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 Freshwater Aquaria
 General Freshwater
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Boston Area Please Help
I just recently moved to Boston and had to give away my fishies to good homes (sad, but they are happy). Now I am trying to get my tank set up again b...
kaamodt303-Oct-2007 02:59
How To Clean Sand
umm. starting to regret adding moon sand to my freshwater aquarium. How do you clean if via waterchange and a phyton WC system. so how do you clean...
bettachris502-Oct-2007 22:09
Breaking Down a Tank
Hi, After 6 years I am noticing lots of gunk build up in areas that are impossible to python clean in my 100G tank. In the areas I can get my hands i...
HelenC1528-Sep-2007 04:31
Shipping fish within Canada
Hello! I need to mail a betta from Ottawa to Calgary. Has anyone here done this before? Any advice on what company to go with? Canada Post, Purolat...
acinonyx327-Sep-2007 23:32
Salt in freshwater aquariums
Hi all! Newbie here... I've recently been hired at a pet store with a reasonable sized fish section, and while I have a zoology degree, I'm finding th...
Littlesmit820-Sep-2007 05:15
All My Fish
all my fish are dosile even my jack dempsey and my gar is this just because their happy and full or did i get lucky because i know that jack dempseys...
porker_2003318-Sep-2007 22:52
Strange Fish
I have just been to one of my friends house and his new guppy fish that he added today is acting strange. She stays in the top right hand corner of th...
Leighton518-Sep-2007 02:47
I swear, I'm full of stocking questions >_>
Okay. . . . Well, I'm thinking about changing the stock in my 60 around. Again. Would this work? 12 neons 8 harlequin rasboras 5 khuli loaches 14 c...
Gilraen Took617-Sep-2007 23:09
Gestation Periods
hi does anyone know anything about gestation periods for tropical puffer fish. How do you know if they are expecting and how long is the gestation pe...
sam76717-Sep-2007 21:41
Article 2: Recommending a beginner fish
With my experience as not only a hobbyist, but also a LFS worker and manager, I have found that it is very difficult to recommend good fish for beginn...
Racso717-Sep-2007 19:15
Storing Brine Shrimp Eggs
I was wondering how long you can store brine shrimp eggs? I am going to try to breed some German Blue Rams in a month or two once my 20 gallon is emp...
truestar515-Sep-2007 23:21
I am just full of questions this week
sorry guys, I will get it back soon enough... but do you think a betta who gets along well enough with the fancy tailed guppies and female betta in hi...
Krunchy414-Sep-2007 03:53
Asian River set up 55 Gallon
Does anybody have a nice set up for this theme. I will like to try something colorful...
MarvinWillis612-Sep-2007 23:03
Buying And Transporting Fish?????
i was wondering whether i could buy fish from a fish shop 2 hours drive away and drive them back home without problems? the fish are keyhole cichli...
coop612-Sep-2007 20:17
Cleaning a 55 Gallon Tank
Hey, my older brother left a 55 Gallon tank, and it really needs to be cleaned. IT has no fish in it just Brown nasty water and every where. Can som...
MarvinWillis511-Sep-2007 18:23
Happy Trip to the LFS
Good news! I just went to the LFS with Mom to see if they had any shubunkin goldfish for our pond... which they didn't, but we ended up special orderi...
superlion211-Sep-2007 06:01
Funny thing, this hobby
Well I took down the 50g about a week ago, moving a few plants over to my shrimp tank. Today I had an odd sighting in a fishless tank. A baby fish. No...
mattyboombatty709-Sep-2007 06:29
Zebra school
Hey everyone. I have had a 20 gallon tank up and running for about 3 or 4 months. I cycled the tank with 4 short-finned zebra danios and after it cy...
truestar408-Sep-2007 02:35
How many dollars
How many silver dollars do you think is ok for a 55 gal tank?...
Johnny the Oranda 106-Sep-2007 15:27
Moving fish
OK, here's what I want to do: I have a 30g with about 10 barbs(tiger, rosey, etc) and a very peaceful Ram. I want to move 3 kribs in the tank, so I ca...
petsrus6205-Sep-2007 17:51
My experience with Flag Fish
In the peak of my algae problem (which I am happy to say is cleared up now) I was setting up the defenses which included ottos, amanos, and a small...
RNJ_Punk1505-Sep-2007 05:30
The final stokcing list, overstcok ! :(
SO here is the list for my 29g, which is over stocked. -3 endlers -6 salt and pepper cories -3 platies -1 dwarf gurami -2 gold guaramis, one is a diff...
eat_ham222404-Sep-2007 19:20
The typical "what would you do with a 20g tank" post...
Hello everyone! My husband and I were planning on getting a 40g+ tank, however, for now we have decided to break out the old 20g (tall) tank tha...
usmc_princess204-Sep-2007 07:36
Mosquito Larvae... as fish food
I was trying to get some mosquito larvae from my backyard by putting a container full of water but until now, after a week, I don't see anything in th...
