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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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King Tiger Plec / Marble Plec
i know this not the first time i have this question about plecs, but will a king tiger and or a marble plec get along with a male bn, common sucking l...
papasan206-Jan-2008 21:25
Cories and gravel size
I have a substrate of flourite and medium mixed gravel. The flourite, when I got it, looked too course for keeping cories, so that's why I added the...
Twilight106-Jan-2008 10:10
Changing Colour/ Patten
i have a male bn that when his fins are up and promanant he is spotted all over, then his fins relax and he changes colour and his body then becomes l...
papasan205-Jan-2008 23:00
BN laid eggs.
Today i found out that the BN layed some eggs. They look fertile & orange in colour, but the eggs are on the outside of the PVC pipes that they have i...
jasonpisani505-Jan-2008 18:40
hey everyone! i was at my LFS today and saw a pleco i didnt recognize. it was labled as a common pleco but it was blackish and had a white spot on...
sora803-Jan-2008 20:17
Khuli Loach
i am thinking of adding a couple of khuli loaches to my tank, but will they get along with cls,a male bristlenose and a common sucking loach my tank...
papasan803-Jan-2008 05:17
Melanistic Upside-down Cat
I was at a LCS and saw jet black upside-down cats. I was a bit surprised, because they were also built a bit differently than the S. nigriventris[...
Joe Potato1402-Jan-2008 03:13
Bumblebee Catfish (Microglanis inheringi)
Hi all! On the 24th my dad bought me a beautiful bumblebee catfish from the LFS near him. I thought that they were agressive to each other, so i only...
GobyFan2007831-Dec-2007 02:18
Favorite Dora
hey eveyrone one as you may or may not know i happen to love raphael catfish. but i dont know many species of the family. anyways i just wanted to k...
sora329-Dec-2007 08:40
White, Stringy, and Long Poo from BN
Lately ive been noticing that it has been pooping footlong strands of poo, and i need to know what is causing it and how to treat it. Thanx!...
GobyFan20071928-Dec-2007 04:52
Callichthyidae Corydoras Jullii
I bought a couple of these, named as Jullii in the lfs but are they? [I...
Brengun827-Dec-2007 02:34
Corys In A 30 Gallon---Lots Of Qustions
Hi all< i have a 30 gallon tank measurements are 40,13,17 in inches i have no fish it has been up for about a year. the reason i have no fish is, i h...
bassplaya626-Dec-2007 06:55
Breeding Longnosed Cories
Has anyone bred or come across information about breeding this fish? I bought five Corydoras septentrionalis (longnosed cories) around a month ago. No...
sirbooks223-Dec-2007 21:17
New bristlenosed catfishes
I got 7 little bristlenosed catfishes today. They arrived by overnight delivery but one little guy didn't make it. Still I have 6 cute as buttons litt...
Brengun1822-Dec-2007 12:12
Sexing whiptails
Is the somewhere which shows major difference between male and female whiptails? Mine are getting to a decent size but I have no idea if they are boys...
Brengun922-Dec-2007 01:08
Debauwi catfish
Hey, anyone have any experience with this fish, Pareutropius buffei ? I'm considering getting the remaining specimens at the LFS (they have 8) f...
Shinigami721-Dec-2007 18:12
Safe Movement
i am about to change tanks, so is there a safe way to net cl's and plecs to cause minimum stress?...
papasan419-Dec-2007 23:09
Gold Nugget Plec
one of my local outlets have a gold nugget plec, it is a wonderful looking fish with great colour, it costs 25 quid (approx 50us)but will it get on wi...
papasan318-Dec-2007 21:26
Has anyone had either Corydoras Adolfoi, Pygmaeus, or Hastatus cories? I have been researching all types but those are the ones I'd like to know more...
Brengun215-Dec-2007 18:41
Has anyone ever kept a red-taled black shark with a siamese algae eater? I currently have 3 SAE's and I'm thinking of adding a RTBS. I know that RTB...
ImRandy85813-Dec-2007 02:16
Looking for catfish
I'm in the process of redoing my tank right now and I would like to get some unusual looking catfish for my tank. I will be planting my tank heavily...
carttman512-Dec-2007 05:45
Pictus Schooling?
okay so i got a pictus a few weeks ago. and i keep reading conflicting reports. some say that pictus are solitary and dont like the company of their o...
sora610-Dec-2007 01:54
Spotted BN pleco
Hi there! I have a single, presumably male, BN pleco. I wanted to know a couple of things about him. First off, i wanted to know the SciName or numbe...
GobyFan2007409-Dec-2007 15:16
Glass Cats
Hi all! To cut to the chase, i wanted a nice schooling fish that looked cool, and was not a tetra...So glass cats came to mind! I will have an Ecco 22...
