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SubscribeI need some help/advice
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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female usa
I am planning on setting up another 55g....will hopefully be picking it up this weekend. I am now searching for the perfect driftwood to use in my aquascape. This time I will be finding the driftwood before planning out the scape of the plants.

I will be using Eco-Complete for substrate. It will take me awhile to set this one up...because I will have to buy stuff slowly.

But, this time I will do it right by aquascaping and planting before the fish are added.

I found a piece of DW on ebay that I love. For some reason it just strikes me as a great piece of wood. The only problem is that the seller estimates the width as 12 1/4 inches. Well my 55g is only 12 inches wide (I think...I'm not at home to measure...but I am very sure its only 12in>.<.

Here's the link to the piece: CLICK. (And please don't anyone try to snatch it up before I get a chance to bid!)

What do you think? Do you all think I could position it someway that it would fit?

I would like to set it up like the first single, small picture that you see (on the left).

Please give me some advice!/:'

Post InfoPosted 05-May-2006 17:17Profile PM Edit Report 
Bob Wesolowski
Mega Fish
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EditedEdited by Bob Wesolowski

The piece will work, either by angle or trimming. It is a great piece!

Suggestions when you are ready to plant that aquarium:

1. Put your Eco into the aquarium,
2. Sculpt the substrate with a wallpaper press or a tool with large straight edge,
3. Place your hardscape of rocks and wood,
4. Begin planting the Eco with foreground plants followed by mid-ground plants then background plants,
5. Place a an upside down plate on an empty spot in the substrate and very slowly begin to fill the aquarium using a Python or a hose.

Note that I am recommending that you plant the aquarium before you fill it with water! Eco is packaged wet and it is much easier to plant without working underwater. The plants will do fine being planted in the wet substrate for a couple of hours without being immersed!

Attached Image:

"To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research."
researched from Steven Wright
Post InfoPosted 05-May-2006 20:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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Registered: 25-Mar-2005
female usa
EditedEdited by GirlieGirl8519
Thanks Bob! I will certainly follow your advice. On my other tanks, I have always planted them after I filled it up (and sometimes after the fish were added), so I never could do the half filled planting thing. I do like the idea of planting without water will be much easier to place things where I want them and not get my arms all wet.

How many bags of Eco do you think I'll need to get about 2-2.5 inches of substrate? I wonder if I could get away with 3 20lb bags?

Thanks for the tip about the wallpaper press. I'm already making my list of little things I need to get.

I bidded on the we'll see if I get it or not. Somebody else was bidding pretty high. If it gets too high, I'm going to stop I may not get it.

Thanks for the help!

Post InfoPosted 05-May-2006 21:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Bob Wesolowski
Mega Fish
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Registered: 14-Oct-2004
male usa
Your aquarium will be 48L by 13W by 20H. based on the calculator at Practical Fishkeeping, you will need about 120 pounds for a 3 inch depth in your glass box and about 160 pounds for a 4 inch depth in the aquarium. I guess the rule of thumb is then about 40 pounds of substrate to generate an inch of depth in your tank.

I would buy 120 pounds and keep the receipt. Add three bags and see how the 60 pounds looks. I think it will look a little thin as you want the substrate angled from low in front to higher in back. You can then add one more bag, or two more bags or three more bags, to see what you think. If you don't use the bags, return the unused bags.

"To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research."
researched from Steven Wright
Post InfoPosted 05-May-2006 22:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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Registered: 25-Mar-2005
female usa
I couldn't remember how wide it is. I have a 55g already at home, but for some reason I thought it was only 12 inches wide...I guess because my 29g is 12 inches wide.

Thanks Bob. I may go ahead and get the 4 bags. I really only want about 2.5 inches, but I will probably slope it towards the back.

I have to find a local pet store that sells Eco. I really don't want to pay the shipping costs of ordering it from somewhere. There are alot pet and fish stores around, so maybe it won't be too hard. I have seen Flourite in a few...but not Eco. I was never really looking for it though, so I may not have noticed.

Post InfoPosted 05-May-2006 22:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa us-colorado
Here is a site that you plug in the dimensions of the
tank (48x13x20) and the desired depth of the substrate,
and it will calculate how much material you will need:


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Post InfoPosted 06-May-2006 00:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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Registered: 25-Mar-2005
female usa
Thanks Frank! I always seem to forget that site when I need it.

Well I didn't win that very cool piece of wood. Somebody else beat me to it and fought hard to win it.

What about this one? CLICK

I am not good at picturing things. This piece is only 20 inches long. Would that be too small for a 55g? It not near as cool as the other. I do have a stump like piece in my current 55g tank, but this one looks better.

I am also worried that it is "Osage Orange". I have no idea what that means. Is it just the color? Or is it a type of wood? Would that be safe to put in a fish tank?

I actually think that other piece would have been too much. It seemed quite large and I think it would take focus off the plants. Would this one be any better?

Post InfoPosted 10-May-2006 20:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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