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 The Hospital
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Treating QT tank with meds ?
I'd like to get some opions on weather or not it's a good idea to treat newly aquired fish that are in a QT tank with medication as a precationary mea...
Bar-B 205-Apr-2006 11:34
Constipated Oscar
I am fairly new to fish keeping. I have a question about my Oscar. I have read in various materials about oscars getting constipated. Can anyone te...
bran025105-Apr-2006 11:24
Rummynose Tetra and Pleco deaths
It is a 5gal that has been established for well over a year and within the last two weeks we have lost 5 Rummynose and 2 Plecos. The first pleco was...
Iron Mike605-Apr-2006 02:03
Danio acting weird
so i just started cycling my 29g ~ a week ago and currently have 3 danios to cycle it with. One of the danios has not kept ANY food down, he repeated...
FLEXJr404-Apr-2006 19:26
Sick betta
I've had my betta Birkin for a little over a year. Up until a week or two ago, he was perpetually perky in every tank he'd ever been in (he was in a t...
dsa204-Apr-2006 01:57
Injured dwarf gourami
Hi everyone My gourami is showing some pretty severe battle wounds from a fight with another gourami and would you believe it, a couple of platies....
Mitchee103-Apr-2006 23:24
Wounded dwarf gourami
Hi everyone I'd like your advice on my situation. I have 2 powder blue dwarf gouramies that on occasion nip at each other. Both of them show evidenc...
Mitchee703-Apr-2006 17:46
Injured Angelfish
Hi all, One of my freshwater angelfish had an accident yesterday. It briefly got stuck between a piece of driftwood and the glass of the aquarium. I...
lacrimology503-Apr-2006 17:17
You figure this out!
In our 72 gallon discus tank, we added 8 cardinal tetras, about a week ago. I will see them floating out of control, and then they are soon dead. Or...
Tanya81703-Apr-2006 03:09
Anglefish on HUNGER STRIKE!
3 weeks ago I purchased 6 Angles. All of them are doing great with the exception of one who for the last 5-6 days stopped coming up to the top to fee...
Bar-B 302-Apr-2006 19:39
Dead Gourami
I had recently bought 2 blue gouramis, a male and female, and They had been doing well. They were only 1-1.5 inches, and were sharing a 10 gallon wit...
Thursday402-Apr-2006 06:20
White growth on Angels
About 2 weeks ago I noticed a small white growth one of my angels. It looked like it was on an area where some scales were missing (I have a pair tha...
jsparkman202-Apr-2006 06:17
Beginners to medication/product choices.
If you become a member of practical fishkeeing's site there a handy bit of info that may save you having to ask lots of questions as to which product...
longhairedgit002-Apr-2006 05:35
Now I have another Angelfish not eating!!!!please help
Today another Angel stopped eating and went off by itself. I put both in a seperate tank and am treating with metroniadazole. On my main tank, I'm go...
Bar-B 202-Apr-2006 04:45
Hospital Tank Set Up
So here is my situation, I have a brave little platy that has dropsy. None of my other fish are sick and I don't want to treat all of them again with...
Mia602-Apr-2006 01:55
Mystery Plague
So 2 nights ago all my fish were fine. No signs of illness or even change in behavior for that matter. Then, yesterday morning I wake up, look in my...
Just Mitch230-Mar-2006 12:10
QT Tank
The tank I currently use as my QT tank at some point this year, will become another community tank. So I'm thinking of buying a small tank that I onl...
TW1229-Mar-2006 02:36
Anyone used Kordon's Rid Ich+?
I'm using this product to treat an ich breakout in one of my tanks. I'm using the recommended full dose and when I add it, it turns the water blue/gre...
foj1428428-Mar-2006 19:21
Misty tank water ???
So, over the last couple of months I have had to treat for fungus, then ick and then fungus again. I don't think I was over feeding but I have cut ba...
Mia1528-Mar-2006 05:53
Guppy being picked on
My tank is 43.5G and water tests show:- Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0, pH 7.3, Nitrate 20. I thought my guppy had fin rot & have been treating it with Myx...
TW127-Mar-2006 14:39
Eye Injury
what are the log term chances of a previously healthy serpae that has lost an eye? i dont now howit happened but it hascompletely lost one eye and is...
hembo666227-Mar-2006 07:12
Bacterial sickness or Eye Fluke???? Pic added
Pages: 1, 2, 3
My elephant nose was/is itching, itching, itching, than a ring of white (looking like a form of ringworm) formed, then onto cotton growth. I had used...
entkitty4626-Mar-2006 20:19
is there any signs to look for in a pre-drospy female betta. for some reason, i have a feeling about this female, idk if it is a good feeling for b...
bettachris324-Mar-2006 23:40
Need a quick tonight re Furan-2
I need to treat my large tank with Furan-2. It is the only med I can use on my elephantnose and once again he is sick. Question: I have 6 week old...
entkitty824-Mar-2006 23:13
Sick or Dying Rasbora & Sailfin Mollie
Hello My last batch of all rasboras died within a week. Some of you helped me, so you might remember. I have a new batch now, and history is repeat...
TW1524-Mar-2006 13:33
Help! WOrms!!
The are red worms living in the anal vents of my rainbows and probably other fish. My fish are skinney and stomach's are flattening.Please reccomend a...
