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SubscribeIs there something wrong with my platy?
Bleeding Blue
Posts: 254
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Registered: 19-Dec-2006
male usa
My rainbow platies have a grayish area on top of their heads. I asked the guy at the store where I got them if it was just the coloration or if something was wrong. He said they're probably ok but I'm not completely convinced. Don't worry about the clamped fins in the pics, thats no longer a problem, the pics are a couple days old.

temp is 76
pH ~ 8.3
ammonia between .25 and .5 ppm
nitrite 0 ppm
nitrate between 5 and 10 ppm
Post InfoPosted 28-Dec-2006 02:08Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Master
* * *Fish Slave* * *
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female australia au-newsouthwales
EditedEdited by TankWatcher
From your photos, it is hard to see anything wrong with your platys. I can't really see the grayish area you mention, but I note that mine don't have this grayish area at all. Mine are a different colour variety though, so what is normal colouration for mine, may not be for you.

Observe their behaviour for other clues. If they are eating ok and swimming around happily, I'd say they are fine.

GOod luck with them.

Post InfoPosted 28-Dec-2006 12:21Profile PM Edit Report 
Bleeding Blue
Posts: 254
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Registered: 19-Dec-2006
male usa
The grayish area is extending from the head all the way to the dorsal fin on top of the fish. Someone suggested an internal parasite and I saw some clear droppings coming out of one of the fish this morning. What treats this?
Post InfoPosted 28-Dec-2006 18:35Profile PM Edit Report 
Show me the Shishies!
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female australia au-victoria
I would be getting your water quality under control. Is this tank new and still going through the cycling process? I ask this because a matured tank should have no reading of ammonia, and you state a reading between .25 and .5
Do some water changes, reduce feeding to every second day and find a bacteria culture to add to the tank. (cycle is one that comes to mind)
If your fish are still looking discoloured after water has been fixed then we can help you further.

Before you criticize someone walk a mile in their shoes. That way you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
Post InfoPosted 28-Dec-2006 23:15Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Master
* * *Fish Slave* * *
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Registered: 14-Jan-2006
female australia au-newsouthwales
So the grayish area is getting bigger? Maybe it is a type of fungal growth. Maybe go to your LFS & get some meds for that. One lfs told me another way to use the meds for fungal treatment is to apply it topically to the fish with a cotton bud. Hold the fish in your net while you apply - otherwise, treat the water as per instructions.

How are you water tests? I don't think you mention this. Is your tank still cycling?

Post InfoPosted 29-Dec-2006 02:39Profile PM Edit Report 
Show me the Shishies!
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Registered: 25-Apr-2001
female australia au-victoria
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Before you criticize someone walk a mile in their shoes. That way you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
Post InfoPosted 29-Dec-2006 05:47Profile PM Edit Report 
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