What came first? the chicken or the egg? No really.....
Post InfoPosted 18-Oct-2007 23:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Young Pup
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male usa us-indiana
That's great news! Now you know how to treat this disease quicker if it rears its ugly head, and I hope it doesn't. Good luck and hope you have a happy disease free aquarium from now on.
Post InfoPosted 19-Oct-2007 04:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 134
Registered: 28-Jun-2007
female usa
illtry but the disease part is something i cant tottally control!!!

What came first? the chicken or the egg? No really.....
Post InfoPosted 20-Oct-2007 00:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 28-Jun-2007
female usa

What came first? the chicken or the egg? No really.....
Post InfoPosted 20-Oct-2007 00:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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