AlphaHydrox904-Sep-2007 02:33
Cooling down a tank~~
whats the best way? I dont want to buy a cooler , but will if i have to, thanks....
eat_ham222403-Sep-2007 18:52
Freshwater Pufferfush
They seem to be especially more sensitive then other freshwater fish....
crewboy71002-Sep-2007 03:11
How To Measure A Corner Tank
how do u find out the gallons of a corner tank. what do you use, not length right?...
bettachris1201-Sep-2007 16:52
i have an eclipce 6 with 2 ghost shrimps, it has been cycled and running for the last 6 months, and im finally breaking it down. What would be a good...
bettachris1131-Aug-2007 07:44
Empty 2.5 gallon tank
I've got an empty 2.5 gallon tank sitting around and I need some ideas of what to put in it. I thought about putting a female betta in there and atte...
ImRandy851230-Aug-2007 22:24
A little industry Rant
After being out of the pet fish industry for a while, I have decided that I will jump back in by writing some opinionated articles on different aquari...
Racso1229-Aug-2007 21:29
What can I add to this tank?
I've had a planted 29 gal for several years now and I'm down a few fish. I figure it's time to add a few more. This is what I've got now: 1 opaline...
Sweetie526-Aug-2007 18:13
What light do I need?
I am really lost on lighting. I know the bulbs I have now arent that great and seeing as this was a SW tank when I got it I am not even sure if the li...
zookeper325-Aug-2007 19:28
Red Worm?
So I bought a plant today from a LFS. But then I saw something red by the roots of it. I was like what is that. Then I saw it move, I was like gross....
General Hague323-Aug-2007 22:58
Freeze drying brine shrimp(live)
I just hatched some baby brine shrimp to feed to my fish once they get bigger, and i didnt know how many shrimp would come out , but there is WAY to...
HorseGal522-Aug-2007 06:59
i have researched microworms a little bit, but, i was wondering if you have to buy anything to raise them...what other live foods can even adults hav...
HorseGal822-Aug-2007 06:57
In my 75g tank I have this: A piece of driftwood, three large fake plants,...
daeraelle920-Aug-2007 21:36
South American Centerpiece Fish
Hi everybody! I want your personal suggestion for a single centerpiece fish that is Central or South American and is somewhat small, around 3 inches...
MoFish920-Aug-2007 12:00
Selective breeding and inbreeding, some questions! :0
Pages: 1, 2
Ok ok, so we all know selective breeding is mating to things together with certain traits to "aim" for the best possible young, but.. can this be done...
eat_ham2222219-Aug-2007 10:21
PReparing to move fish
I'm off to London and the fishies are coming with me. Because it's the resit exam period at work, I'm not allowed any time off before the move to prep...
tiny_clanger019-Aug-2007 00:35
Mystery Deaths
My female betta and 1 of my wood shrimp died. No idea why. I did waterchanges on every tank this morning and found both dead this evening. The...
sham218-Aug-2007 22:46
Stocking Suggestions 35G Tall
i had an outbreak or ick a few weeks ago and i lost 2/3 of my fish .i was putting in 1-2 tablespoons of aquarium salt and chemicals and doing water...
Bubblebrain217-Aug-2007 09:45
Help me stock my 29g ^^
Hiya FPers As most of you know... i keep changing stocking ideas, since there are SO many fish i like. so this is how i hope this is gonna work.....
eat_ham222917-Aug-2007 05:40
10G converted to 20G X
I originally had a 10 gallon fish tank for my original. I then got a 20 gallon high. I kept the 10 gallon running with some fish. Then I decided I wou...
General Hague317-Aug-2007 01:30
Would you pay?
Pages: 1, 2
At one LFS, I saw the largest size tank they had there was 210 gallons. Would you pay about $1000 or so (I can't remember the price) for it? Or would...
General Hague2113-Aug-2007 22:58
New Betta/Community Tank
My 5 yr old son wants to have a Betta again. Rather than getting a single male in the bowl we had the last one in, I am thinking of a 10g community t...
ScottF713-Aug-2007 17:11
What size of tank???
I currently have a 21 gallon tank (tall) that has 4 glowlights (used to have 6) 2 lemons 4 guppies 3 peppered corys I want to get a bigger tank and w...
lil_fishy565612-Aug-2007 23:40
A Tank Size Question
Good heavens I have n't been here in ages! hope everyone is well and at least a few of you remember me. Due to lots of personal stuff I haven't real...
goldfishgeek412-Aug-2007 18:18
Stocking Question
I have always wanted angel fish and recently saw some young ones at my LFS. They were only about an inch in size (not including fins). I have a 30 g...
meliss_310411-Aug-2007 01:09
Fresh Water Mussles
hey does any body keep fresh water mussels? my missus father suggested we add some to the aquarium for their filtering capacity- which we did. i have...
fandan610-Aug-2007 20:13
Silver Aros = How Many Gallons
ok, it was brought to my attention that my years of spreading that a silver arowana should have at least 300 gallons is wrong. Aparently it is ok to...
bettachris1210-Aug-2007 06:14
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