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 The Hospital
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29 gallon has sick fishies
hey all, I have a 29 g tank with some sick fishes. I have live plants in that one. I run a hob filter and have an air stone in the bottom. temp: 82...
esandbergger606-Dec-2005 14:11
Yesterday I did my usual water changes in all my tanks. Today I woke up and the water in one of my tanks is just slightly cloudy. My Synodontis eupt...
Wingsdlc604-Dec-2005 15:36
How to limit the damage done by medical treatments?
Ok, the last couple of forum topics concerning the use of meds gave rise to a couple of issues. 1) The first that a lot of people are against the us...
longhairedgit304-Dec-2005 04:38
Female tetra acting strange..
I think that something must be wrong with my female Black phantom. She is shaking her body a lot and the head too. Cant see any thing wrong with her....
Rob1619302-Dec-2005 09:21
Can someone giv eme a better explanation of ich. IT is a very common yet very troubling problem with a lot of people. Can someone give a good explanat...
dvmchrissy102-Dec-2005 08:31
Please help.. oscars dying
[font color="#C00000"] I recently bought 2 large oscars for my 75g tank... one is 11in and the other 13inch... the 11in oscar put up the most fight...
cichlisessive1801-Dec-2005 07:54
rise in infectious desease
I have a feeling there are more reports of columnaris and lethal bacteria than the usual. it might be me and my own grim experience, or it might be a...
fry401-Dec-2005 05:04
Damn Fungus on Victorian Obliquidens!
I have since learned from my mistakes in the past and decided on a african cichlid tank. My victorian obliquidens got ick a few days after i got him.....
DarkCichlid101-Dec-2005 04:56
anothe Betta is in trouble
first of all, just to make it clear: this one has nothing to do with the other one (RIP). they were in different tanks, no equipment changed tanks sin...
fry430-Nov-2005 10:57
my betta died - contains pictures (not nice sorry)
ok, yesterday I brough home two new bettas, Cain went into the five G 1. in plastic bag, floating 20 mins 2. added some water to bag, 20 mins. 3.l...
goldfishgeek730-Nov-2005 01:38
Salvini Death Mystery
:#( In my 56 gallon tank, I keep cichlids, convicts, jewels, salvinis all 3 breeding and a pair of striped raphael catfish. I saw this really gorgeo...
ClownyGirl1329-Nov-2005 21:40
Black phantom without eye(picture)
Here is a picture of one of my Black phantoms,i think he might lost it because of a fight or? Robby1619 attached this image: [img]
Rob1619529-Nov-2005 19:21
eye clouded
Hi friends, can you help me? My pseudotropheus kingsizeii (mbuna African Cichlid) has it's eye looking cloudy. Body colour/markings seem fine at time...
wish-ga1129-Nov-2005 13:48
ich not going away
How long does it usually take for ich to go away? I have been treating my tank for 9 days now and there is still ich on my fish. I have been using Kor...
GirlieGirl85191129-Nov-2005 13:38
Wounded Danio in cycling tank, please help!
I moved my two danios into the 10g tank to cycle it, after I moved them I noticed one had a wound on its side, near the anal fin. It looks like one of...
luvmykrib428-Nov-2005 05:18
grayish clown loaches
hello <br>I am in need of some help......<br>I just bought about a month ago an existing 120 gal. tanganikian tank. I have 10-15 clowns(n...
properjak627-Nov-2005 08:09
Neon Tetra Disease
What can anyone tell me abotu this disease? I think my neons might have it. Theyeach have 2 lumps under their bellies. I don;t see anytihng wrong with...
dvmchrissy927-Nov-2005 03:31
My tanks are BAD!!!!!!!! HELP!!
First, I noticed late Monday night that my female betta had what I thought was ICH. It was odd because I hadnt noticed this on her when I fed the fis...
ladiejl1026-Nov-2005 08:29
Using meds on betta fry - 3 months old
I had an outbreak of white spots but what worries me is using meds to treat it on such betta fry. Can anyone say whether one use such meds to treat ic...
niko001625-Nov-2005 00:40
L-001 something is wrong!
I just came home and i was looking for the L001 and finally i found him behind the driftwood.from the day i bought him, He was in perfect health and n...
Rob1619224-Nov-2005 20:04
guppy growing fur!!
ok, so not realy fur, but ti looks like she has a layor small hairs all over her body, what is it?...
fishyhelper288824-Nov-2005 18:02
barb did the nose dive of death
i bought some green tigerbarbs, when i got them home i noticed they looked very skinny(i bought a albino and a regular tiger barb along with the two g...
reun423-Nov-2005 21:14
Need help ASAP
Is there any immediate way to help fish that are totally infested with ICH???? I feel so bad and helpless for these poor guys. I have 4 (had 5) pi...
Oscar_Jewel523-Nov-2005 20:51
Stupid Worms.....
Well I dont know what else to do. I followed suggestions on here, treated the 10g tank with liquid Prazi-Pro for 3 doses, 5 days apart with water chan...
So_Very_Sneaky423-Nov-2005 20:22
is this normal???
