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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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feeding cories and BN
Hi I've got a few julli cories in my tank they have been there 6wks and I was wondering about feeding. At the moment i've never feed anything special...
pla428-Jul-2006 22:58
zebra Plec
hello all. i'm getting a pair of zebra plecs in a few weeks, they will be housed in my 40G tall tank with large tetratec 1200 exturnal filter. few q...
SheKoi627-Jul-2006 13:03
Corys Geting Attacked!
Hey, I have a 48G gallon aquarium with 2Keyholes, 5corys, 10serpeas, 1Dwarfgourami and 3ottos. My problem is My Serpeas keep attacking my corys at...
xlinkinparkx927-Jul-2006 04:57
Browm Algae Eaters for 20's
Ok I have done some tank movements and have everything setup as I want it but I have alot of brown algae in my 20H. I have 6 pepper cories in it but t...
Needeles1525-Jul-2006 20:08
Skinny Clown Loach...again
Seems I have this problem about once a year. I have a clown loach that's losing body weight. My other loach is fine, a big fat fish! I only have two b...
bkaryn525-Jul-2006 18:24
Pictus Catfish Size
I am setting up a new tank and have fallen for pictus. I am hesitant to get them because I have heard different opinions on how big they get. It is...
bagoegg1525-Jul-2006 17:41
Panda Baby Turned Up In Water Change!
Just completed the big water change and gravel vac. And guess what? First, there were 9 eggs on the side glass next to the Java Moss growing off the...
Calilasseia1123-Jul-2006 23:54
How Many?For A 40Gal
Hi, Ive a 40gal planted/silk,upsidedown catfish hes large 4.5 in, 5 lemon tetras,6 cherry barbs,3 ballon mollies. What could I add for the bottom? 3...
fishing-around623-Jul-2006 03:20
Dwarf Loaches hit my LFS -- big-time!
To my delight, Capitol Aquarium in Sacramento has a whole huge tankful of dozens of our endangered little friend the Dwarf Loach (Botia sidthimunki),...
BruceMoomaw221-Jul-2006 03:45
Otto Food
will my ottos eat lettuce?...
bettachris820-Jul-2006 15:57
Sterbai who don't hang out together
Not expecting an explanation or answer to this, but just thought I'd share something I'm curious about. Always been told that cories like to be in a...
TW320-Jul-2006 15:54
I was able to locate a LFS that has panda cories in stock! They only have 2, so i put them on hold and am going tonight to add to my 2 I already have...
inlikefish419-Jul-2006 23:48
Any cool cories?
Wow it's been a long time since I've posted anything on here and I'm sad to say my tank has got into a bit of a sorry state. So in my tank at the mom...
bonny919-Jul-2006 04:52
Clown loach munchies?
This is going to sound like a silly question, but there are a lot of much-holes appearing in my babana lillies, and all of the other occupants have th...
Callatya517-Jul-2006 13:43
Need ID of this pleco please!
I would really like to know what kind of pleco is this? might know what kind it is [img]
Rob16191316-Jul-2006 15:40
Flying Fox
how much do flying foxes cost? i saw to at different lfs, 1 for 5.49 and another for 4.99 the 4.99 looks much better physically.i...
bettachris215-Jul-2006 08:47
How to breed Peppered Cories
Hello all, I was wondering if anyone knows how to breed Pepper Cories. I have 4 in my 20g tank but am not sure if they are male or female. I really en...
Needeles512-Jul-2006 22:23
Fossil Catfish
wow i was at a lfs and i never ever thought i would see one of these alivew anyway. it was under 7.49 and was about 3 inches. good deal?...
bettachris612-Jul-2006 06:37
Catfish ID?
I seen a catfish at Wal-mart today that was labelled as an Up-side Down catfish but I'm about 90% sure it wasn't. It almost looked like a Woodcat but...
Fish Guy111-Jul-2006 03:43
Queen Loach
Is there anyone who keeps queen loaches?I have seen one which is the only loach in the tank.I have a 75gal.that has two 4" clown loaches and two small...
cjp405-Jul-2006 10:04
Hiding Peppermint Bristle Nose
I have a peppermint bristle nose that is around 3cm long, and I've had it for over a year. It comes out from underneath its bogwood about once a month...
labrakitty1704-Jul-2006 05:46
Type of otto
I bought pair of Ottos 'bout 3 mo. ago. Well, now it looks like I have a male and female. But One of them, when I got it, had a really pale head. Wel...
Thursday301-Jul-2006 03:29
Panda Cory Worries
I have 6 panda cories in my 29g tank. A couple of them have pelvic fins that are a little short...not the normal size. I'm wondering if its my gravel?...
GirlieGirl8519829-Jun-2006 04:31
Otocinclus cats
I recently purchased two new otocinclus catfish from the LFS. I have a lot of algae in my tank, a 10 gallon, and was wondering if they would eat all o...
greatwhite526-Jun-2006 05:57
Pepper Cory Actions
Hello, this is my first post on the forums. I am rather new to the fish hobby and really enjoy my peppers. Now my question is do they like to sit on p...