GobyFan2007509-Dec-2007 01:51
Southeren striped raphael
Hey everyone! as some of you might know my favorite fish of all time are raphaels. particuarly Striped Raphaels. I try to read up on them as much as i...
sora507-Dec-2007 05:01
Fading colouring on oldest & biggest Clown Loach
This clown could easily be 15-18 yld it is only lately his colouring is fading. What I have noticed he/she spends most of its time in either of th...
keithgh602-Dec-2007 02:16
A Tale About Loaches
Well, i came home for thanksgiving break, to find my tanks in a good condition. The plants were a little, or ALOT, overgrown, but other than that, eve...
clownloachfan929-Nov-2007 00:23
Pleco Recommendations
Pages: 1, 2
I have mentioned in past posts that I am in the process of putting together a 220 Gal tank. I have a common Pleco that is going in that tank. I have...
tyler99992327-Nov-2007 05:15
Feeding Lettuce
I want to see if my rubberlip will eat lettuce. My question is what kind of lettuce should I feed him and should I blanch it first or just throw it in...
coltsfan926-Nov-2007 09:01
Whiptail Pleco pics
I have noticed no whiptail pleco threads. They are one of my favourite aquarium inhabitants and I have had 3 since I first set up my tank. I love thes...
Brengun524-Nov-2007 01:38
Sexing Loricaria
I have two of these cats in my 55 gallon planted tank. I was just wondering if I have a male and female becuase of some differences I have seen in t...
RNJ_Punk1023-Nov-2007 14:29
Information required Yoyo Loaches
I have done a bit of research but this is not the same as some one who has has or had them. My questions are:- Peaceful or not or do they get a bit a...
keithgh1321-Nov-2007 00:53
flying fox or SAE
a major difference between the 2 would be the back on a SAE is more checker patterened ?...
Jerrard513-Nov-2007 00:11
Kuhli Loach?
Pages: 1, 2
Hi there! SInce I have a snail problem in my 20g, I was thinking of trying the cucumber-removal strategy and also adding one of my favorite fish-The...
GobyFan20072012-Nov-2007 04:14
Need a snail eating loach
I am overrun with small snails and need a loach that can live with a severum. I;d like to have about three of them in my 36gal. bow front tank. Thanks...
NewBreeder16610-Nov-2007 07:40
~Black~ Kuhli Loach
Hi there, It turns out that Kuhli Loaches (Regular) Are just impossible to find here. In Petsmart, they have black kuhli loaches. Are these the same...
GobyFan2007809-Nov-2007 06:57
Pygmy Corydoras
Has anyone ever kept these little guys. I bought some a couple of weeks ago and they are doing quit well now that I redused the size of the holes in m...
freejoe607-Nov-2007 21:12
Pages: 1, 2
hey everyone i was just wondering whats your favorite catfish? personaly catfish are my favorite kind of fish. out of all of them my favorites are str...
sora2706-Nov-2007 04:30
Zipper Loach?-!-!-!-?
Hi there! I just read the Profile on the zipper loach, and upon seeing them in the pet store, i was amazed how cool they looked and how much they loo...
GobyFan2007005-Nov-2007 05:15
Identifying Bristlenose Genders
I had my mother pick me up another BN today to put in the 55, and I already have one that I believe to be a male in the 20 so I had her ask if they ha...
truestar202-Nov-2007 01:09
-Sigh- No spotted corys to be had here...
i have a lonely pair of Corydoras paleatus (peppered or spotted corys depending on who you talk to)...they are the lonely survivors of a strange illne...
reun902-Nov-2007 01:03
Glass catfish
I have just taken delivery of my first glass fishes and it's not looking good. They came without any heatpads in the courier box and 2 of the 3, (I or...
Brengun801-Nov-2007 01:31
Love These Bristlenoses!
I got 4 little ones today, and already there are clean tracts through the algae on the rocks and glass. The other fish aren't quite sure what they're...
Ferox531-Oct-2007 04:19
Your favorite loaches!!!
Name your favorite loaches. I should actually change my name to loachfanatic, lol heres my list- clowns zebras khulis hillstreams yoyo...
clownloachfan1730-Oct-2007 17:33
Chinese Algea Eaters
Hi Al, You might recall a month or so ago that I brought home 3 CAE and posted a question on them and most everyone responded that I needed to get ri...
zookeper1628-Oct-2007 18:19
First case of clown loach spawning with pictures! Nice article. You can also read through about it on The a...
clownloachfan1027-Oct-2007 03:51
Flying Foxes
i saw some flying foxes today for about 6.49 ea. i have some SAEs now, and wondering is: A) that a fair price... about 3-4 inche long B) tolerant of...
bettachris225-Oct-2007 04:39
"Fossil" Catfish
i caved and when i saw these fossil catfish for 7.99 i decided to go against proper fishkeeping guidlines and bought one. It looks like an eel and is...
bettachris525-Oct-2007 03:50
Raphaels acting strangely!
Hey guys It's now 3 days i have been following what the raphs are doing lately. 2 last days the biggest of them(the male),i belive started to come out...
Rob1619620-Oct-2007 07:41
New loaches today!
Hello. Just to keep people updated on what clownloachfan has been up to lately, here you go. I got 4 Botia kubotai(polka dot loaches) and 5 Botia stri...
clownloachfan1017-Oct-2007 05:14
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