Okay.... tell me if this is a normal thing??? I hate to say this, but the other day i drained my 55 gallon and moved it to another room, i left about...
chelaine1023-Nov-2005 19:54
Sick female bettas
Hi everyone, I just returned home from college to find my two female bettas having a lot of trouble. It looks like a swim bladder problem to me. On...
Tiamet2B223-Nov-2005 06:23
death of corys can't understand.
i've had my 7 cory juilis for nearly two years two died a week or so ago, which i put down to being stressed by my bristlenose pleco, who then moved...
SheKoi122-Nov-2005 20:01
Clown Loach vary in colour
I have 3 clown loaches. 1 has very deep colour, by that I mean the black is black whilst the other two are a very much lighter colour - black is very...
crusha721-Nov-2005 05:27
Hi, my black moore is sick and I'm not sure what is wrong. She has a black speck stuck to her, it is about 2-3mm wide and she is scraping against thin...
Fishy-Fishy321-Nov-2005 04:06
Lots of deaths :-(
I dont think i'm looking for a solution, nor am I expecting a specific answer, just venting some fustration. My fish are dying for no apparent reason...
Lindy1921-Nov-2005 02:08
sick cory
I got a new strip light for my 55g today and after putting it on I looked in the tank..only to notice one of my cories laying on its side. I thought i...
GirlieGirl8519320-Nov-2005 11:38
Red Bay Snook (Petenia splendida)
I bought a pair of Red Bay Snooks about a year ago; I put them in a 125 gal tank at 76 deg, pH 7.2, hardness 12 dH. One died from what appeared to be...
finesmallstorm420-Nov-2005 07:06
Betta Emergency!
I need some help!!! I did not get a chance to come home yesterday and when I came home today I noticed that my betta was resting on the bottom of the...
dvmchrissy1020-Nov-2005 06:51
Rainbow cured!
Just a thank you to Longhairedgit and Tristianity for their help with my Dwarf Neon Rainbow (from back in Oct). She appears to have made a complete r...
questor319-Nov-2005 08:00
My betta has a pea-size bump on his left side, just behind his fin. The scales are a bit lighter in that area. I've never seen that before, and ther...
Phoenix219-Nov-2005 06:54
GUPPY ER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY GUPPY! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I recently bought three guppies (2F, 1M) for mynearly empty 10g (it had 2 quarter-inch QTed tadpole...
123mjb519-Nov-2005 06:46
possible internal parasite?
I have a betta who's belly has been swelling for a course of a couple weeks. After having a lot of deaths from dropsy, i've been treating him with som...
Pammy319-Nov-2005 06:40
Hatchetfish, pregnant or major problem?
one of the 3 hatchets in my 30gal tank is carrying what looks like a pink/red sac near it's anus, i havent a clue if these are eggs or if the fish has...
Ghost22619-Nov-2005 06:29
Bolivian Ram on the verge of death, help!!!
Pages: 1, 2, 3
I have a Bolivian ram that I have had for over 3 months. Recently, he changed color and started hiding more often. I noticed that his back fin is fr...
inlikefish4019-Nov-2005 06:00
I had one betta male under treatment. In a week all spots seem to have dissapeared. Unfortunately, a newly acquired cichlid has white spots and anothe...
niko001619-Nov-2005 04:30
new fish death questions
What is this? I bought 6 small tiger barbs. Only three of them surrvived in my quarentine tank after a few days. The survivors seemed strong, two regu...
pizpot217-Nov-2005 04:02
african_man316-Nov-2005 06:06
Sick clown loaches?
I have three clown loaches and today i noticed that they are having some small white spots on their back and more on their this white spot...
Rob1619515-Nov-2005 16:22
Gourami Problems
Hi, whenever i have gouramis they will servive for a fer months then start to get very weak and just hang around the surface of my tank, they can be l...
NMK313-Nov-2005 07:33
Fish Dying
I have been having some problems with a couple of fish that I had got from a man who sold me his tank. The problem is that they seem to have parts of...
mrwizerd312-Nov-2005 08:40
Sick Oscar - Can't ID illness and tried meds don't work..
Hi, Thanks for taking the time to read my forum post and I appologise in advance for its length. My Analysis and Attempts This fish started...
Narler912-Nov-2005 08:24
is it ich?
A few of my head and taillight tetras have small white spots on them. I believe this is ich but thought I would ask. It is hard to tell because there...
GirlieGirl85191012-Nov-2005 01:13
boliviam ram changed colors and grew more timid.
My bolivian Ram recently has become more timid, hiding is his cave, only nibbling on food-hes not really eating-and his color has become darker. Has...
inlikefish611-Nov-2005 05:17
I think I've got a fungus
This is really a two part problem I think- In the beginning of September I get a new 20 gal tank. (Just new to me, the tank has been set up for over...
tigerduh410-Nov-2005 01:44
Very ill barbatus
I have a Cory barbatus that has had pink/white mark just back from left eye. Had been there for a month or so and thought it was just a scrape or woun...
shwolfieeep409-Nov-2005 22:13
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