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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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Gold-Line Elegans
Awesome... I...
Natalie518-Feb-2006 02:18
Albino and Bronze...
What i would like to know, is do ALbino Bronze Corys ( ) and ordinary Bronze Corys ( ) School together. Could i do something like 1 Bronze Cory, a...
BlackNeonFerret817-Feb-2006 18:10
Baby cories!
Just today, my cories laid eggs. I scraped them off and put them into a breeder cage. I only had nine eggs that were fertilized....
aquapickle27716-Feb-2006 16:52
My favorite pleco..whats yours?
Pages: 1, 2
This is my L-001..isn't he a nice looking fella? You have any favorite plecos? :Y...
Rob16192915-Feb-2006 12:04
Ancistrus ID
I know this is probably impossible, but maybe its worth a try. Can anyone ID these buggers? [link]
inkodinkomalinko315-Feb-2006 00:58
crazy CLs
ive noticed that every now and then my clown loaches go on a psychotic rampage and start chasing around all of the fish in my tank, and sometimes even...
zachf92913-Feb-2006 23:10
Feeding My Cories....
so i've run into a bit of a problem... i have three panda cories... i know i need more.. but they're freakin HARD to find... anywho.. i feed them sh...
chelaine413-Feb-2006 22:57
Should I Try Cories?
sometime in the near future, id like to get a school of cories, only catfish and bottom feeders just die in my tank for no reason. ive so far tried a...
zachf92613-Feb-2006 03:44
Baby Pandas! Yay!
I awoke earlier (around 5:30 am) and as i was coming to, I noticed something moving in the nursery. BABY PANDA CORYS! YAY! So far, I've seen four co...
Calilasseia1013-Feb-2006 02:27
Cory's for a 40G?
I had previously posted this inquiry as a hypothetical "Cory's for a 55G?" but I have since changed gears a bit and just purchased a 40G instead. The...
Aqua Newbie n MS1413-Feb-2006 00:09
Cory pic
Hope it works: Here are some of my cory fry that had just recently hatched. Along with some eggs that i scraped off the tank. http://i48.photobucke...
aquapickle27613-Feb-2006 00:06
Which corry next?
Hello All, We'll my Pandas seem to have come out of their shyness brought on my the false-Jullis in the least enough to provide me with two...
eminer1254513-Feb-2006 00:04
Corys going to the surface
Hi there I've been reading Lately that corys need to go to the surface to "take a Breath". Is this really needed? What if I have a 60 cm High thank...
seventh_son_of_ed412-Feb-2006 23:57
Breeding albino cories
Does anyone have specific detailed instructions on how to breed ALBINO cories???? i have tried adding cool water, and more live plants but nothing has...
ku5626712-Feb-2006 23:55
Kuhli Loaches
Does anyone else have these interesting fish... I have 4 of these critters, and whilst they are nocturnal if you turn the light off in the tank and g...
ctk1812-Feb-2006 12:33
What Type Of Loaches?
looking for a group of loaches other than clown loaches that will not get killed in 5 minutes the fish that I have are 2 green sevs. 2 gold sevs 2 b...
ejack33771011-Feb-2006 01:58
Corydoras weitzmani
Well, my quintet of weitzmanis finally came in, and just as I was replanting some glosso/riccia from the 20L, and I must say, they are some of the mos...
Cup_of_Lifenoodles711-Feb-2006 01:24
Trilineatus Rapid Breathing
Couldn't delete it, so I've moved this to 'The Hospital' FOTB...
Fish On The Brains011-Feb-2006 01:08
White/Black catfish in a 10 gallon
I am trying to go with a white and black theme in my 10 gallon and was wondering if any bottom feeding fish has a predominately white coloration and w...
kent1992811-Feb-2006 00:49
Suggested bottom dwellers for 20 Gallon tank...
I currently have a 20 gallon tank with just a male betta and a male platy... I plan to put 2-3 more platies in... I was wondering what anyone could re...
Honorarius1409-Feb-2006 14:01
I'm after a catfish to go in my community tank. 4x Swordtails 6x Zebra Danios 9x Serpea Tetra 4x Kuhli Loach Can you advise something that wont upse...
ctk1509-Feb-2006 06:50
What To Feed, What To Feed
Well I have two otos and three khuli loaches (along with some other fish who eat flakes just fine) but I don't know what to feed the otos or the khuli...
dreamseeker121008-Feb-2006 22:36
Yoyo loaches and small tankmates
I was wondering if its safe to keep juvenile otto's in a tank with a full grown yoyo loach, or will they be eaten?? how about a bristlenosed pleco??...
mike77ca608-Feb-2006 20:43
Can Anyone Id Me This Fish?
hembo666707-Feb-2006 07:33
Can anyone ID this? I know that its a catfish, but I was wondering exactly what....
