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SubscribeWhite Bumps
Big Fish
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Registered: 09-Oct-2005
female usa us-indiana
I jsut bought 3 rainbowfish last night and they were fine. One of my best friends works at the petstore and she picked them out while I looked at plants(I know I can trust her judgement). Anyway, when I got them home, which was an hour drive, I noticed one of the guys has 3 white bumps on him. One at the base of his tail one under his mouth and one on his head. I am not sure what they are or if they are contageous or not. None of the other fish in the tank seemed to have hade these bumps, but I don't have any clue what it is... Please help!!!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Fish Guru
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Unfortunately there is no way for anyone to tell you what it is for sure without being able to see the fish in question...

I assume you are worried about your fish having Ich? Ich is commonly seen after the fish has been stressed during a move to a new home, but you should never treat your fish for anything without being certain what it has.

Since I know nothing about Rainbowfish and cannot say whether they are e to bumps and wart-like things normally, my advice would be to leave the fish in quarantine (If you are adding them to an existing tank hopefully you have them in QT tank now) and ask your friend to come and take a look at it for you so that you can be sure of what you are seeing. If this is impossible for whatever reason, I'd leave them in QT and assume the "wait and see" attitude until you know for sure if it is spreading..

Hopefully it is nothing and your new friends will be fine.
Good luck!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 09-Oct-2005
female usa us-indiana
I know for a fact that it is not ich. I am going to take him back to my friend tomorrow and see what she thinks. I calle dher this evening and she said it was probably a tumor or something along those lines, but jsut in case it is more than that se can recommend what she thinks I need for it jsut so my other guys do not get anything as well. Thanks for the tips but I have dealt with ich plenty and I KNEW it wasn't ich. I will let you know what it was when I find out.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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I would take it back for sure. It could be brusing from either catching or transporting. It is impossible to tell exactly without seeing the fish.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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Just a tip....

If you have dealt with an illness in the past and you absolutely know that what you are dealing with is not the same thing, then you should probably state that in your post to save time!!

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Golden Ryukin
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I agree with little cat joe because I once had a goldfish who died from ich. It was very sad.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 09-Oct-2005
female usa us-indiana
Everyone should knwo what ich is. I said they were 3 large white bumps, not small white specks. Wouldn't you guys describe it more as small white specks, not large white bumps. Sorry if I confused you guys....
Fortunately the problem has been solved.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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Rainbowfish very rarely if ever get cancer, theyre not an especially e species, being that they have very effective uv blocking in the scales and melanin layers and they are a very genetically stable fish. Id be looking into the possibility of worms or crustacean parasites that reproduce in cysts on the skin. Post a pic, I have loads of rainbow experience, I have personally kept over a dozen species and several hundred individuals.I might be able to identify it visually.

If its all cured now, tell us what it was, its good to share information.

Last edited by longhairedgit at 29-Oct-2005 00:34
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Bob Wesolowski
Mega Fish
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male usa

It is probably a skin parasite. I have discus and they occasionally develop the raised, white pimple. Generally, a water change or two will reduce the condition or eliminate it.

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researched from Steven Wright
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
Posts: 477
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Registered: 09-Oct-2005
female usa us-indiana
I returned the fish and we couldn't figure out what it was for anything. I am sure it was probably a parasite if they do not get cancer, unfortunately the rainbowfish have killed all but one of my von rio tetras so the murderers will be goign back to the store today. They did not seem "evil" until I put other fish in the tank with them. Maybe i should have gotten them last instead of first, but I was told that they are a very stable fish. Oh well I will jsut stick with fish that are closer to the same size I guess.

Thanks for all your help

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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