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SubscribeRepile Soon Please!
Clowny Emily
Small Fry
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Registered: 02-Mar-2006
female usa
I have a 10 gallon tank with low algee. One week ago I had 4 guppies, one pregent, a pair of cheery barbs and 3 platies. I got the cheery barbs from my mom, and a guppy. I guppy died. One I got from a store. Than 2 more guppies died today. There was no sigh of sickness. One thing I notised was that the fish that died had a white stomach. After the 1st fish died I did a tank clean. The tempature stays the same.This morning the power went out, so they had about 5 hours of no heat, light, or filter. the tempertaure stayed the same.I did a hlf tank water change. I am going to do another one tomorrow. If you have any expltaions for this, replie SOON.

If you never stand up you will always fall, if you always fall you will never stand.
Post InfoPosted 14-Mar-2006 03:40Profile MSN PM Edit Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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Registered: 26-Apr-2003
male australia au-victoria
I think you tank could have been overloaded. Have you had the water peramiters tested lately/ It you had an outage for that long there is a very good posibility that the tank was recycling again. Do you have a product for cycling if so use it as per instructions. If you can not do a full water test take a good sample to your LFS as soon as possible.

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Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 14-Mar-2006 04:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Bob Wesolowski
Mega Fish
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Registered: 14-Oct-2004
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Guppies are generally very hardy, but they are also short lived fish. The white on the belly of one fish may have been caused by bacteria or by a fungus after the death of the fish.

Unfortunately, you have not given any indications of your water quality such as ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, PH or hardness. Nor did you indicate if the guppies had any symptoms of a disease before they died.

I like the fact that you are changing the water, but your statement that you did a "tank clean" made me think. Is a "tank clean" mean vacuum and wipe down the interior or does it mean something more?

Since the power was out, keep a close eye on your fish. Keith was right when he said that it may cause a "mini-cycle". If the last two fish died after the power outage, then it may be an indication that water conditions after the outage may have contributed to the deaths.

"To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research."
researched from Steven Wright
Post InfoPosted 14-Mar-2006 08:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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