Dituni1406-Feb-2006 04:06
New Pictus
I just replaced with three 2&1/2ins 65mm to the 5ft tank. Saved $15 per fish incomparison to other LFS in the area. Next morning all out hunting for...
keithgh205-Feb-2006 01:59
E E E!!!
my corys just spawned going to collect them now...
fishyhelper288505-Feb-2006 01:18
Cory's for a 55G
I'm in the early planning stages of a new 55G tank. I'm leaning toward making it primarily a Tetra tank (probably 2 medium sized schools/2 different...
Aqua Newbie n MS205-Feb-2006 00:55
Minimum Corys
Any Cory experts out there???? I'm trying to figure out how to stock my 15 US Gal, and i want corys, but what is the minimum amount??? http://www.fis...
BlackNeonFerret1604-Feb-2006 12:10
Cory Housing
quick question about my corys again. they are still in my 40g at the moment which is very bare, with just couple plants and sand substrate, this is s...
SheKoi504-Feb-2006 06:12
Where to buy. . .?
Khuli loaches? I have looked everywhere, my three lfs and and and and I can't seem to find them anywhere,...
Betta_Fantasy1003-Feb-2006 03:48
Hypancistrus zebra
how much does a small zebra pleco cost? and it will be ok with a l-18 or golden nugget....
bettachris1003-Feb-2006 00:12
Peppered Corydoras.
The Peppered Corydoras layed eggs this morning & i added some Anti Fungus & added another airstone. Hopefully this time, the eggs don't get fungused &...
jasonpisani702-Feb-2006 21:12
Banjo Cats?
I was wondering if anyone could give my some personal info on these fish? Tank size, feeding etc............
Fish Guy502-Feb-2006 09:53
Parotocinclus maculicauda?
Can someone tell me about this fish? The red finned oto/false sucker, could that be suitable for my ten gallon tank? And where could I find one? Thank...
Betta_Fantasy501-Feb-2006 04:22
I want Pandas....
Okay, I'd like to get some pandas somewhere, I don't think they would like being in my african chichlid tank(46g), nor in my Betta Breeding tank (1og)...
Inkling931-Jan-2006 22:50
Help i"m starving!
What is infusoria and how do i get it. I was also wondering what microworms are and how i could get some. Does anyone have any other suggestions for...
mikdavy21531-Jan-2006 21:17
PIcked up some new bottom feeders
went to a couple of fish meetings this past weekend and picked up 2 new plecs and some cool new catfish. one of the new plecs was a ~3-3.5" [lin...
Jason_R_S231-Jan-2006 19:23
Zebra Loaches
I recently got 4 zebra loaches for my 55 gallon tank. I didnt know a lot about em but I took the risk and got em. After seeing there profiles I am wor...
Shizzy431-Jan-2006 05:51
Yo-Yo or Zebra Loaches???
I am trying to decide which kind to purchase. I like the look of both of them. Any opinions on your favorite? I have a 29 gallon tank with 4 Rosy B...
Brian12161131-Jan-2006 05:46
Can I Get Some Coolie Loaches Or Yoyo Loachs
i have a 29 gallon tank and i have 1 BN 1 ABF 1 RTBS 5 glass catfish 5 black skirts 1 male 1 female blue rams i want those fish because i need som...
riri1430-Jan-2006 13:47
"Assorted" Cory :( Identification and NO Pictures :( *cries*
Walmart tank has these cories(but ill buy them from a trusted lfs ) They look a bit like salt and pepper cories, they are about an inch long, seem t...
fishys_cant_fly530-Jan-2006 13:41
Loach Colouring
i just got 3 clown loaches and i noticed that one them seem so be less back then the other 2. more of a grey and orange were the other are very black...
judz430-Jan-2006 04:29
Pygmy cories-feeding question?
I just got 8 new pygmy cories. Very cute! I bought Hikari sinking wafers to feed them. I tried crushing a piece of a wafer into smaller pieces...
tetrasrcool330-Jan-2006 02:09
Will my Gravel suit
Hello. I've been reading & re-reading Calilasseia's article re: Panda Catfish, and this made me come up with a Q. in an earlier thread, the gist of...
TW630-Jan-2006 00:40
Small South American Bottom Feeder?
i need help, what is the smalles south american bottom feeder?. what is the smallest species of corys? or of any bottom feeder that can be put in a 5...
rocker23429-Jan-2006 12:29
Cuckoo Catfish?
I was wondering what would be the best type of African Cichlid to have in the with these catfish so they can breed?...
Fish Guy428-Jan-2006 23:29
gold-belly Ottos
No, unfortunately, this is not a new strain of catfish. It was the gory sight that I met after walking in from school today. All 4 of my new ottos, de...
djtj228-Jan-2006 21:10
Plant eating loaches
I have two yo-yo loaches. They are great fish, lots of personality, but they are eating my plants. I have two swords, two java ferns, two cryptos and...
sydsfish128-Jan-2006 17:28
When To Add Pandas?
I set up my 29g about two weeks ago. I have 8 neons in there now. I seeded the tank and only saw ammonia and nitrites for about a week. I just checked...
GirlieGirl8519728-Jan-2006 05:06
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