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SubscribeNew bristlenosed catfishes
Big Fish
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Registered: 22-Jun-2007
female australia au-queensland
I got 7 little bristlenosed catfishes today. They arrived by overnight delivery but one little guy didn't make it. Still I have 6 cute as buttons little bns. They are only about 1/2 inch long so plenty of growing room yet.

Post InfoPosted 04-Dec-2007 12:35Profile PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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female usa us-massachusetts
Awfully cute, indeed! Is this the bottom crew for your new tank or which one are the destined for?
Post InfoPosted 04-Dec-2007 16:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
fish patty
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female usa
Congrats bren.....I hope the rest do well for you! Hardly bigger than an algae tablet! How cute!
Post InfoPosted 04-Dec-2007 17:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male malta
Very nice little ones. Are they all going to be in the same tank?.
Member of the Malta Aquarist Society - 1970.
Post InfoPosted 04-Dec-2007 17:31Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
Aww! Those are very beautiful specimens! For which tank are you gonna put them in? They need a lot of territories to cope with their territorial temperament......Or at least theats what i think they are.....My BN is very territorial, especially to the kuhlis.

Those are nice, healthy looking guys, and i hope you are gonna breed them, right?

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Post InfoPosted 04-Dec-2007 23:08Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 28-Feb-2007
male usa
aww those look great! congrats Brengun! your first time with bristlenoses? i love how they look but ive never had one! anyways best of luck!

The true test of character is not how much we know how to do, but how we behave when we dont know what to do.
Post InfoPosted 05-Dec-2007 03:29Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 22-Jun-2007
female australia au-queensland
I only have one female bristlenose, the male died a couple days ago due to a mishap with a new fertilizer malfunction. Don't go there.
So in my grief I ordered these bn's. They were only $3 each and minimum order had to be over $20, so 7bns. I knew they were little and I might have casualties so 7 sounded good. I think the six surviving ones are doing ok. They seem active enough in the tank, although gee they are hard to spot.
I wouldn't dream of putting little bns in the new tank until I am quite sure its cycled properly.
I would love to pair a few up for each tank in the future and have a bash at breeding them, but for now I will be happy if they survive and grow a bit. /:'
Post InfoPosted 05-Dec-2007 03:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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male usa
aww, they are lil cuties.... almost like lil puppies!

cant wait to watch em grow...
Post InfoPosted 05-Dec-2007 04:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male australia au-victoria
They look so small. For some reason a 5cm-2ins can cost A $25 - A$50 at the moment art some LFS in my part of Aust.

Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info

Look here for my
Betta 11Gal Desktop & Placidity 5ft Community Tank Photos


Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 05-Dec-2007 05:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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female australia au-queensland
I checked and did a head count late last night and all were present and accounted for. Little monkeys didn't come out and get active until 11pm last night. I really have to have a word to them about their odd activity hours.
Post InfoPosted 06-Dec-2007 02:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
Same here! I almost never see my BN in plain daylight, but he is always out at 9pm here. He stays out, in his fav spot, right under the flow in the front of the glass, or near the Java Fern. The colors are nice, espicially with the white trim on the tail!

Where did you order theem in from?

Al;so, what tank are they in?

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Post InfoPosted 06-Dec-2007 03:12Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 22-Jun-2007
female australia au-queensland
I have made a discovery.

My 6 bristlenoses seem to have different patterns of spots. I wonder if the spots will alter as they get older or if this is permanent and every bristlenose is marked differently?

First bn has a "V" on the left side of the body just below the dorsal fin. This seems to be a common area of difference.

This one has an upside down half moon on its right side.

This one has a backwards "L" on its left side up close to the front of the dorsal fin.

Post InfoPosted 07-Dec-2007 09:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
What is this?
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male usa
I wonder if the spots will alter as they get older or if this is permanent and every bristlenose is marked differently?
According to the local breeder that supplied the LFS I used to work at with BN. He told me that Some of his would keep the markings while others would turn all brown. The pair that I have, have seemed to keep their patters(I don't know if they have changed or not but they still have markings).

Very nice pictures by the way. I will be taking a closer look at mine this weekend.

Here is my planted tank thread with pictures of my babies

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 07-Dec-2007 13:26Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 22-Jun-2007
female australia au-queensland
I know bns can fade their color and their spots when they get upset. I moved this female out into another tank when my cory was sick and for a day or two she was not amused. Now all her dark color is back and all her spots and she loves the tank.

I have the baby bns in the 37.5 Ltr dwarf gourami tank with 4 dw gourami, and one leopard danio. It is more or less my quaranteen tank for the moment.
Post InfoPosted 07-Dec-2007 15:12Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 22-Jun-2007
female australia au-queensland
Got a nice shot of baby bn with his dorsal and tail erect. A dwarf gourami 6 times your size passing overhead can do that for you.

Not a sign of an bristle on the nose yet.
Post InfoPosted 08-Dec-2007 09:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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male usa
Bren, those are some great photos! Those fish are just awesome looking!
Post InfoPosted 08-Dec-2007 14:45Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 22-Jun-2007
female australia au-queensland
"Backwards L" ( who is also "half moon" on the other side I discovered) is covered in raised white spots. Now the gestation of these things is about 2 weeks so he must have had it b4 I got him. They look about ready to pop already so I have dosed the tank with 1/2 strength Protozin. See hospital section for pics.
Post InfoPosted 08-Dec-2007 16:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 22-Jun-2007
female australia au-queensland
EditedEdited by Brengun
A couple of weeks treatment seems to have nipped the ich in the bud and I haven't seen any more whitespot.

Yesterday I found one bn dead. It was the biggest one and never seemed to come to the front for food.
I checked the water which came up a little too low in ph but otherwise fine. I had serviced the filter the day before so perhaps I injured him when putting it back, although I was fairly careful.

I also noticed the remaining 5 bns seemed to only be eating around the sides of the tank behind plants and heaters. I suspected they were intimidated by the 4 dwarf gourami.

Last night I did a change over. The 4 dw gourami went into the community tank where I have fish mostly a few inches long, so they'd be happier. Its a 3ft tank instead of the 2ft they were in.

The guppies being chased by bigger fish in the 3ft tank all came to the top voluntarily to be netted and placed in the 2ft tank with the little bn's.

The difference was immediately noticable in the bn's as they all 5 came out and started cleaning the plants all the way to the tops of the leaves. I had never seen them come out in the open and do that before. They also jumped in and shared their wafer tablet without concern with the guppies. Many of the guppies are little intermediate fry so they aren't huge anyway.

ps: my profile is now updated and the previously named dw gourami tank is now renamed Guppy & baby bn's tank.
Post InfoPosted 22-Dec-2007 01:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male malta
Good Luck with your BN's & keep us updated.
Member of the Malta Aquarist Society - 1970.
Post InfoPosted 22-Dec-2007 12:12Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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