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sharkbait_whohaha's Active Threads

 TopicForumAuthorRepliesLast Post 
Which fish is eating my plants? Planted Aquariacrusha1105-Jul-2006 03:13 
What aglae do l have and how to rid of it? Planted Aquariasharkbait_whohaha1705-May-2006 20:24 
Fluval Series 4 or 5? Technical Tinkeringqcode1970105-May-2006 03:15 
Best way to lower PH Water Qualitysharkbait_whohaha1203-May-2006 02:22 
How much baking soda do l use? Water Qualitysharkbait_whohaha1627-Mar-2006 20:08 
Black Widows might be ready to drop Tetra Talksharkbait_whohaha122-Mar-2006 18:10 
Algae Problems in a planted tank Planted Aquariashawnp2k721-Mar-2006 15:50 
Canister Cleanings? Getting Startedmonkeyboy1220-Mar-2006 13:31 
Brazillian Amazon Biotope Bottom Feeder Frenzymrwizerd1119-Mar-2006 23:55 
Expencive aquarium/pond Fish. General FreshwaterRob16191012-Mar-2006 08:18 
Topless Aquarium General Freshwaterxlinkinparkx1312-Mar-2006 02:41 
Urgent help needed restarting eheim ecco cannister filter Technical TinkeringNowherMan6508-Mar-2006 15:05 
Quick Q for when doing a blackout. Planted Aquariasharkbait_whohaha324-Feb-2006 05:07 
Not feeding fish and plants on holidays General Freshwatersharkbait_whohaha931-Jan-2006 18:38 

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