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SubscribeThis Is A Joke,Somethings Off
Mega Fish
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Registered: 22-Feb-2003
male australia
hi guys,yesterday when my lights came on,after my morning inspection i noticed that my flowerhorn has whitespot,then opon further inspection my daughters green severum has it again also,so i turned the temp up and put in some multicurenow something is of because my fish have never fallen victim to anything like this,ive double tested all my water and as normall its all fine nice and soft,zero ammonia,nitrite ect,ect in in like a month,my fish have had popeye(some of u mite remember and white too)and now (2nd time)the whitespot has hit again,now b4 when my fish got it,i thought the 2silver sharks brought it into the tank,but yesterday when i noticed it,thats obvously not the case,what i rekon is,i never had problems untill i started ageing my water,i use 2 50ltr plastic drums that used to store plactic shopping bags in,and age the water for 5 days.I JUST CANT UNDERSTAND IT,ALL MY WATER PARAMETERS ARE SPOT ON,i do weekly water changes,the drums are clean and not dirty,and when i do water change i drop a heater into the drum to heat the water to the rite temp,can anyone give me some ideas,i know ageing water is better,but untill i can find out what the poblem isim guna switch back to the good ol garden hosethis is so anoying,i only just got all my water,clean and my bio filters back to normalwith working and the x mas shopping i havent even had a cahnceto get to my lfs to get some meds for this that dont trash my bio filters(tha name of it is on the tip of my tounge)anyway does any1 have any ideas,this has gotta stop...
Post InfoPosted 23-Dec-2006 07:40Profile MSN PM Edit Report 
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male usa us-colorado
It can be frustrating when the fish get sick.
Unfortunately, when they get sick they can fall prey to
other diseases that they would normally just "shrug off."

I suspect that this is the case. The treatment for the
Popeye and the stress of the disease has left them
vulnerable and now the parasite, Ich, has stepped in.
I would go to the store (LFS) and purchase the medication
specifically for Ich and not one that "treats everything."

Follow the instructions on the container, to the letter.
Generally, that means that you raise the temperature.
Raising the temperature increases the speed of the life
cycle for the parasite ( they mature, encyst, swim, etc.
at a faster rate). By living within a compressed time
frame, they are more easily killed off, and the fish are
exposed to yet another medication for less time.
And with the increased temperature, you add the medication.
The active ingredient of the medication is either copper
or formaldehyde.

Check the containers before you buy. To some fish, even
the tiniest amount of copper will kill them. The medication
will tell you which fish are OK or not. That is why you
can purchase either one with copper or the one with

As far as the standing water. You should have an air
stone in the vats to keep the water circulating. Keith
pretty much does what you are trying to do, a PM to him,
or perhaps he will see this post and reply, will tell you
what to do if you want to store water for future use in
the tank. I've never done it, so I can't address that
specific point.


-->>> The Confidence of Amateurs, is the Envy of Professionals <<<--
Post InfoPosted 23-Dec-2006 17:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male australia au-victoria
I store all my water now in 15lt water containers I bought them especially for that purpose. If you have bought a container not especially to store/carry water who knows what it is made from and this could even be a cause of the problem. I have drank plenty of water stored in containers made from recycled plastic and I can tell you it tastes terrible.
When I have done the water changes and cleaned up then it is time to fill the containers, first I add 10ml of a dechlorinator and nothing else. The container is filled but I leave the screw top off to allow any gasses in the water to evaporate.

Two are stored next to a washing machine and the other are stored in a Sauna (not used at the moment). When I am ready to do a water change I fill the laundry trough with hot water and place one container at a time and that is all. No temp gauges or air circulation used at any time. My finger is the temp tester

I would do a copper check on your water supply.
Take a good sample of your tap water to your LFS and get it tested as well as your tank water.
Next I would be looking at your filtration and substrate.
As Frank mentioned buy a special Ich medication and treat the tank for at least one month after you see the last Ich on a fish. Duringb the treatment also add extra airation One thing I have done for several years now is add 10ml of Sera Bio starter at every water change. I had this explained to me in very technical terms and it is basically the good bacteria mutates its self very regually and in a short period of time it is nothing like the origional good bacteria.

I hope this helps you

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Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 24-Dec-2006 03:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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Registered: 22-Feb-2003
male australia
well it does help but,i dont think all the fish are weakened by the meds because my flowerhorn has the whitspot and he is in his own tank,and this IS THE FIRST TIME EVER HE HAS BEEN SICK,as i said above i pretty much had everything all back to normall,as for the bio starter ive always added that at water change times(great stuff)but ill get a sample up to my lfs and see whats up,and 1 more thing,i done water changes on 3 of my tanks with the water from the drums,but only 2 out of the 3 tanks turned up with white spot,and the tank that didnt get it has been treated a few weeks ago for popeye(blue acara)and is now back to normall,why did this tank not get the whitespot alsoman this is racking my brain
Post InfoPosted 24-Dec-2006 04:14Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 28-Dec-2002
male usa us-colorado
I'm not sure that we can say that any one thing caused
the spread of the disease. For instance, along with
what has already been mentioned, do you sterilize your
net between uses and between tanks? Many times disease
and parasites can be spread by using the same dip net,
or other common articles between tanks. Again, just
one more thing to think about.


-->>> The Confidence of Amateurs, is the Envy of Professionals <<<--
Post InfoPosted 24-Dec-2006 09:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male australia au-victoria
This can be the biggest yet forgotten reason for spreading and disease/parasites it would only take a few drops of water to get from one tank to another and off the problem goes again. Nets would certainly be a major cause there.

If I go to a LFS and see any signs of unclean house keeping I will never buy any thing from them at all.
Good thinking Frank.

Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info

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Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 24-Dec-2006 10:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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Registered: 22-Feb-2003
male australia
good idea guys but im afraid thats cant be it ehter,i have 3 m hooks on the side of all my tanks and the net that hangs there goes with that tank,1 net per tank,any other ideas guys
Post InfoPosted 24-Dec-2006 12:05Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
EditedEdited by doedogg
Is the gravel vac shared between tanks? Thats something I share between tanks and never thought about it (till now) potentially spreading disease.

I used to be Snow White, but I drifted.
~ Mae West
Post InfoPosted 27-Dec-2006 14:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
Posts: 1105
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Registered: 22-Feb-2003
male australia
in my other tanks yes i do share it ,but not on my flowerhorn tank,because it only has a very thin layer of gravel,and he is constantly moving it around theres never been a need to vacume,at this stage ive stopped the aging of my water,and gone back to the hose,and so far with the treatment the whitespot has gone,and at this stage im not going to age it untill i find out some answershas anyone else got any ideas,i must admit i didnt think of sharing the vac and spreading parasites,well done
Post InfoPosted 31-Dec-2006 12:16Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 09-Jan-2007
male usa
From reading the posts it seems to me that the containers you use to age the water is the only common denominator. I think you should stop using those containers. Find containers designed to be used for storing drinking water. I use one I got at Wallmart, (3 Gallon), but one from a drinking fountain would do nicely.


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Post InfoPosted 13-Jan-2007 02:31Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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