Needeles923-Jun-2006 05:36
What Age Do Bristles Appear
can any one tell me what sort of age /size BN plecs will start to show thier sex differences ie bristles .i ask this question as i currently have 2 di...
kipper222-Jun-2006 03:51
Otto School.
i have a group of 8 ottos in a 20 long, in the tank is 2 lemon tetras. anyway, i want to increase the number, what would be a good number to add,...
bettachris421-Jun-2006 22:09
How to catch shy upside-down catfish???!
Well, the topic explains everything- how should I do it? They never come out except SOMETIMES for feeding; I've had 'em for over a year and they will...
fishnewbie1021-Jun-2006 07:37
Peppered Corydoras breeding.
I bred some Peppered Corydoras in February & the fry now are around 130 days old & lately i found some eggs in their tank. Is it possible for Peppe...
jasonpisani220-Jun-2006 21:45
Moss Stone and Plecos
Does anyone know if plecos can ingest anyting dangerous from moss stone?...
tetratech219-Jun-2006 17:25
thinking of pandas
I was thinking of having a planted 10 gallon with a betta boy and some panda original plan was hasbrosus cories but none of them lfs came t...
Azrael_Darkness1419-Jun-2006 17:16
Hi, I recently bought 6 otos. They are in QT at the moment, but will move into the 40G soon. There is not much algae in QT, so I will add algae waf...
TW1119-Jun-2006 17:10
Schwartzie Cat
Has anyone kept Schwartzie Cats? I discovered these guys this week and they are so much fun. I almost want to get a tank full! [IMG]
rjmcbean619-Jun-2006 12:05
Good catfish for chiclid tank
Hey all I have a 30 gallon w/ a Convict pair, 6 Tiger barbs, 1 CAE, 1 Flying fox, & 3 juli cories. I noticed that the dorsal fins on the cories ar...
MeDainBramaged1318-Jun-2006 00:04
I Got A 20 Gal Wit Fish Need Help.
i have a 20 gallon and i have 2 angelfish breeding pair and 6 rummynose tetras and 4 ottos i need a catfish i was thinking Burmese Loach, Yoyo Loach,...
riri2616-Jun-2006 08:12
Albino Corydoras
Last week i saw my Albino Corydoras with red bloches near their tails & i was thinking that it was due to high water temperature, as it was 30 deg.cel...
jasonpisani215-Jun-2006 21:06
Borneo Suckers (Gastromyzon borneensis)
Anyone know info about borneo Suckers breeding, sexing & keeping any info would be great...
Little Budda213-Jun-2006 15:39
peppered cory disillusion
have you ever encountered a peppered cory or any cories think that he or she is a mid-dweller?? its just funny to look at... rarely touching the grave...
tankie212-Jun-2006 22:25
Shy Yo-Yo Loaches
i know that yo yos take a long time to get used to their surroundings, but just how long? i also know that the more yo yos you have, the less time, an...
zachf92811-Jun-2006 21:35
Recommend a Hypancistrus for my 55
Oh Cup_of_Life....where art thou? I'm doing some shopping for my new 55 and would like a another Hypancistrus for this tank too (I love my L-316 in m...
crazyred708-Jun-2006 23:54
Zebra Pleco
Does anyone own these $200+ fish? Thanks....
Garofoli1007-Jun-2006 05:16
Quick help wirh albino cory eggs
Several months ago my albino corys laid eggs but it was the day I was leaving for out of town and I could not do anything to save them. Well they fina...
ClownLoachesRule105-Jun-2006 23:45
Cory's bellies
my albino cories are breeding at the moment. Ive noticed a couple of them have enlarged front bellies..that little white bit underneath towards the fr...
carpe_diem205-Jun-2006 01:00
Tiger Pleco vs. Gold Nugget Pleco
Pages: 1, 2
Which would be better for a 30g tank in algae eating vs. waste ratio (See Profile for pic and info). I know someone is going to say my tank is overcro...
Garofoli2002-Jun-2006 17:56
Suggestions for an algae eater in a 10G tank?
Hi there, My tank is going through its cycling process right now, and I am beginning to look into getting an algae eater once its cycled.. any suggest...
reneeandpauly11501-Jun-2006 09:31
Need Help With Gold Spotted Pleco
ok i just purchased a gold spotted pleco, i have no idea if it behaves like a regular pleco, the guys at the store said they don't grow bigger than 5...
rocker231028-May-2006 18:59
L-316 spawn
Just stopping in and taking a few pics.
Cup_of_Lifenoodles1127-May-2006 06:23
Foody treats for Cories and Clown Loaches
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips on some different foods I can give to my cories and clown loaches? I have read on a few...
ClaireH523-May-2006 17:34
Clown Loach's mysterious death
My husband found one of our clown's mysteriously dead yesterday afternoon. He was about 4 inches big and had been with us for over a year. I have...
ClownyGirl422-May-2006 07:42
Scared Corys
Hello, I have six Corys in a 48G with newly added Serpae Tetras(6) But they have been there for about a week and there still scred and hide whenever s...
xlinkinparkx422-May-2006 02:10
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