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L# Freshwater Species
 L# Bottom Feeder Frenzy
  L# Khuli Loach
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SubscribeKhuli Loach
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Registered: 13-Oct-2007
male uk uk-england
i am thinking of adding a couple of khuli loaches to my tank, but will they get along with cls,a male bristlenose and a common sucking loach

my tank is 40gal and 3'6" in length

thanks for any help

Post InfoPosted 01-Jan-2008 17:35Profile PM Edit Report 
Catfish/Oddball Fan
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male usa us-delaware
Kuhli's don't pick on other fish, if anything happens it would likely be the other way around. It's been ages since I've kept kuhli's but when I did there were no interspecific problems.

One of the only things with kuhli's is you have to make sure the intake on your filter has fine enough grating; kuhlis can and will worm their ways into crevices that they can fit into, and this includes through the filter and intake and into the filter. The kuhli's survived their encounters with the filter, but would be rather damaged and scratched up due to the impeller. Nowadays I think it's less of a problem as filter manufacturers take issues like this into consideration.

The aquarist is one who must learn the ways of the biologist, the chemist, and the veterinarian.
Post InfoPosted 01-Jan-2008 19:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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male usa
khuli's are awesome and get along with everybody... well that i can think of. just one thing to remember to. they like to hide, so you may go days without seeing them. i've actually gone weeks without seeing my 3.

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Post InfoPosted 01-Jan-2008 22:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 13-Oct-2007
male uk uk-england
thanks for your input sounds good to me, the strange thing is since my plec was introduced to the tank the sucking loach which had got lazy now has a new lease of life and follows the plec around and are best buddys.

thanks for the info

Post InfoPosted 02-Jan-2008 00:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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female australia au-queensland
Keep an eye on the sucking loach and make sure the bn is getting enough food. I have had bn's die because they were intimidated and bossed by other fish to the point that they just stopped eating.
Khulis are loads of fun. Mine particularly like thick, short, soft grassy type plants so they can frolick without scratching themselves.
They are a good indicator of how your water is. When mine are out and about, I know the water is perfect. Less than perfect and they don't seem to come out as much.
Post InfoPosted 02-Jan-2008 03:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male australia au-victoria
My concerns are also the Common sucking Loach is it a CAE if so I would remove it, reason being as it gets older it will cause problems with other fish. I have five in my Betta tank and they are always out and about. I would certainly say a big yes. Just check the filter's intake as they can get into places no other fish would even consider going. If you can try to get the striped ones as they look a look better that the plain browns.

Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info

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Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 02-Jan-2008 05:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
I would reccomend them for everybody! They are cute, active, good cleaners, peaceful, comical, small, not bioload costly, not costly at all, and best of all, they are very very good in numbers. Be sure you get like 5+ because they arent as active and joyful if they dont have 5 friends or more. IME, this is true, and they love to hide in the weirdests of places. Just be sure that you have rounded gravel and small openings in the filter intakes, like mentioned above. Have lots and lots of places to hide, although i am sure you do because of your other bottom feeders. In a 40g, you can have soooooo many kuhlis, that you could have bought out the entire store's supply of them, and still have room for more, if you didnt have any more fish that is.

I love these little cute fish, and like keith said, i would get the striped ones. THe only thing is, that these are hard to find near me, and i have heard that the brown one is a bit more active than the colored ones. I dunno if this is true, but i just love the brown ones the same as the colored ones. They have the personality of cories IMO, and are always fun to watch as they frolick in the plants and rock formations, with their friends and family. THe best moment IME, is when they all lay down right next to each other, as a sort of cuddling.

Good choice, and go ahead and buy some!

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Post InfoPosted 02-Jan-2008 08:32Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 13-Oct-2007
male uk uk-england
thanks to you all for your info
one of my local stores has some striped ones in at the moment so i am going today, and if i ever get the hang of uploading photos i will post some on the photo booth

thanks again

Post InfoPosted 02-Jan-2008 12:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 28-May-2007
male usa
I would love some kuhli's and simply cannot find an LFS that stocks them, might actually have to ask one to order them or something...
Post InfoPosted 03-Jan-2008 05:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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