Sleepy424-Mar-2006 08:06
I have a Phantom tetra which is swimming very oddly I have taken a look at its fines which look fine what could it be What can I do...
Spaced emu224-Mar-2006 07:59
Bumpy scales??
I think there is something wrong with one of my platys. All her scales look like they have been rubbed the wrong way and all stayed kinda up a bit....
Mia224-Mar-2006 07:02
Hole in the Head
I think one of my oscars has this. He's about 5inches and has a white mark that seems to be a depression on the most posterior part of his mouth. The...
wayodust1124-Mar-2006 06:52
Last week one of my yellow labs died from something unknown... its only symptons appeared to be a red anus and some red vein like marks on its body wh...
carpe_diem1522-Mar-2006 14:21
Treating ich with salt?
I've just noticed an outbreak of ich is starting in one of my tanks, probably due to a new fish added at the weekend which I didn't quarantine (oops!)...
foj1428822-Mar-2006 14:09
Unknown death of Bristlenose catfish
Hi. I have not idea how or why, but my bristlenose catfish diead. I have a 60ltr tank, with some angels, platies, whitclouds, and a bristlenose. I fou...
Jimbooo522-Mar-2006 02:39
White lips on lemon tetras
Just bought 4 lemons yesterday, to go with the 3 I already had. I noticed that 2 or 3 of the new ones appear to have white lips. Not fuzzy, just whi...
beetledance1221-Mar-2006 18:33
Keyhole cichlid with acne?
My key hole has spots, they look like pus filled lumps, they are under his scales, if you look down on the fish from above, you can see them, pus unde...
goldfishgeek720-Mar-2006 21:28
Fish TB
Hello everyone, old and new I have an awful feeling that the fish in my tank are all slowly dying off as a result of fish tuberculosis. One of the...
SuperMummy!820-Mar-2006 10:42
Dead danio, one more showing same symptoms - please help!
Tank is 96 litre and 6 months old. Did planted, fishless cycling for 8 weeks then added 6 danios, 3 weeeks later 5 ottos then a further 3 weeks added...
ruhoo319-Mar-2006 01:59
Platy Problem
Two days ago I bought two platies for my fish tank. I'm just starting to put fish in it so they're the only two fish in there right now. One of them...
jettrscga1119-Mar-2006 00:14
TB in my tank?
Pages: 1, 2
I may have TB in my 25 gallon planted tank, last night I took readings and here they are: pH 7.2 NO3 20 ppm KH 120 ppm PO4 0.5 ppm Temp 80 F today I...
luvmykrib3418-Mar-2006 06:50
How do I make the tank safe again?
I don't think my betta will make it to morning. He's got dropsy, and is three times his normal size. He also has an unstoppable fin rot-like thing tha...
wodesorel517-Mar-2006 16:02
Saltwater Deaths (clowns and shrimp)
I have had a rash of deaths in the past week. I have lost 2 cleaner shrimp and 2 clowns (It looks like one more is knocking at death's door too )...
jmara316-Mar-2006 10:53
Scale Repair?
my silver arowana was being attacked and i noticed his was becoming more shy, so i sat near the tank for 4 hours, and i was thinking that since he was...
bettachris316-Mar-2006 10:47
Repile Soon Please!
I have a 10 gallon tank with low algee. One week ago I had 4 guppies, one pregent, a pair of cheery barbs and 3 platies. I got the cheery barbs fro...
Clowny Emily214-Mar-2006 08:05
Dying Molly
Hi I have a tropiquarium68(67.5cm long,31.75cm wide, 61cm high, 29UK gallons) tonights test results No2 = 0.1, No3 = 10, Ammonia = 0 and PH 8? temp 2...
caddica313-Mar-2006 04:54
My Peppered Cory
i woke up this morning and saw my peppered cory with a cut on the stomach... is this bad for my fish? will he die??...
g4l88413-Mar-2006 00:23
Paralyzed betta with fungal infection (?)
Four weeks ago he had dropsy and had recovered, and now this. He seemes to paralyzed from the dorsal fin back. He can't move his tail or his back...
wodesorel212-Mar-2006 03:24
Sick lil guppy
I have a small tank, bout 8 gallons I think. I have 4 guppies and one of the males has not been looking too good latley. He has a loss of appetite and...
Shizzy311-Mar-2006 06:02
Green Severum sick!!
My large green severum has been acting strangely for about the past week. He sits in the corner all day and a lot of the time is sitting almost verti...
fishiedude310-Mar-2006 17:15
Sick Gideon (betta) and treatment, long
Instead of retyping this, I am copying/pasting. Sorry if it is confusing. Okay this is going to seem kinda rambly, and stuff overlaps, but I'll keep...
stampingchick1010-Mar-2006 07:44
White Patch On Convicts Side
hey, i've got 5 adult convicts and a bunch of babies ones in a 200 litre tank with some platys and a Common Algae Eater. I'm worried about my biggest...
will710-Mar-2006 05:27
Unknown Cause of Death
Hi, I need Help!!!!!! Tonight when i went to feed my fish, I had a dead platy on the bottom and my Angel Fish whom I have had for 2 years was alive, b...
comeinspinner709-Mar-2006 19:58
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